
Have you ever thought employing a demigod to paint your baby room and babysitting your child?

Natha put me down carefully in front of the bassinet, but even though my heart screamed and told me to check it right away, my body froze.

My hands, pausing in the air, were too scared to touch it. Thoughts like 'what if I break it' flooded my mind, like what some people might think when they were in front of a beautiful piece of art.

And, oh...it was an art, alright.

Call me excessive or whatever--I didn't care. For me, this box that my baby would use in the near future was an art.

Firstly, the white color was very fitting with the fluttering white petals all over the wall. And even without me saying anything, there were flower-shaped filigrees all over the frame, with small refined colorful jewels as the center of the flowers. A steady stream of mana that fueled the formations hidden all over the bassinet could be felt from those jewels.