
Friend in needs is a friend indeed

Shwa was getting fussy after playing with the sparkles, so I handed him over to the nannies for feeding and cleaning. It gave me a chance to call for Ignis--which was ideal, because the Salamander was more expressive without its biggest fire hazard: a baby.

"Ceci! Ceci!"

[What's up, Val?]

I blinked as instead of a lizard, the flame took out a different shape this time. Shapes, to be exact. The flame turned into several miniature humans sitting inside a carriage. One of them, clearly Zarfa, was talking, and the voice was almost the same--just a bit distorted--like how someone would sound in a landline phone.

Whoa...when did Ignis learn this kind of trick?

Wait. It wasn't because the Salamander got fed up acting as a messager...right?

Ugh--I needed to search for an active volcano after this.


But for now, I had to focus. "Here me out, there's something I've been thinking about!]