
The Descendant of Avatar Aang

Being the grandson of three members of the old team Avatar is hard enough, but being a part of a new team Avatar is a whole 'nother challenge.

staycool1214 · Cómic
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18 Chs


Koda was walking down the halls after drinking a few cups of Lychee Juice. And later heard screaming from Korra's room. He finished his juice by chugging the last bits of it and ran to Korra's room.

"I heard screaming," Koda said, "Are you alright?"

He saw Korra being consoled by her polar bear dog, she looked up and smiled at the expressionless man. "Yeah, I'm fine," Korra said, "Just a bad dream."

Koda looked at her, "Wanna talk about it?"

She shook her head, "Thanks though."

Koda nodded and closed her door and went back to his room, She must be scared about Amon...

'Republic City Council Room'

"There is a madman running around our beloved city and threatening to tear it apart," a northern water tribe councilman said, "We need to create a task force whose sole mission is to capture Amon and bring him to justice."

"Absolutely not," Tenzin did not like the idea one bit, "A move that aggressive would just divide bender and non benders."

"Tarrlok, I'm inclined to agree with your proposal," the Fire Nation councilwoman looked at the northern water tribe councilman, "But, who would even set up such a task force?"

Tarrlok stood up, "It would be my honor and privilege to accept such a duty."

Tenzin's eyes narrowed at the northern water tribe councilman, "This is just another one of your ploys to gain more power isn't it?"

"All I'm trying to do is help," Tarrlok was justifying himself to the air nomad, "Think back, 42 years ago Republic City was threatened by another dangerous man, Yakone. Your father wasn't afraid to deal with him head on."

"This is a completely different situation," Tenzin said, "and don't you dare compare yourself to Avatar Aang!"

"Amon is not going to stop with the bending triads," Tarrlok was now trying to change the subject before it got anymore off topic, "Eventually he will come for all us benders, our friends, and our families. Vote for this taskforce and I will stop Amon before it's too late." He later looked at the other council members, "All in favor?"

Everyone except for Tenzin and Koda raised their hands, Tarrloks smiled smugly at the two men.

'Flying Bison Colony'

"We can both agree that this is another one of his plans to gain power, right Father?" Koda asked as him and Tenzin fed the flying bison colony on the island.

"You and I both know the answer to that Koda," Tenzin said as he airbend a pile of hay to some baby bison, "But do you believe that man had the audacity to compare himself to your grandfather!" Tenzin said in anger.

Koda signed as he petted a baby bison and gave it some hay, "The man has always been messed up, father. You do know he'll try to get Korra's support, right?" Koda said as he turned to the air master.

"Knowing him he will try, but hopefully Korra won't be reckless enough to join." Tenzin said with a sliver of hope.

"He'll also try and get me too. I'm known to have fought Amon evenly; if I join that's a major morale booster for this task force of his. If somehow he gets Korra, I'll have to join too. She is strong, but she isn't ready for Amon." Koda said

"I agree with you on that. How has she been?" Tenzin asked with curiosity.

"...Amon's got her spooked, dad, badly. She had a nightmare this morning and I tried to talk to her about it, but she didn't want to." Koda mentioned with a bit of sadness.

"I see. Give her time Koda; I'm sure she will talk to one of us eventually about it." Tenzin said with a sigh.

"I think it's time we get something to eat." Koda recommended it as he saw the sun setting.

"Agreed, I hope Pema has dinner ready as I am starving." Tenzin said as his stomach growled somewhat.

Koda smiled at him, "Well we best go feed the monster you call a stomach then." He quipped, earning him an air blast to the face.

'Later at Night'

Everyone was seated around the table for dinner.

"We are grateful for this delicious food, for happiness, for compassion, and-" Tenzin spoke as he prayed before the meal.

Till a voice interrupted him.

"I'm not interrupting, am I?" spoke an obnoxious voice.

Everyone at the table turned to see councilman Tarrlok.

"This is my home Tarrlok. We're about to eat dinner." Tenzin said with a hinge of anger.

Tarrlok feints ignorance, "Good, because I am absolutely famished." The councilman said.

Tenzin narrowed his eyes at the man.

Tarrlok saw this and smiled, "Airbenders never turn away a hungry guest, am I right?" he asked in a taunting tone.

Tenzin sighed, "I suppose so." He sat down and Pema glared at him with crossed arms. Tenzin just shrugged at his wife.

"Ah, you must be the famous Avatar Korra. It is truly an honor." Tarrlok said with a bow, "I councilman Tarrlok, representative from the Northern Water Tribe." He said

Korra stood up and bowed to him, "Nice to meet you." She said

"A pleasure as always Councilman Tarrlok." Koda said in a neutral tone.

"Ah, Lieutenant Beifong. It is always a pleasure to see one of Republic City's best and brightest." Tarrlok said in a pleasant tone.

As Tarrlok sat down on Korra's left side, Ikki got close to him.

"Why do you have three ponytails and how come you smell like a lady? You're weird." she interrogated.

Koda snorted.

Tarrlok looked at the girl, "Well are you... precocious." He said he then turned to Korra, "So, I've been reading about all your adventures in the papers. Infiltrating Amon's rally, now that took some real initiative."

"Oh, thanks. I think you're the first authority figure in the city who's happy I'm here." Korra said honestly.

"Ouch Korra, cheap shot. I'm happy you're here and I'm an authority figure." Koda said with a pout.

Korra turned to Koda with a smile, "Easy there Koda. I meant an old authority figure, not a teenager like you. And it's fun having you around." She said

"Aw, Korra likes me around. I can sleep soundly at night." He said with a sigh of relief.

Korra just rolled her eyes at him and his dramatics.

Tarrlok gained a cunning smile seeing this.

"Of course reading Lieutenant Beifong's report of the rally was very insightful as well." Tarrlok said as he complimented the young lieutenant.

"Thank you, Councilman Tarrlok." Koda said in a neutral tone once again.

"Republic City is much better off now that you've arrived." Tarrlok said

"Enough with the faltering Tarrlok. What do you want from Korra?" Tenzin said

"Patience Tenzin, I'm getting to that. As you may have heard-" Tarrlok said

"You want Korra to join your task force, I take it." Koda said, interrupting the man.

Tarrlok's smile faltered somewhat, but returned to normal as he continued, "Indeed Lieutenant Beifong, as intelligent as ever. I need someone who will help me attack Amon directly. Someone who is fearless in the face of danger. And that someone is you Avatar Korra." He said to the girl.

"Join your task force?" she questioned and then turned to Koda, "You knew he would ask me?" she asked the earthbender.

Koda nodded, "In time. Having the Avatar join his task force would get him even more supporters and volunteers to join. He would then most likely ask me to join as well to give his task force a major morale boost due to my prowess at facing Amon on my own already and it would also get him volunteers from the police department who are loyal to me and would wish to help me." Koda stated analytically.

Tarrlok's smile turned into a thin line, showing that was what he was thinking.

Korra turned to food and said, "I can't."

Both Tarrlok and Tenzin looked surprised, but Koda expected this.

"I...must admit I'm...rather surprised. I thought you'd jump at the chance to help me lead the charge against Amon." Tarrlok said honestly.

"Me too." Tenzin muttered

"I came to Republic City to finish my Avatar training with Tenzin. Right now I just need to focus on that." Korra answered

"Which is why this opportunity is perfect. You would get on the job experience while performing your Avatar duties for the city." Tarrlok said in a somewhat desperate tone.

"Korra has given you your answer, Councilman Tarrlok. Please leave." Koda said in a dismissing tone.

"Indeed Tarrlok." Tenzin said, agreeing with Koda.

"Very well, but I am not giving up on you just yet. You'll be hearing from me soon. You as well Lieutenant Beifong. It has been a pleasure Avatar Korra." Tarrlok said as he walked out the door.

"Bye bye ponytail man!" Ikki said as she waved at Tarrlok.

'The Next Day'

Korra was petting Naga as Koda sat close by reading a book.

You sure you don't want to talk about it?" Koda asked

Korra sighed, "No Koda. What I told Tarrlok, is the reason I don't want to join." Korra said

Koda rolled his eyes, "I don't even need to read the vibrations to tell that's a lie." Koda argued

"I don't want to talk about it, Koda. Please respect that." She asked pleadingly.

Koda sighed and shook his head, "Fine. But when you want to talk, I'm always here for you water princess." He said with his usual grin.

Korra gave a small smile, "Thanks."

"Hello there, fellow teammate and other non-teammate!" said a voice in the distance.

They turned to see Bolin with his arms behind his back and Pabu on his shoulder.

"Hey Bolin." Korra said as she rubbed Naga's belly.

"Been a while Bolin." Koda said

"Missed you at practice this week." Bolin said

"Yeah sorry about that." Korra said

"Aw it's alright. We're probably out of the tournament anyway. Unless some money miraculously drops from the sky by tomorrow." Bolin said in an annoyed tone.

"Such negativity Bolin. Thought you were the sunshine one between you and your brother." Koda jokes

"This is true." Bolin nodded.

"Anyway I came by to give you this, tada!" he said as he handed Korra a rose and a wrapped cupcake.

Korra took them, "Wow, thanks. But what is this for?" she asked

Bolin got into a thinking position, "Ah, I can't remember now. Oh yeah, now I remember! You saved me from Amon!"

"Oh that. It was no big deal." Korra said, trying to wave off the magnitude of the event.

"No big deal! Are you serious? I was totally freaking out when he was coming at me with his creepy mask, all 'I will take away your bending forever'. I mean that is scary stuff. I still can't sleep well." Bolin honestly said.

Koda seeing Korra's face decided to intervene, "Hey Bolin, I was the mastermind behind your breakout! Where are my gifts?" Koda asked with a pout.

Bolin turned to Koda and smiled, "Ah, my favorite non-teammate. I have a once in a lifetime gift for you." He said as he pulled out an autograph piece of paper with his signature on it, "When we make it big that will be worth a fortune." He said handing it to Koda.

"Let me see if I got this straight. Korra gets a cupcake and I get a piece of paper with your name on it? I would rather get a cupcake because I'm hungry." Koda said with a frown, that cupcake looked good too.

"There was only one cupcake." Bolin said with a deadpan expression.

Koda smiled and waved a hand, "It's fine don't worry about it."

Bolin looked down in sadness, but later he saw the book Koda was reading and grinned, "Maybe I'll buy you the new Make Out book, that just released yesterday."

Koda's eyes widened, "You mean the Make Out Series: Serenity?"

Bolin nodded, "I'll buy you the extended edition."

Koda smiled and ran to Bolin and gave him a bone crushing hug, "Thank you Bolin!"

This guy's hugs are stronger than mine! Bolin thought.

"Delivery for Avatar Korra." Said the voice of an elderly woman.

They turned to see an old woman carrying a large basket of goodies.

"Tarrlok sends his compliments and urges you reconsider his offer." The old woman said with a bow.

"Tell him I haven't changed my mind." Korra said dismissively.

The old woman nodded and left.

"Who's this Tarrlok guy? Is he bothering you? Huh, cause I could have a word with him." Bolin said as he punched his palm in a threatening manner.

"Not the brightest idea Bolin." Koda said

"Why's that? And if this guy is bothering Korra Koda, why aren't you stopping him?" Bolin questioned the firebender.

"Heh, no, it's not like that. He's just some old guy who works with Tenzin on the council." Korra said

"Now you see why I said not the brightest idea Bolin. Attack someone from the council and Mako's going to work even further in overtime to bail you out." Koda jokes.

"Oh, good, that's a good point." Bolin said as he paled a bit.

'Later at Night'

"Avatar Korra." Said the voice of the old woman again.

Koda turned to face her in annoyance and as did Korra.

"I have something for you and Lieutenant Beifong." She said

Korra got angry and jumped off the balcony she was sitting on.

"It doesn't matter how many gifts Tarrlok gives me and Koda." she said as she stomped the earth and spun the messenger around and kicked her in the back, "I'm not joining his task force and Koda doesn't want to either!" She said in anger.

"It's not a gift." The woman said urgently, "It's an invitation." She said as she held up a letter.

"To what?" Korra questioned as she walked over and took the letter.

"Tarrlok is throwing a gala in your honor. All of Republic City's movers and shakers will be there. The councilman humbly requests both your and Lieutenant Beifong's attendance." She said

'At the Gala'

Tenzin's family entered the gala in formal air nomad ware and Korra wore formal water tribe ware.

Koda, unlike his normal police outfit, had to wear their official uniform, as that was what he was expected to wear during these kinds of events.

As they entered the crowd clapped for Korra and some even clapped for Koda.

"I can't believe this is all for me?" Korra said in awe.

"Careful water princess. Knowing Tarrlok, he's got something planned." Koda said cautiously.

Korra nodded to this.

"Wise word Koda. Korra keep your guard up." Tenzin added

"So glad you could make it Avatar Korra." Said the voice of Tarrlok as he walked towards the three, "If you will excuse us, the city awaits for its hero." He said as he walked Korra away from Tenzin, but Koda followed her, much to Tarrlok's annoyance.

"Korra it is my pleasure to introduce Republic City's most famous industrialist Hiroshi Sato." Tarrlok said

"Nice to meet you." Korra said with a nod

"Uncle Hiroshi, it has been a while." Koda said as he walked towards the man with a grin.

Hiroshi looked shocked, "Koda my boy! Excellent to see you again." Hiroshi said as he gave Koda a light hug.

As he let the hug go Koda patted him on the back, "Where is your father, I saw you mother here."

"He's probably chasing one of my crazy siblings," Koda said, the two shared a chuckle.

"I see your friends with our young Avatar here." He turned to Korra, "We're all expecting great things from you." He said

"Right. Greatness." Korra said as she muttered the last part to herself.

"Hey Korra, Koda." Said the voice of Mako.

They turned to see Mako dressed up with a beautiful girl on his arm.

"This is my daughter Asami, but I believe Koda doesn't need introductions." He said with a smile.

"Koko!" Asami said with surprise and walked up and gave Koda a big hug.

Something that did not settle well with Korra.

"Asami! Look at you! Did you do something different with your hair?" he asked in a teasing way.

Asami lightly swatted his arm, "Haha, very funny Koko."

"So Asami, how did you meet our favorite stoic firebender here?" he asked

Mako just shot him a glare for that remark.

"Asami crashed into him on her moped." Bolin said as he entered the conversation.

"What? Are you ok?" Korra asked with concern.

"I'm fine. More than fine. agreed to sponsor our team. We're back in the tournament." Mako said in happiness.

"Isn't that great!" Bolin said

"Yeah." Korra said with excitement.

"Wait, when did she hit him?" Koda asked

"When I was leaving the power plant." Mako answered

Koda palmed his face, "When I got you that job Mako, I thought you would be working, not being hit by pretty girls." Koda said in a teasing tone and Mako blushed in embarrassment.

"Then again it was Asami the Klutz, so it is to be expected." Koda nodded in understanding.

Asami swatted his arm again as she finally let go from her hug. Much to Korra's relief. But Asami later pinched Koda's cheek, "But, why didn't you say hi when you came back from the Military, it has been three years since we last saw each other. The last time I saw you, I said goodbye. I had to find out from Aunt Lin that you came back."

"Owowowowowowow! Stop pulling pulling my cheek, I'll tell you!"

Asami let go of his cheek and Koda gingerly rubbed his cheek, "I kinda forgot to tell you. I was kinda busy with my new job at the police station."

Asami gave her friend a deadpan expression, "You're serious?"

"I know, I know. I don't have a good excuse, sorry about that." Koda said, Asami later smiled at her friend after he apologized.

"So how do you and Koda know each other?" Korra asked a little bit harshly.

Just before Asami could answer, Tarrlok interrupted them.

"Ah, Chief Beifong. I believe you and Avatar Korra have already met." Tarrlok said, calling Koda's mother over.

She walked over and got in Korra's face, "Just because the city is throwing you this big party, don't think you're something special. You've done absolutely nothing to deserve this." Lin said aggressively.

Koda just groaned at his mother.

"Hiroshi, Asami. A pleasure." Lin said in a kinder tone as she turned to the two.

"Greetings Lin. If you must know Avatar Korra, both Lin and I had Asami and Koda play together when they were younger." Hiroshi said with a smile.

"Yes, both of them seemed keen to get into trouble when they were children. Even Tenzin had to deal with it," Lin said with a faint smile, remembering the past.

"And as they grew up, we thought they would be a good fit together and arranged a date between them." Hiroshi continued

"But we didn't want to since we were only friends." Asami said with a giggle.

"And they wouldn't stop asking." Koda said with a light chuckle.

"So I finally gave in to get him/her off my back." Both Koda and Asami said at the same time and laughed as they pointed at their respected parents.

"Yes and we learned that the hard way when both Asami and Koda decided to get us back by pranking us." Hiroshi said laughing.

"Of course they were punished for it." Lin said with a scowl, not liking to be reminded of that prank.

"Well I was anyway. Asami had old man Hiroshi wrapped around her finger and got off easy." Koda said

"So...you're just friends?" Korra asked casually but was hoping on the inside.

"Yep." They both answered.

Korra released a sigh of relief. Asami saw this and grinned mischievously. It seemed Koda's friend had a crush, oh the teasing she was going to do to him later on.

Later on Tarrlok took Korra to answer some reporters.

"Avatar Korra! You witness Amon take away people's bending first hand, how serious of a threat does he pose to the innocent citizens of Republic city?"

Korra cleared her throat, "I think he presents a real problem."

Koda saw Tarrlok look at a reporter and growled. The slimy bastards setting her up!

"Then why have you refused to join Tarrlok's task force? As the Avatar, shouldn't you be going after Amon?"


"Why are you backing away from this fight?"

"What? No, I've never backed away from anything in my life!" Korra stated

"You promised to serve this city, are you going back on that promise now?"

"Do you think pro-bending is more important than fighting the revolution?"

"How do you think Avatar Aang would have handled this?"

"Are you afraid of Amon?"

"I'm not AFRAID of anybody! If the city needs me then...I'll join Tarrlok's task force and help fight Amon." Korra said

"There's your headline folks!" Tarrlok said as he looped an arm around Korra's shoulder.

"The bastard played her." Koda said harshly to Tenzin.

Tenzin nodded and looked down in sadness.

'City Hall'

Both Korra and Koda were sitting in a board room waiting for Tarrlok to show up.

Korra had a worried look on her face and Koda had a scowl.

"Thanks...for coming with me Koda." She whispered to him.

Koda's expression softened, "No problem. Sorry I let that bastard set you up like that." He replied

Korra shook her head, "Not your fault, I got into the heat of the moment."

"Still...I should have seen it coming." Koda said in an apologetic tone.

"My fellow task force deputies." Tarrlok said as he entered the room, "Tonight we will execute a raid on an underground chi blocker training camp located in the dragon flats district. According to my sources-"

"You mean my sources." Koda interrupted him with a smirk.

Tarrlok had a scowl on his face for a second and continued, "Yes...Lieutenant Beifong's sources. There is a cellar underneath this bookstore." he said pointing that the map in the room, "Where Equalists train chi blocking in secret."

They later quietly drove to the side of the building with a water pump on the truck they drove for waterbending.

Both Korra and Koda looked inside and saw chi blocker training.

Each waterbender held a large amount of water till Tarrlok gave the word and they unleashed the torrent and froze most of the chi blocker trainees near the bottom windows.

Koda and the other earthbenders smashed the wall jumping in and capturing some more with earthbending.

Two got away while one threw two smoke bombs, but Korra caught it in water and froze it so the smoke couldn't escape.

"I'm going after those two!" Korra said as she ran forward and Koda stayed by her side.

They both ran down the hallway and Korra was leading the way and she tripped on a line of rope.

Korra rolled on the ground and a chi blocker hiding in the ceiling jumped down on top of her, but she rolled away and kicked her foot upwards and a large rock and knocked out the chi blocker.

Another one jumped behind her with a lasso but two columns of earth crushed him from the sides and then released as another earth column rose from the ground and smashed him into the ceiling, knocking him out.

"Really need to take it easy Korra." Koda said in an authority tone.

Korra nodded as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to his chest. The closeness of the two caused her to blush as they stared into each other's eyes. Tarrlok entered a second later and the two separated themselves.

"Good work you two." He said with a smile.

There was a photo op. when they started to cart all the chi blockers to jail.


Koda and Korra were standing behind Tarrlok as he began the conference.

"Avatar Korra and Lieutenant Koda Beifong have bravely answered the call to action. With the three of us leading the charge. Republic City has nothing to fear from Amon and the Equalists."

"Question for the Avatar! Amon remains at large, why have you failed to locate him?"

Koda went to snatch the mic quickly, but Korra already took it.

"You want to know why? Because Amon is hiding in the shadows like a coward! Amon I challenge you to a duel. No task force. No chi blockers. Just the two of us tonight at midnight at Avatar Aang Memorial Island. Let's cut to the chase and settle this, if your man enough to face me?" she said as she dropped the mic and walked away.

'Idiot!' Koda raged in his mind at Korra's actions.

'At Midnight'

Korra was preparing a boat as Tarrlok and the other task force members helped out.

Tenzin landed with his glider near them.

"Korra this is madness." Tenzin said to the girl.

"Don't try and stop me and don't follow me. Koda already tried." She said in sadness, "I have to face Amon alone."

Tenzin rounded on Tarrlok, "This is all your doing!"

"I tried to talk her out of it too and as did Lieutenant Beifong, but she's made up her mind." Tarrlok said

"Where is my son anyway?" Tenzin asked

Tarrlok sighed, "He called her an idiot for trying to face Amon this early and stormed out of the building." Tarrlok said

Korra used her waterbending to propel her boat to the island.

'At Aang Memorial Island'

Korra stood and waited for Amon to show, but he didn't.

She jumped down and started to walk back to the docks when a rope grabbed her legs and pulled her into a dark corridor.

She quickly freed herself as she spun around and let loose a fire ring and saw that she was surround by chi blockers with the flash of light from the fire.

She valiantly tried to fight them off but they blocked her chi and prevented her from bending.

She woke up a few seconds later and found herself being held by two chi blockers.

Just then a pillar of earth shot up from under her and launched her into the air and felt an arm catch her as she hung from the ceiling.

"Well Korra, it seems you need some rescuing." Said a voice in an easygoing tone.

She turned to see Koda, smiling at her.

"Koda..." she mumbled

"Your chi is blocked right? Well sit tight as I take care of these guys." He said as he tossed her into the air and stomped his foot on the ceiling and made a cage of stone and had her sit in it.

Koda grinned and jumped down in the center of the chi blockers.

"Hey guys! You do remember me right?" he asked in an innocent tone.

They charged at him and dodged to the left and earth column and hit one right in the face.

"One down, nineteen more to go." Koda said grinning with his eyes closed as he dropped something in his hand.

A second later there was a blinding light that caused the chi blockers to stagger a bit.

Koda made a quick earth line and knocked three more out.

"Four down, sixteen to go."

Koda dragged his hand on the ground and made a large club of earth and hit a chi bender in the ribs as he swung it. You could just hear the crunch when the hit connected. While still in his swing, Koda punched the club and it shattered forward and pelted two more Equalists.

"Seven down! Man you guys drop like bumble flies!" he said

Koda felt two chi blockers in throwing position and stomped his foot and raised his hands and made two large earth walls on his sides and stomped his other foot and punched the walls, sending them flying into the chi blockers who were about to throw some rope at him and crushed them into the wall.

"Now it's nine and I'm feelin' alive!" he shouted

The hazel-eyed earthbender was surrounded again and he grinned viciously. He jumped ten feet in the air, "Beifong Dive-Bomb!" he shouted as he hit the ground causing a large ripple effect with the ground and sending most of the Equalists in to the air.

He opened his eyes as they had gotten used to the dark and raised multiple rocks and shot them at his air-born targets and hit them in the head.

"Eighteen, man you guys just plain suck at your job, don't you?" he taunted

The last two charged at him and he flung them into the air with an earth column launch pad and sent two metal cables from the metal spool on his back and caught them in mid-air and started to swing. As he reached an appropriate level of rotation, he cut the cables and they flew into the walls with a crunch.

Koda slapped his hands together to get the dusk off.

"You can come out Amon, I know your there!" Koda shouted

Korra gasped as she saw Amon come out with a lantern.

"Greetings as always Koda." Amon looked up, "To you as well young Avatar. I had gotten your invitation." He said

"But a party always needs more than two people, right?" Koda asked grinning.

There was a long silence before Amon spoke again.

"You seem to be as humorous as always Koda." He said in a plain tone, "But the Avatar and myself will do battle, but not at this time. It will be after everyone has lost their bending and then we will have our grand battle. But of course our fight will happen before that Koda." Amon said to the earthbender.

"Good to know. Now shoo, and leave your weak ass chi blockers since I know, you know reinforcements are coming." Koda said

"And I am truly sadden for them." Amon said as the lamp he held turned off and then a second later on as it was on the ground.

Koda felt him leave and looked up.

He stomped his foot and Korra's cage opened and she dropped in his arms bridal style.

"Well...that was a good work out, right?" he asked with his usual smile.

"Koda you...you came for me?" she asked in surprise.

"Of course water princess, why wouldn't I?" he questioned her.

"Because...because you were really upset that I did this...so I thought you hated me." she choked out.

"Not really Korra. It's too much work to hate you." He teased.

Korra just started to break down and cried in his arms, holding onto his leather jacket.

"I was so terrified. I felt so helpless." She said in hiccups.

"Don't worry your ponytailed head. I will always protect you and that's a promise of a lifetime." Koda said sincerely with a smile.

"You were right though, since that night at the rally, I've been scared. I've never felt like this before. I don't know what to do?" She said to him in a sob.

"Admitting it is the first and hardest thing to do." He said soothingly to her.

Tenzin joined them a second later.

He and Koda had a wordless conversation and they continued to let Korra cry it out in Koda's arms as the task force entered in and arrested the downed chi blockers.