
The Demon With White Skin And Smoking Eyes

Zimife Ezemonye, a young man with albinism who has often been the target of discrimination, is murdered before his eighteenth birthday after his eyes are gouged out. He is transported to the farther plane, a mystical dimension only viewable through the dreams of storytellers, where he acquires the ability to shoot fire from his eye sockets. He must undergo many trials and defeat the monsters that reside in the farther plane with the goal of returning to the living world and taking revenge on those who robbed him of his life.

Master_Voluminous · Fantasía
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5 Chs

The Albino Trade

Across the Kuwijan Empire, 1 in 10 children is born with albinism, meaning they lack all pigmentation in any exterior part of their bodies. In the distant past, this was considered a curse of some kind. One that would bring about great misfortune on the family of said child. As a result, these children were ostracised, harassed, disowned, often killed.

The fear of misfortune would evolve when contact was made with traders from the east, past the ocean. These traders also lacked pigment, though not to the extreme nature of the albinoes in Kuwija, they brought many gifts, technologies, foods and languages with them which allowed the empire's economy across all eight nations to grow exponentially.

The albinoes were thought to be an omen of great fortune from then on. Spiritual leaders claimed that they had in fact been signs from the gods of great things to come. As a result, those with Albinism became favoured, as were their families. Though some, especially in the rural areas still believed held on to the beliefs of old. Others sought to exploit both beliefs, which birthed the Albino Trade, a massive continent-spanning human trafficking ring that targeted Albinoes for slave labour or their body parts that were used to create medicines and good luck charms. The trade grew as locals and authorities could be bribed to out an albino living in their community. Families were persuaded or threatened to sell their members. Hate mobs could be instigated in public places and schools.

In recent years, as the superstitious beliefs of old have died down, there has been a small crackdown on the trade and discrimination against albinoes, with special programs that keep them separated from the general populace.