
The demon lord's Awakening

A new Arc

Daoistb9HBgz · Fantasía
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58 Chs

Unleashing the Storm

In the aftermath of their confrontation with the Dark Binders, Lucian, Sir Elric, and Elara regrouped, drawing on their fleeting victory and the fragile hope it offered. The air was tense with anticipation as they prepared their next move against King Alderon, determined to end his tyrannical rule and restore peace to the kingdom.

However, in the shadowed outskirts of the capital, unseen and malevolent forces were aligning under the king's desperate command. As Lucian and his friends discussed their strategy, a sinister spell was cast from the darkness, aimed at them with deadly precision.

Elara, ever vigilant, sensed the impending attack a moment too late. "Look out!" she cried, turning towards her friends.

But the spell was too swift, too powerful. It struck Sir Elric and Elara squarely, enveloping them in a blinding flash of light. Lucian, only a few steps away, spun around, his eyes widening in horror as he saw his friends fall to the ground, lifeless, their bodies scorched by the magical assault.

"No!" The scream tore from Lucian's throat, a raw, guttural sound that echoed through the empty streets. He rushed to their sides, his hands shaking as he reached out to feel for any sign of life. But it was in vain. Sir Elric and Elara were gone, their eyes staring blankly at the sky.

The pain of this fresh loss cut deeper into Lucian's soul, igniting a fury that surpassed all he had felt before. His grief, compounded by the betrayals and battles he had endured, now morphed into a dark, all-consuming rage.

The shadows around him seemed to pulse and thicken, responding to his anger. The dark energy within him, which he had struggled to control, now surged forth unbidden, wrapping around him like a cloak of night. His eyes, once a clear reflection of his inner turmoil, now glowed with a terrifying, otherworldly light.

Standing up, Lucian turned towards the palace, his gaze fixed on the distant silhouette of the royal spires. "Alderon!" he roared, his voice carrying across the city, a promise of retribution. "You will pay for this!"

With each step towards the capital, the ground seemed to tremble, and the air grew colder. Shadows moved at his command, skittering across the streets and walls, spreading fear among the inhabitants who peered from behind closed shutters.

Lucian's heart, once capable of great love and compassion, now beat only for vengeance. The darkness within him, fueled by his immense grief and the unrelenting desire for justice, was no longer a force he wished to control. It was his weapon, his armor, his path to avenging the lives of those he had loved and lost.

As he approached the palace gates, the city's defenses sprang to life. Magical barriers flared to life, and soldiers poured into the streets, their weapons drawn. But they were not prepared for the power Lucian wielded. With a wave of his hand, he shattered the barriers as if they were made of glass, his dark minions overwhelming the soldiers with terrifying efficiency.

Inside the palace, King Alderon watched the advance of this one-man army, his face pale with fear. He had underestimated Lucian, thinking him a mere puppet ensnared by grief. Now, he faced a force of nature, a storm of darkness that no one, perhaps not even Lucian himself, could control.

As the palace doors burst open, Lucian stepped inside, his figure a silhouette of wrath. The real terror had begun, and the kingdom would never be the same.

Sorry I am not good at Creating Title:(

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