
The Demon Next Door.

A teenager is transported to another world to live with a bunch of anime characters in a God's idea of a paradise. Rent included.

Goreleech · Cómic
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14 Chs

Demon Next Door: Neighbors, shotguns....and girls?




TYLER'S CASH: 4,750.

THE VAULT: 78,800.

A sound of a piano being played woek Tyler and Hestia from their sound sleep and the warrior was up th next instant. Hestia yawned with a smile as the bars played out.

"Is that?"

"YOUR show's opening song? Yes. yes it is. It's one of favorites."

"Bell came too."

"I'll hang with the guy. Come on, we'll double up."

He tapped on Rias' wall.

"we're up!"

"Kay! First one down makes breakfast!"


Tyler and Hestia showered together and the busty goddess laughed as he did her hair and fondled her impressive rack with soap.

"I'll be at work at the guild."

"we got school."

"Have fun!"

"So if I were to come across a Refugee I want to have move in."


"I am GOING to help that poor girl, Hestia."

She smiled as she hugged the kindhearted warrior.

"We ALL want to help that girl, Tyler. ALL of us. She'll be coming in the next batch of Refugees."

"When is that?"

"Next month actually. For now we're settling in before we bring in the most...hurt....souls."

"Alright. She IS rooming with us."

"Same with Miho Nizihumi?"

"Hells yeah! I REALLY wanna meet the cutie in a tank!"

"She already came here. And get this. HER room mate? Enterprise, Erza Scarlett, Index, Toma, and Xenovia."

"Miho'll get a kick outta Index. her grimories?"

"We removed them entirely from her memory, Tyler. And they were destroyed."

"GOOD. Alright. I'll go hang with a blueberry nun."

Hestia laughed at that one as they got out and got dressed. Tyler smiling as he doned a black T-shirt and jeans with his new leather jacket before heading down with his backpack. Rias and Yoshkia were setting the last of the warm muffins and coffee on the counter as he sat down. Kirito and Asuna came down and Tyler chuckled at the sight of Kirito in a red blazer and pants.

"THAt si SO wrong."

The black haired guy chuckled as he sat beside the warrior.

"TELL me about it."

"we'll go raiding after school."

"One raid a day?"

"Sure. Keep it consistent. And we'll see if us teaming up increases difficulty. I'll pack Fenrir this time."

"Sure. Asuna will party up with us next time."

"Never thought I'd ever get to go raiding with the Black Swordsmen and the Lightning Flash."

Akeno came over and got a warm hug off the warrior.

"Thanks Tyler."

"Sure. And know I only gave yu a half session."

"Ha. I'll be sure to come for the full course."

Rias smiled.

"we'll talk later, Tyler."

"Sure thing, Rias. Oh. did you get your club started?"

"I need to talk to the student council president before it becomes officially reinstated."

"Issie's pieces?"

She smiled and slid three ruby red pawn hess pieces into view.

"You were right. They were just sitting there doing NOTHING."

He smiled.

"I want to join your board, Rias."

She smiled warmly and slid the pieces to him.

"We'll do the ritual when we get back. But you ARE on my board. And yes you can keep the wings."

"Damn straight."

Belfast came down then in a tanktop and jeans.

"Good morning dears."

Tyler smiled as she sat beside him.

"I owe you a massage tonight, Belfast."

"You do indeed."

Then the warrior looked at a clock on a wall.

"Alright. it's a 20 minute walk to school. Yoshkia?"

"Over here."

"Alright. Break."

The friends split and Tyler smiled as he walked with Yoshkia, Akeno, Kirito, Asuna and Rias to school while Hestia went to the guild and Belfast to the school by a different route. The warrior looked at Kirito beside him as they crossed a street.

"This is a WEIRD feeling man."

"TELL me about it. And I owe you a favor."

"Ha. I get a copy a Starburst Stream?"


Tyler smiled as he took the small pearl that gifted him the ability and Rias chuckled.

"So you're gonn a try to get a copy of Issei's power too right?"

"Oh hell yeah. I AM going to prove a point here, rias."

"Make it a GOOD one."

He smiled at that one as they approached the school grounds. Rias then blinked.

"Soooo where ARE our classes?"

The friends blinked and Ganisha's voice was heard.

"Report to the main office in the main building! They will give ALLLLLL you need!"

"Thanks Ganisha."

They walked into the school and were faced by a wide open hallway packed solid by masses of students. Both boys and girls wandered the halls chatting and jostling on their way to class and Tyler smiled as he noted most were natives and some Refugees too. The office was found and the older woman behind the counter smiled as he approached.

"Ah. Tyler and the Hearth group. Here are your papers, class ID, class schedule and map of the school."

Tyler passed the folders out and smiled as he saw his first class.

"I got a Mrs.Hanglemen."

Kirito chuckled.

"I got her too."

Akeno smiled happily.

"So do I!"

Rias and Yoshkia slumped.

"I got Rasweisa as my first period."

"Me too. POO."

Asuna smiled.

"We have the same lunch Kirito."

"I'll see you then Asuna."

The friends split for their classes and Tyler noted he was getting QUITE a few nervous glances from the boys in the hall as he stood a good head taller then most while the girls were all looking at him in mild shock. Kirito too.


"Brace yourself. we're about to get VERY popular."

"Asuna is going to need to pack her rapier then."

"I'll just give her a gun."

"You just wanna see her in her Gungale gear."

"Coming from the genderbent guy that ripped off his girlfriend's personality."


"remember. I KNOW."

"Jesus that was creepy. And Sinon will LOVE talking to you."

"She come too?"

"I didn't see her. Her hair kinda sticks out."

"True. odd for a sniper."

He chuckled as they climbed the stairs to the third floor and Akeno smirked.

"I'm here too ya know."

"Oh hey Sparky."

She zapped him with a low powered thunder spell.

"I HATE you now."

"Love you too Akeno."

She smiled warmly at that one.

"Idiot. And Rias already warned me."

"Always wanted to call you that to your face."


He smiled as they found the class in question and Tyler tapped a knuckle on the jamb as the more straightforward one. A slender woman in a black suit with blonde hair and red eyes smiled as her class looked up. Her voice was a soft breath.

"Oh. You must be the new students. Come on in."

Tyler led the way in with thudding boot steps and more then a few of the class gulped at the ominous sound and smirk on his face as he eyed the class. The teacher smiled as she found the warrior had a solid 7 inches on her.

"Now then class. we have a set of new students. I expect you to be nice as some have been through a lot. Introduce yourselves please."

Akeno smiled sweetly and most of the boys fell in love RIGHT there.

"I'm Akeno Himejima! Nice to meet everyone! BE nice!"

Kirito chuckled as he got a few sighs from the girls as he stepped up.

"I'm Kirito. And I'm married."

That got a mass of boos from the girls and Tyler chuckled.


"Fuck. YOU. Oh my god how LONG have you been waiting to do that?"

"TOO long."

The warrior stepped forward ow and smirked as he faced the on edge class.

"I'm Tyler Yataomo. I am single. FOR NOW."

The girls all smirked at each other and Akeno giggled into her hand.

"He is VERY popular ladies! Good luck!"

The teacher chuckled at the exchange.

"BEFORE a war breaks out, i am your teacher for this class. Call me Marillia."

Tyler smiled at her and she was seen to blush EVER so slightly as she looked him in the eye.

"first off? NOTED. Second? Where we sittin?"

The teacher smiled as her blue eyes flashed with the silent nod to her blush.

"Tyler will sit there by the window. Kirito, there by Aiko. And Akeno there in front of Tyler. NO flirting you two."


Tyler chuckled at Akeno's teasing disappointment as the trio took their seats. Once they got comfy and Tyler had his laptop ready with a note page Marillia smiled.

"Now be aware everyone, but we have more new students then usual this semester. So I'm expecting more to arrive. For now let's get our new friends caught up."

A rather pretty girl in a blue skirt smiled as she passed her notebook to Tyler.




"Wow. I kinda like how that sounds, Sonobay."

She smiled as he started typing her neatly written notes.

"I like it too, Tyler! That is your name right?"

"err last I checked."

He pulled his ID.

"Yup. Use it a lot kay?"

Sonobay smiled nervously now at the CLEAR invitation and Akeno stretched now in a way her massive triple ds bounced. Poor Sonobay slumped as she looked at her own meager Cs and Tyler smirked.

"Simmer down Jolt."

"I will ZAP you with a FULL POWER bolt and you will NEVER see it coming."

He chuckled at her fury before looking at Sonobay.

"So what's your next class, Sonobay?"

The brunette smiled sweetly.

"I have band practice since my club IS a band. The next period is for clubs to gather and do activities."

"Huh. That's kinda cool. Hey Akeno, Rias still needs to get her club situated, right?"

"Yup. And we CAN join multiple clubs too. and since the Occult Research Club usually meets at night you can join another."

"I wonder. Marillia?"

"yes, Tyler?"

The warrior smiled.

"Is there a club that goes raiding in the dungeon here at school?"

She and the class blinked at this and Sonobay looked at him in awe.

"YOU'RE a RAIDER, Tyler?"

"Sure. Kirito is too."


"Ahhhh. I killed a cyclops yesterday and killed an Envy Demon day before."

The natives looked at him in utter shock and tyler looked at Kirito.

"What was your floor boss, Kirito?"

The guy smiled.

"Eh just your usual cave troll. 15 feet tall."

"Classic. You used the same trick as Ilfang?"

"Actually? We used the tricks from that minotaur on 65."

"yeesh. That one was a massecre."

Marillia recovered.

"Tyler? Can you prove your bragging?"

"Ummmmm. I could ask Hestia?"

She smiled.

"Just say the word Bestariy. It's a magic spell to keep track of kills in the dungeon."


A flooting panel appeared and Marilla looked at the fine print before blinking.

"Jesus. He killed those monsters ALONE. A greater Envy Demon AND a King Cyclops. In one on one duels. MOST impressive."

Tyler chuckled.

"we're heading back down after school."

Sonobay had STARS in her eyes at this and the teacher smiled.

"The club you're looking for is called the Raider's Brigade. They're a group that goes adventuring in the dungeon for fame and profit. Have you your equipment?"

Tyler and Kirito rose up and slapped a brooch on their respective coats. Both were encased in beams of light before tyler was holding his jet black staffsword and Kirito was in his black coat with his dualblades. The warrior smiled as he looked at the new awe in the class' eyes.


Akeno laughed.....then Tyler's wings came ot to complete his image. Marillia blinked.


"I'm half DEMON half FALLEN ANGEL. So. Half heaven. Half HELL. ALLLLLL up to YOU which one you wish to piss off. Kirito? He's the Black Swordsmen."

Akeno chuckled at the show.

"Okay. You can stop showing off now. Cocky idiot."

"Oh come on Akeno. if ya got it, FLAUNT IT."

"Oh my I love the way you think!"

He chuckled as he sheathed his swords and sat back down while Kirito did the same. The boys tapped their brooches again and returned to their school attire and Marillia smiled.

"I'll send word to Markus. Let him know you two will be trying out for the Raiders."

Tyler had a thought now.

"So if he shoots us down, what's to stop us forming our own raider yle club?"

The teacher smirked.

"If he shoots you down, Tyler, and you still wish to go raiding, by all means. Do so. just know you'll need to PROVE yourself to the school-"

"Kirito. Akeno. Potential Diadora. And potential Sugo."

The pair nodded and Akeno held up her hand as a ball of purple light appeared before it scattered.

"They're aware."

Kirito looked at Tyler as a small gem shattered.

"Asuna's on alert. what's our play?"

"Trojan Horse meets the Empress of Ruin."

"You're good at this. Alright."

MArillia was doing double takes as she, and the rest of the class, sensed an alert, strategy meeting, and plan had been made RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM and they had NO IDEA what just happened. Tyler pulled a jetblack desert eagle from a pocket and started cleaning it absentmindedly while typing noted with one hand. The sight of the large handgun made the class blink, then Kirito produced a dagger of neon blue to start cleaning hs fingernails and Akeno had a small strand of lightning zapping the filth from her own nails as the trio put on a show of ominous danger and RAW danger. Tyler smiled as he noted something.

"Sights off by half a degree. Yo Kirito ya got a spare?"

"Comin atchya."

Tyler caught the tossed dagger neatly and used the black blade to turn the screw.

"Heads up."

Kirito caught the return toss and the teacher gulped at the sudden tension in the air.

"Markus will meet with you after class, Tyler, Kirito."

"We'll see what's he got."

The deagle was holstered in the jacket and Akeno smiled as a red ball appeared before her.

"The Empress is ready. And she says there is a NASTY set of stories about a few people."

"How bad?"

"Hmmmm. Rizar meets Diadora plus Diadora's fondness for pets."

"Oh CRAP. Boom."

The friends nodded as a knock was heard and Marillia smiled.


Another set of Refugees walked in now and Tyler blinked as he recognized one in a stark white military jacket. She was a slender girl with sheer black hair and BLAZING blue eyes set into a severe face. her skin was pale and her bust large in her military coat while at her side was a long katana in a black scabbard. She strode in with a slender guy with green eyes and spiky brown hair Akeno recognized, and the last one was a shorter girl with snow white hair and pale skin. her eyes yellow and she wore a similar uniform to Akeno. Tyler smiled as he saw her.

"Oh there you are Koneko."

The small girl smirked as she waked over with a lolipop in her mouth and spoke in a raspy breath.

"So YOU'RE Rias' new friend? rad."

They fist bumped and Tyler noted the spiked gloves she had on.

"Damn, Koneko. Yous a fierce scrapper aren'tchya?"

"Don't piss me off and I won't break you."

"Ha. wanna go raiding some time?"

"Damn straight."

He got her number and Kirito looked at the warrior curiously.

"She tough?"

"dude. That girl is a bare knuckler brawler that can benchpress a tank."


"Oh. Hey Koneko."

She looked at him curiously and he smiled.

"I get a copy a that strength a yours?"

"So long as I get somethin."

"Trade ya a massage."



Akeno chuckled as he got Koneko's number.

"He's in our club too, Koneko."


"Say WHAT now?"

the green eyed boy with the spiky brown hair's shocked tenor was heard and Tyler smiled.

"I joined the Occult Research Club. As my night time gimmick."

Akeno smiled at him.

"That's Issei."

"Ya don't say."

Issei came marching RIGHT over to the warrior now with a fire in his eyes.

"So you're the one after Rias?"


"STAY away from my harem. Or I'll kick your ass."

Tyler chuckled now as he rose to his feet and Issei found he had to tilt his head back to look him in the eye.

"I would LOVE to see you try Issei. GO ON BITCH!"

issei glared and his hand came up.


Tyler slugged him in the stomach with a ferocious force.

"MAstery of the five layers. RAGE IMPACT."

A shockwave EXPLODED from issei's back as Tyler then clapped him over the ears with open palms, grabbed him by the skull and BASHED his own off his forehead and then THREW HIM through a window and LEAPT after him to groundstomp him into a ten foot crater before the still breathing lightly warrior pulled a neat backspring and landed in a fresh stance as Issei did NOT MOVE. Tyler smirked as he relaxed his stance.

"I win."

Akeno and Koneko whistled from the third floor.


"He took him apart in ten seconds. He didn't even get a chance to call his gear."

Tyler walked over to the groaning in pain Issei and crouched beside the badly wounded guy.

"So. MY demand for this duel. IS a copy of your power."

The warrior's right arm glowed and a blood red gauntlet appeared from forearm to the tip of his fingers. And a loud, deep voice was heard chuckling as it stopped glowing.

"Now THIS is a SOUL. I am the Red dragon Emperor DRAKE! And I-oh. Oh you already know who I am. Cool."

Issei got to his feet coughing up blood with a fire in his green eyes as Tyler stood with a smirk and a copy of his power.

"Rias. Is. MINE."

"Ha. For NOW. I already got three pieces Issei. AND your power. NOW allow me to show you, JUST HOW PATHETIC YOU ARE!"

Tyler held his hand up and growled as he forced his will into the thing.


Issei's eyes went wide as the triple boosts that doubled the wielder's power with EVERY SINGLE BOOST grew faster and faster as Tyler's eyes turned neon green.


Tyler was encased in a red glow before a full suit of blood red scale dragon's armor appeared around his body and a green visor appeared over his head and Issei growled.


Now ISSEI used his balancebreaker while Rias came over to stand beside Akeno.

"How long have they been going at it?"

"Rias. Tyler is WINNING this. He NEARLY killed him once already."

"I saw. And I can tell. This is personal. For Tyler AND for Issei."

Koneko was leaning by the hole Tyler had blown in the school.

"If Tyler wins, he'll have utterly REPLACED issei in under a minute."

Tyler smirked as a long sword blade appeared fom his right wrist.

"BRING IT loser!"


"Escalor SLASH!"

Tyler cut the beam of power Issei fired at him in half befoe his left hand came up.


"Dragon CANNON!"

A ten foot wide blast of raw power exploded from Tyler's wrist and Issei was too slow to dodge so it hit him HEAD ON. Then Tyler smiled wickedly.


And a SECOND blast was fired into the trail of the first while the FIRST HAD YET TO DISAPATE! A massive explosion rocked the city and shattered all the glass for a solid four miles as a neon green mushroom cloud rose into the sky where Issei has just been standing. Tyler smiled as he lowered his arm and a mass of steam exploded out of the gaps in his scalemail.


The smoke and sut was blown away as if by a great wind and Rias was revealed in a barrie sphere around her soundly beaten servent. Tyler smiled as he powered down and walked over to the clapping redhead.

"Well done, Tyler. 120 seconds, and you COMPLETELY overtake issei's skill with the boosted gear."

"Thanks Rias. I can't use the double shot again for the cannon today. I do It'll rip my arm off. No recoil buffer you see."

"Ah. Well. I am grateful you moved your aim AWAY from us at the last second."

"YOU I LIKE. HIM I don't."

ISsei was on his knees in despair at his sound defeat with his OWN POWER and Rias nodded again.

"And I have an answer. To ONE of my questions at least. We shall discuss this later."

"Sure. The clubroom?"

"Yeah I spoke to the studen council president. And Tyler? Your warning was justified. It was a guy."

"Well. hey Satuski."

The girl with the katana leapt to the ground now and came marching over to the warrior. her voice a hard, imperious snap.

"Explain how you know me."

"Were you given the spiel on how one was rescued that revered you all?"

"Ah. YOU are the fan?"

"I am."

"I see. Very well. What is your plan?"

"An insurrection and coup. You up to it?"

She smirked.

"Bakuzan is sharp and y will is strong. I am ready."

"Coolzies. We'll take out that prick council and reestablish you as Student Council president."

She smiled and Rias smirked.


"She is even more of a strategic genius then YOU are. And that's coming from ME."

the redhead whistled and Satuski smiled.

"I feel an oddly intense sense of pride. And I do not know why."

"He does that Satuski. everything that comes out of his mouth is nothing but the truth. HIS TRUTH. And yet? That doesn't make it wrong."

"I who will awaken-"

The desert eagle went off and Issei dropped to the ground screaming as the top of his hand were the green gem he used to talk to his dragon was destroyed and his power rendered unreachable. Tyler had a dark look in his eyes as the 50 Action express casing clinked on a rock.

"Do NOT ush your luck, Issei. or the next one is going between the eyes."

Rias nodded as she used her power to heal the wounded idiot.

"he won't be able to use his power for the time being. So that'll teach you for trying a sneak attack like that Issei."

Tyler flicked his arm and his gauntlet vanished before he looked up Kirito on the third floor.

"We're going after Heathcliff!"

"Got it!"

The warrior smiled as Satuski drew her sword.

"Let's roll."

The group left Issei on the ground as Rias led the way through the school. Kirito and Asuna appeared from another hallway and the redhead was resplendant in her raider regalia.

"I've been hearing nothing but horror stories on how the student council works here you guys. I'm married and that puts a target on my back for the president since he likes to take any girl he likes. Whether she wants to or not."

Tyler nodded as he pulled i deagle.

"He a raider?"

"No. His brother Markus is. And from what I heard is the strongest in the school."

Tyler smirked at this.

"We'll see."

Rias smiled as she led them to a door in a hall.


"Please. Allow me."

"Oh by all means."

Tyler clenched a fist and slammed it into the door.

"Mastery of the five layers: DEMON SHOT."

The door and close to thirty feet of wall around it simply shattered into dust with a sound of a cannon blast. The warrior walked in smirking and dualwielding his desert eagles as a group of boys all looked at him in mild amusement with the one in the middle patting a helpless blonde.


The boy smirked thinner and went to speak....only for Tyler's gun to go off and the round take him in the eye. He dropped minus half a head and the blonde was released from her paraylsis spell and came skipping over to a warm hug from Rias.

"He didn;t touch me. Guess he was too scared!"

Tyler chuckled as he looked at the horrified remainder of the council.

"So THAT was markus. PATHETIC. Oh?"

He jumped to the side as another boy with blonde hair slammed a battleaxe where he;d been standing.

"Sorry. YOU'RE the jackass number too. And my GOD are slow."

The gun came up and Markus growled as he dodged.

"Glacial Sleet."

A mass of frozen iciccles slammed into the warrior's body and Markus sighed with relief at the kill.

"Dude. is that all you got?"

Only for Tyler's extremely disappointed sigh to freeze him in his tracks. Markus looked over to see the shards of ice had not even SCRATCHED the leather in his jacket. Tyler rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"I've been kicked by rabbits stronger then you. OOOOH. And you're supposed to be the strongest raider in the school? REALLY?"

"I can't use my full power in school ya jackass!"

"Then you are going to die. WE came for blood."

The gun came up an another member of the council was popped and Rias nodded.

"That one said that for my club to be made legit, I'd have to give him my virginity. Actually just kill em all. They all said the same thing more or less."

"Akeno? woooould you like your own toy?"

"Oh my! I love how you spoil!"

Asuna looked at Tyler curiously and he smiled as the busty Akeno eyed the now TERRIFIED survivors as if seeking a horse.


"Akeno's WAAAAY into S&M."

"ah. Moving on."

Akeno smiled with a wickedly flushed face as she picked on of the now screaming council students out.

"That one will do."

"Alright. Here."

He tossed her a set of handcuffs and the girls all looked at him with a lifted eyebrow. Rias saying it.

"Tyler? WHY do you have handcuffs?"

"I pickpocketed Issei. and he had those on him. NO CLUE why."

"Yeeeeah. I'll ask."

Koneko came over now.

"don't bother. I guess the building manager for our house wanted to be handcuffed. Rias? WE need to talk."


Tyler fired the gun a few more times and each round took the head off a member of the council as Satuski smiled at the display.

"So THIS is how you solve a problem, Tyler?"

"I hit with a hammer until the problem goes away. it DON'T, I get a meaner hammer."

"I like this."

Markurose in a rage now and he swung his axe FAR faster at the warrior as the massecre ended.


Tyler merely stepped aside and the axe wooshed by.

"Are you serious? Is that your best?"


He all but vanished from sight with his speed now and Tyler merely lfted a single deagle. the axehead slammed into the thing and stopped dead in it's tracks. A great rush of air slammed into those behind them from the force of the blow and Tyler chuckled at the look of despairing horror on Markus' face.

"You're pathetic. That Envy demon did more damage. And that cyclops woulda eaten you alive."

Satuski stepped forward now.

"I will be taking command of the student council as of NOW. Tyler. This kill is mine."


He stepped aside and Rias smiled at the show.

"That is so reassuring."


satuski drew her katana and struck a stance as Markus smirked at her.

"A girl? Pff. You won't even be able to touch me toots. By all means. Try. I'll ENJOY bending you over my desk when i win."

Tyler just chuckled.

"Dude. She's scarier then I am when pissed."

Satuski lunged and Markus had his axe up with a mocking smile...until the extremely skilled samurai weaved around the insultingly slow block and SLICED the bastard no fewer then thirty times in the span of 3 seconds. she sheathed the weapon with a clack and Markus fell to the floor in a hundred pieces. Satuski rose to her full height and snapped her fingers. As if on cue a group of four appeared n a kneel before her and a massive mountain of a boy spoke in a deep avalanche of a voice.

"Lady Satuski. Your orders?"

"Secure the school and begin the purging of the last dregs from the former regime. Restructure said school into Honoji. You have to the end of the day to see this done."


The four exploded into motion and the school was awash with the screams of the hunted. Satuski then looked out a window with an intense look.

"Once the regime change is solidifed, Tyler, we will need to dicuss YOUR role as the insigator."

"Ha. I think you mean Problem Solver. Or Enforcer. Need a problem solved outside the usual, I'm the one that deals with it. By any means nessecary."

She nodded and looked at a chuckling Rias.

"Your club is approved. Even if I have no idea what it really does."

"Ha. It's a front for our lifestyle as Devils."


Tyler looked at Rias.

"We can head back to class now. Satuski and the Elite Four are kinda good at this."

"THAT'S a weird thing to say. Sure."

They left the capable Satuski to her work and Tyler returned to the shaken class with Kirito, Koneko, Akeno, and a spiritbroken Issei. Marillia gulped as they walked in and retook seats.

"Okay. Um."

Tyler smiled as he set to cleaning his deagle.

"Sorry. Markus and those idiots on the council looked at my friend wrong. So. We went an had a word with em."

Sonobay gulped.

"Is he dead?"

"All but one are. that survivor Akeno here is keeping as a pet."

The purple haired beauty smiled sweetly.

"I have my own dungeon in the basement!"

"ha. Have fun."

"I will! And no. I'm still fresh!"

"Good. I want to take that."

She busted up laughing at THAT bluntness and Koneko fistbumped him.

"I like the way you do things."

"We should hang sometime, Koneko."

"damn straight."

Marillia refocused as the screaming and explosions died down after a few minutes.

"Alright. Settle down everyone."

The class got started and Tyler took his usual exacting notes while also teasing Akeno by toying with her extremely long and thick hair in a way she felt it but had no REAL way to retaliate. He'd flick her ponytail and she'd smirk with a dark light in her eyes as she felt the swaying but Marillia was looking at their section talking to another student.

"I am going to hurt you for this."

He smiled fondly at her dark threat.

"I am doing nothing."

"OOOOOH you' are a DICK."

Sonobay and the rest of the girls all smirked at the teasing when Marillia stepped out to do something and Akeno hit the idiot with a lightning bolt.


"Want me to do it for you again?"

"OOOOOH you SMUG sonuvabitch! YES but FUCK YOU!"

He patted her like a kid sister and she was on the verge of an electric meltdown.

"There, there Akeno. You can later."

Koneko chuckled as she came to the rescue or risk a blown fuse.

"Hilarious. But come on."

"Sure thing Koneko."

The white haired girl smirked and looked at her desk.....and tilted her head as an eraser that was not hers sat on her paper. Curious she took it and slid it out of the box.


Only for Tyler's cheery voice to read the black letters on the surface. Koneko slumped as she threw it at him.

"New and you're an ass."

he chuckled as he caught the thing and as Koneko looked back at her desk that SAME eraser was just SITTING there. Akeno blinked.

"That was kinda slick."

"It's a classic of mine."

"I will hit you with a good one, Tyler."

He chuckled at Koneko's dry fury.

"Alright. You are so FUN to FUCK with.....oh I got a goodie!"

Akeno gulped and pulled her suddenly vulnerable ponytail around her.

"NOT that."

"Phew. I was afraid you'd tie the end to my desk."

He looked at her strangely.

"Oh god no. I don't do pranks that might hurt. Worst you can expect is-oh hey Rias."

Akeno and Koneko turned right around to greet their friend.

"Hey Rias-huh?"

Only to be faced with a wall and Tyler chuckled.

"Wow guys. Got something to say bout Rias? since ya greeted a wall thinking it was her."

"I hate you."

Akeno just slumped and Tyler smirked.

"Hey Akeno? when we go to leave? Try NOT to trip over your own hair?"

She glared at him with a death gaze as Koneko smirked.

"She's done it like twice."

"Hey Koneko. Don't worry. I'll make sure to LOOK when a shut a door. Don't want to accidently faceplant you."

Now SHE was glaring at him and Kirito had to come to the rescue.

"Okay you can stop fucking with their heads."

He chuckled at that one and Akeno lifted an eyebrow.

"You clever bastard."

"I got everyone in my house with that type a thing, Akeno."


"I REALLY wish i coulda seen Rias get her hair caught in a door."

She smiled at that memory.

"We have never let it live it down."

He patted her and she smiled at the affection as Marillia came back.

"Alright. enough flirting."

"Yes Marillia."

She glared at the cocky teenager.

"Do that again and I will give the class a book report and it will be due TOMORROW."

Tyler chuckled and Koneko cracked her knuckles.

"Tyler. if you fuck us like that I WILL beat you to a pulp with my spiked gauntlets."

"Noted. Okay. I'm done for now."

The class restarted and the rest of the period passed without issue. Tyler and Kirito then headed up to the student council room for their raiding club. The warrior smiling as he saw the mass relief on the faces of the girls' faces and the across the board slump on the boys'.

"Looks like Satuski knocked them into shape already."

"Asuna will like her."

"Bro they'll be sisters by the end a the day. Satuski runs a tight ship and is NOT afraid to bust out the bullwhip."

"scary. Whst's her show?"

"Kill La Kill. I got it and is one a mah favorites."

"I'll check it out."

The pair walked into the revamped student council room and were faced by Satuski and her four subordinates all seated on eggshell style chairs. The black haired Satuski smiled as Tyler and Kirito walked in.

"We have control of the school."

"I'd expect nothing less. So what did you find on the Raiding club?"

The bigger man looked over now.

"Lady Satuski."

"report, Gomagory."

"Ma'am. The Brigade is a joke. They SAY they raid the dungeon and they do. But only to kill ONE monster an then they leave. The entire club is a fraternity with no decency and NO actual goal."

Satuski nodded and looked at Tyler with her piercing gaze.

"I understand you and Kirito wished to join their club."

"We did. Or. If they sucked. Start our own. We're bpth highly experienced raiders in our worlds. Plus we like money."

That got a chuckle from the black haired guy and Satuski nodded.

"I see. Then I should inform you. There is MORE then just one school in this city. there's several hundred. And they are all competing with their clubs for prestige and reputation. OUR school, Honoji, is a JOKE. which is why I have instituted new rules for the clubs. Rias' club is excluded as I can tell. SHE will GET results."

"That girl is more intense then YOU are when she's pissed."

"We shall see. Now. Put forth your request."

Tyler smirked and slid a paper over.

"Me and Kirito will start our OWN raiding crew. The old one is disbanded and we'll pick our team."

Satuski looked the details over before smiling.

"I approve. The club is approved. what is your party name?"

Tyler smirked.

"we're the Demons."

Kirito smirked as well as Satuski stamped the paper.

"I will be your club advisor as it is the raiding parties that hold the most reputation in the city. You are excused from class as you seek to build the force. I want 6 members by the end of the day."

"Wanna join up Satuski?"

She chuckled at the turnaround.

"That was your plan all along. Who is party leader?"

Tyler smiled.

"I am. Asuna is second in command as she has the most experience as second."

"She will join?"

Kirito nodded.

"She will."

"Good. We have two. I want four more."

"I'll go pick em up."

The warrior headed out while Kirito talked details with Satuski. Tyler went right for a class he'd spotted during the march to the student council and smiled as he spotted a white haired kid getting fawned over by a mass of girls.

"Hey Bell."

The white haired guy looked up curiously at his name. he was a slender guy the same height as Kirito with snow white hair and red eyes set in a fair skinned face. He was dressed in a tan coat and pants and spoke in a soft tenor.

"Yes that's me. Have we met before?"

"Nah. I live with Hestia and she likes to gush. I'm Tyler."

"Oh you know the goddess? Nice to meet you. How is she doing?"

"eh. Bundle a nerves all wrapped up in a smile ya can't help but like. She works up at the dungeon if ya wanna say hi."

Bell smiled.

"I will. thank you."

"So you been in the dungeon yet?"

"I have. the monsters are tough."

"I'm building a raiding party to head down there as a school activity. Want in?"

"Party leader?"

"That's me. Second in command is a redhead named Asuna."

"Oh. I know her. Sure. Where will we meet?"

"Head to the student council room and ask for Blackball."

"Weird name."

"You'll see."

Bell ran off with a smile and the girls all groaned at his departure. Tyler was then fixed with a many eyed stare as they realized he too as a raider and the warrior shrugged.

"I'm single."

"And like that the groupees all sighed and started flirting with him when he spotted Rias' familar red hair in the hall. So he headed over to her and the girls all groaned again at the sight fo the smile on the beautiful redhead's face as he approached.

"Hey Rias."

"Oh there you are, Tyler. I see YOU'RE popular."

"Kinda. Ya seen Koneko?"

"She's swimming at the moment. Want her for your raider crew?"

"Yup. Xenovia too."

"SHE is with Yoshkia on the roof. Yoshkia kinda latched onto a new sister."

"Atta girl. So what'd Koneko want?"

"I'll tell ya later."


He smiled as he patted her.

"I want another cuddle."

"Sure. Today I got Belfast. You can be tomorrow. I got Yoshkia Friday into Saturday."


"Can you REALLY blame me?"

"NO I cannot. Just DON'T get cocky."

"I won't."

She smiled nd he headed off along the hallway seeking the pool for his chat with Koneko. It did not take long for him to find the tough girl gliding through the water in a sleek two piece and he waited by an end as she came over. The white haired girl smirked as she poked her head up.

"Come to leer at the sexy kittycat?"

"That and to offer you a spot on my raiding crew."

"I'm in."

"Alright. And sexy."

She smirked.

"YOU have a pool."

"we need to put up fencing before we can use it and the hot tub."

"I'll help."

"Thanks Koneko. And you make a helluva bikini girl."


He then noted the large group of girls in bikinis all trying to be sexy as the hulking warrior looked around and Koneko smirked.

"They got nothing."

"eh. A few are oddly flexible. That could be fun."

"Ha. Later tough guy."

"LAter scrapper."

They fist bumped and he smirked and she saw it.

"do NOT throw me across the pool damn you."

"She;s smart. Dammit."

Koneko slumped as he walked awya before smirking.

"when there's other people around."

He waved at that and did a head count.

"Me, Kirito, Asuna, Satuski, Bell, Koneko. I'll pick up Xenovia and see who else. Yoshkia could be fun too."

"Yoshkia Myafuji?"

He looked at the curious voice to see a tall well built lady with orange hair looking at him. She was his height with long orange hair that hung to her lower back while her eyes were a bright blue. The girl's skin was fair and her bust large on her narrow chest and she had a slender frame overall. Her attire was a red jacket with a pair of booty shorts that showed off her long legs and Tyler smiled at her warm, soft voice.

"She's my room mate and a good friend. I'm Tyler."

The girl smiled.

"I'm Shirley. We're Strike Witches together."

"Ha. So YOU'RE the fastest witch in the sky? Nice to meetchya!"

Shirley laughed at this assessment.

"That's me! I guess you're that fan everyone's been talking about. Wow man."

"I know. Yous a sexy bunnygirl. I love it."

Her blue eyes were full of a knowing light at that.

"So you know."

"Unit perkiness. I'll admit to wanting to try yours."

"Oh DAMN. Sorry tough guy. NOT in school."

He flipped her his phone number and she gave him his.

"I got my own room."

"we'll talk it out later."

"How's the fur?"

She glowed a moment as her magic activated and a pair of snow white bunnyears rose from her head.

"Still here! Be nice to the ears or we got a problem."

"Oh I am VERY nice on the soft fur, Shirley."

"Dammit. Now I'm all wet and horny."

he patted her ears and whistled at the soft fur.

"Wow, Shirley. I like em."

"ME too. And no touching the tail in public."

He smirked and stole a kiss off her soft lips. Which made her smile at the brazen stunt.

"Oh you're good."

"so are you. LAter."

She laughed as he walked away.

"Yoshkia's o the roof!"

"Thanks Shirley!"

she smiled as he headed off.

"Damn him. He's got me all riled up and I have to visit Luccini! She'll lick me!"

Tyler chuckled as he headed for the roof.

"That girl is even more fun IRL Kinda wonder what Luccini's like."

The tall warrior went to the roof of the school building and smiled as he saw the layout was rather open with a few dozen sheds and alcoves for those that wanted to be alone.


He walked along the roof looking for his friend when he caught her usual chirpy voice coming from a nearby shed so he walked over. The shed was merely an entry point into the building itself with an overhang that created a neat little sitting area out of sight of most of the roof. The warrior smiled as he poked his head around the corner.

"Hey Yosh-"

Only to be faced with the sight of the adorable girl buck naked on a mat flat on her ba ck with another girl with blue hair feasting on her slit with gusto and Yoshkia using a toy with vigor on the taller girl's own spot with evident lust. BOTh girls wearing perfect ahegao faces clearly in the depths of orgasmic pleasure.

Tyler turned around and walked away without a sound as the girls played hard. He walked away to a safe distance before whistling.

"Two for two is NOT GOOD ODDS."

A low pair of gasping moans were heard from the alcove and Tyler smiled as he left the roof.

"I'll ask her later."

He headed along a hallway whistling a cheery tune while grabbing a soda from a vending machine and sitting on a window sill with his homework out. That didn't take him long to knock out before he looked out the window, thinking of who else to add to the raiding club. I wonder if anyone from Highschool of the Dead came here? Rei and Psycho would love raiding a dungeon while Negi an I plinked guns. Takashi would get tossed aside and Takagi and Akeno would be sisters. I haven't seen any Fairytail yet. Which kinda sucks since those lunatics are great people.

"Excuse me."

Tyler looked over at the nervous squeak and smiled at a pretty girl in a tight shirt and miniskirt looking at him.

"Hiya. I'm Tyler. What's yur name?"

She gulped and blushed with a distinct unease.

"I-i i-I'm Suki. HERE!"

she presented him with a sealed envelope and he blinked at this. Then smiled as he took it.

"Thank you. Can I read it here?"

She blushed harder and hunched in on herself as her blue eyes were full of nerves.

"Just don't show it anyone else?"

"Yes Suki."

She squeaked at the way he said it and he tore it open to be faced with a photo and a letter. Curious he looked at the photo and whistled as it was a picture of Suki posing naked on her bed with a seductive leer. He did a few double takes from the sexy seductress in the picture to the redfaced and embarrassed girl beside him.

"wow. I like it."

She deflated from relief and he looked at the letter.

"I have a crush on you. will you fuck me hard?"

"To the POINT like a hammer. I love it. Sure Suki."

She sighed with relief.

"There is a closet there."

"We got the time?"

"Oh yes. Come on!"

She dragged him into the rather spacious closet and he smirked as she dropped her white cotton panties.

"So in the ass or puss?"

"Mouth too! I like drinking it!"

He kissed her and slid into her tightness before lifting the slender girl up to BOUNCE her on his shaft like a kid in a rocker and she moaned and groaned at the feelings. Then she was removed from the shaft and it was stuffed in her mouth for her drink.

"Oh I LOVE being used! More Master!"

"I love a sexy sub. and DAMN Suki."

She smiled lewdly as she got her latest drink.

"I'm a sex addict."

"I can tell. I love it."

The eager girl got flooded in her three holes before the warrior went limp inside her lovely ass.

"OOOOH I love this feeling."

He smiled as he kissed her once more and she slumped into a limp bundle of legs and juices.

"Was fun Suki. Might wanna rail you again sometime."

"Oh YES PLEASE! Once I use a cream that is. I like being tight!"

"Atta girl. You good?"

"Hm? Oh yeah. Just leave me here. My friends'll help me to the locker room later."

"see ya later. Oh."

He tossed her his number and she gave him hers. Albiet with a weak strength. The warrior walked out of the closet whistling and a group of four girls went in and giggled.

"Su you're such a slut!"

"Look at that MESS! Guy's got stamina."

"I wanne try! Oh wow it's tasty."

"Okay. we're all jumping that guy en mass next time."