
With great power, comes great pain

The best sleeping time for parents is when their baby is asleep.

After not sleeping for more than twenty-four hours, all I wanted to do was to close my eyes and drift to dreamland. So, leaving Shwa in the nursery, I took a long nap with Jade--who had already slept in the ruin, but had been busy shopping and preparing his bribe. After the stimulating reality filled with unexpected revelations, my brain said it was enough and sent me to dreamless sleep.

Perhaps that was why, I woke up feeling refreshed. It was even nicer because I woke up to the sound of two giggling children. Shwa was shrieking in delight as Jade's face buried in his stomach, blowing blueberries. The little legs were kicking in the air, while little fingers clutched the green hair.

"Did you walk all the way from the nursery, Shwa?" I turned to my side and stroked the laughing cheek.

Jade raised his head and gasped. "Oh, no! We wake up Papa, Shwa!"
