
Chapter 11 The calamity of six years old is coming

The matter of Martin's wife was resolved. The next day, someone discovered the body of Martin's wife, which my father had dumped in the back of the mountain. However, the body did not have the ferocious look it had last night, the fangs were gone, and the sharp nails were gone. It also disappeared and turned into an ordinary corpse, which was reburied by Ma Laosan.

There was a lot of noise in my house that night. There were ghosts crying and wolves howling in the middle of the night, and all kinds of strange noises. But no one dared to come out to see it, mainly because the noise was so scary. Even Ma Laosan suspected that it might be something that happened that night. His wife came to find her, but she didn't dare to go to my house to ask, so the matter just dropped.

Three days later, I woke up, but I had a high fever for several days. I was completely confused and frightened of my parents and grandpa.

When I have a high fever, a very beautiful white-furred fox always appears in my mind, lying there quietly, with eight whitetails, and occasionally opens its eyes, but it looks very weak.

Because I had a high fever, my grandfather made a special trip to the hospital in the town to ask Granny Liu what was going on.

Grandma Liu just reassured Grandpa, saying that the immortal in my body was already very weak and was being warmed and nourished in my body. In order to save me, she suddenly appeared this time and injured my original essence. The immortal and I have one body and two souls. , if the immortal family hurts my original essence, I will also become weak, and I will be fine in a few days.

Grandpa was doubtful and returned home. Unexpectedly, I was like what Grandma Liu said. After having a high fever for a few days, I immediately recovered as before.

After recovering this time, I don't know why, but my dependence on blood is not as strong as before, and I can also eat other things. This makes my family very happy, and they think it is a blessing in disguise.

When he was first born, he was almost invisible, with a fox face, white fur all over his body, and small fangs in his mouth. Now that he is more than three years old, all the previous features have disappeared, and only this blood-drinking one is left. Problem, now this situation has been greatly improved.

My parents and grandpa didn't have high expectations for me. They just hoped that I could grow up healthily and survive. However, all of them had a stone in their hearts. The Taoist priest at the time, and Granny Liu later, all said that It's a calamity that happens every three years. Either I die or someone else dies. It's like an inescapable curse, plaguing everyone in the family.

I have to say that after the incident with Martin's wife, those weasels and foxes would still often come to my house in the middle of the night to deliver wild animals, but not as frequently as before. This may be because my desire for blood is not as strong. for the sake of.

After the age of three, everything became normal and I grew up healthily just like an ordinary child.

However I was still regarded as a freak by the people in the village, and no children wanted to play with me, which made me feel even more lonely.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed. I have grown to six years old and am already a very sensible child. I often help my family with housework.

This situation made my family think that I was already a normal child because when I was almost six years old, I stopped drinking blood and ate normally like the rest of my family. Sometimes my parents would take me to the fields when they went out to do farm work, and they were worried about leaving me alone at home.

Whenever this happens, a group of foxes and weasels will appear out of nowhere and approach me.

In our area, weasels and foxes are spiritual. Most people respect and fear them, and they always stay away from them when they see them.

However, I don't have any fear towards them, and I even have a natural feeling of closeness to them. Those weasels and foxes are naturally not afraid of me. They all lie down next to me, forming a circle, and I can touch and play with them at will. They don't run away either. Even if it hurts them, they don't dare to show their teeth at me. They will only stay away when they see my parents coming back.

Those weasels and foxes were basically my best playmates when I was a kid.

Although everything seemed normal to me in the past three years, my grandfather was thinking about my three-year calamity.

The day before my sixth birthday, my grandfather went to see Grandma Liu in person, intending to invite her over to help me get over the trouble of being six years old.

In fact, in the past few years, Granny Liu has never lost contact with my family. During holidays, my parents would visit her home with gifts.

After all, she lost one eye in order to save our family.

Grandma Liu had no children, her husband died early, and she was the only one in the family.

In fact, Grandma Liu had had children before, more than one, but they all died before they were three years old.

Since Granny Liu saved our whole family, my grandfather asked my parents to honor her as they would their own biological mother.

Seeing that my sixth birthday would be tomorrow, my grandfather was worried that something else would happen that he couldn't cope with, so he asked Grandma Liu to come over and make preparations in advance.

Unexpectedly, something would happen to the family after Grandpa left.

The cause of the matter is that there are five brothers in the Allen family in the village. When the fifth son Frank reached the age of marriage, he planned to build a new house and marry a wife, occupying a piece of our family's private land used to grow vegetables, and did not contact my family. After saying hello, my dad heard about it and went to Frank to discuss it. As a result, they couldn't agree and took action directly. Although Frank was young and strong, he was no match for my dad because my grandfather was a soldier when he was young and trained. I've learned boxing and kicking, and also taught my dad some kung fu.

Frank suffered a loss, and that afternoon he brought some of his brothers over to trouble my dad, and they started fighting in our yard.

As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands, let alone the five brothers attacking at the same time. My dad was quickly knocked to the ground, and Frank hit him the hardest, almost breaking a shovel.

My mother went to stop her but was pushed to the ground, crying helplessly.

When I was six years old I saw my father being beaten, my forehead felt hot, so I rushed over, hugged Frank's thigh, went up, and took a bite.

Frank howled miserably when I bit him, cursed a freak, and slapped me to the ground.

When I was lying on the ground, my face was burning with pain, and suddenly I saw several weasels and foxes appearing on the wall of my yard, staring at Frank with eyes filled with hatred.

The same thing happened last time when Martin's wife hit me.

My father, who had been beaten with blood all over his head, became furious when he saw that I had been beaten. He struggled up from the ground like crazy and rushed into the house, taking out Grandpa's machete...