
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
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220 Chs

Apology to my Readers

Hello everyone, I'm sorry to announce that I'll probably will take a break from writing. I injured my left wrist and it has been a month now. I thought at first that it was just a simple sprained that happened when it got pulled unexpectedly inside the train when a mob of people surged to get in. It was my fault for disregarding it and just letting it be until it got bad to the point it hurts with just simple movements from my fingers. I thought simple rest will help it recover since it didn't get swollen nor show any signs that I broke something from my wrist. I have set a doctor's appointment to have it check since I'm already finding simple chores hard to do with my wrist like this. It even came to the point that holding a plate with my left hand hurts so I stopped holding anything on my left hand that is as heavy as the plate. I thought about this through a lot, I thought that anytime soon I will be able to write again and update but with the current state of my wrist I think it will take time. I'll keep you guys updated after my Doctor's appointment of my left wrist.