
Know your enemies so you can avoid them

Like everything good in this world, this private vacation too, had to come to an end.

After spending the last day doing some adventure--and by that, I meant exploring the island too, not just...ahem, playing with stuff--we finally bid our little nice cabin goodbye. This time, I managed to do what I was meant to do before--tidying up the cabin while Natha cooked.

Another list of my 'married life' had been crossed!

Granted, it was only two times, but...I still did it! Yay! Because, you know...there was no way I could do this in a place with dozens of servants tending to me, right? They would be horrified if I started doing something, even just preparing my own clothes, thinking that I was not satisfied with their service. I once decided to bring some books from the library by myself, and the servants were crying, asking if I was going to sack them since I didn't call them for help...