
The demon kings new life in Japan

Zexion had the perfect life. A loving family, a fiancée, he was the prince of a large country. But as all good things, they came to an end. Stricken with grief he sought for a revenge that would never satisfy him. His revenge came to pass but he wanted more, a world that was like this didn’t deserve to exist. So he decided to destroy it. What fate has in store for him after that who’s to say.

Manny_Balls · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The end of his old life, the beginning of his new one.

"...Really? This is all?"



"Why? You ask. Well I don't know."

In a castle 6 humanoid beings were in there only 3 of them were standing the other 3 well let's not say their situation was great. One of them had swords sticking out of her and she was being kept alive. Another had his face eaten by some monsters along with his legs and arms and intestines, he was also being kept alive. The other one was being toyed around by orcs forced to be under the torment his eyes were showing no life anymore. The other two were bruised and bloody. One of them had sadness in their eyes while the other had pure hatred.

"DIE YOU BASTARD!!" An average looking boy with brown hair and brown eyes lifted up a flashy sword and charged at the figure.

"I've tried. But I can't." The figure answered in an emotionless tone.

"Kshh." The sound of stabbing flesh sounded throughout the castle. The brown haired boy had a face of pure delight until he noticed that the figure wasn't even phased. The figure looked at him with cold emotionless red eyes.

"Is that all?" The figure said clearly not even scared. The brown haired boy stepped back in fear but immediately he got angry forcing his own pride to counter the fear.


"How utterly boring." The figure said and in an instant the boy shut up. No more like he was forced.

"I wonder how much you can withstand?

"AHHHHHHH! W-WHAT T….. THE.. FUCK!" The brown haired boy crumpled down in pain. He was gasping for air at first he could muster out some cries and words but in an instant he couldn't even do that. The brown haired boy unbeknownst to him had his organs stabbed over and over by invisible blades. His heart,lungs, kidney, pancreas, liver, intestines were all being stabbed by heated blades. Though no one could tell as it looked like he was just lying and spasming on the floor. Finally blood started coming through his throat and he was no longer gasping as he choked on his own blood.

The boy was under the same thing as the other 3 being kept alive to be tortured no matter how much they endured they'd never die only experiencing pain.

"Be thankful that is your fate. I could make you live an endless death if I so choose." The figure said. The boy didn't even react, just gasping for air that would never go to his lungs.

Finally the figure looked towards the last member. A beautiful girl with long purple hair and green eyes. She merely looked at the floor in disbelief. She had asked "why" earlier and yet all she got was a flippant answer.

"So you're the last one left huh? Well you never attacked like the others so I didn't focus on you. So what'll you do? All your friends are practically dead? The army is taking over your kingdom so your mother along with your sisters are being Forced to be a breeding partner for some orcs. So princess,what is your move?"


The girl with purple hair just repeated what she had said beforehand. Looking at the floor. The figure didn't even care.

"Well your suffering won't last long. Remember what I said? I'll destroy this world." The figure walked past her and picked up a sword on a throne. It was pure black radiating a sinister energy.

"You know, when my father said our race would never use this sword ever again I thought he was right. Well now I don't think so." The figure continued in an emotionless tone. The girl with purple hair finally raised her head,tears leaking out of her eyes.

"Oh. Finally looking at reality? Good job there's something you haven't done in years." The figure said sarcastically looking at the purple haired girl. The purple haired girl clenched her teeth forcing herself to stand up.

"I... know ...what I must do." the purple hair girl said holding a dagger that shined of silver. She had cuts everywhere and the tendons in her legs were cut and she used every bit of mana to make herself stand. The figure didn't say anything and just looked at the purple haired girl.

"I'm sorry." The purple haired girl squeaked out through her choking voice as she quickly appeared in front of the figure.

"Kshh" again the sounds of steel cutting through flesh sounded. The dagger was thrust into the figure's heart. But as expected the figure didn't even acknowledge the fact that an item blessed by the gods was powerful enough to kill even other gods.

"A little too late for that princess. As you are with everything." The figure said in the same emotionless tone. It was unknown if he was mocking her for her apology or the dagger not working on the figure anymore. The purple haired girl backed away, her tears kept coming out. She didn't know the reason why she was crying anymore. Was it because of what she ignored? Is it because of what she did to them? Is it because she led her friends to an unwinnable battle? Is it because her family is dead?

"Ksshhh." The sound of steel ripping through flesh sounded once again for the final time. The purple haired girl looked at her chest and saw the black sword there.

"I wonder what fate the sword has for you?" The figure said. Finally the darkness shrouding him left revealing a boy of 16 years old. He had pure white hair with purple streaks going through and red eyes. He had an androgynous face but he leaned a bit more to feminine charm.

"Ah." The purple haired girl said as she finally saw his face but just as fast as the sword was thrust in her it was immediately taken out. Her beating Heart attached to the end. Her legs lost strength and she fell over the boy looking at her with eyes as cold as ice. There was no warmth to be found. Eyes that were filled with kindness and happiness now had none of that. Eyes she used to enjoy looking at looked at her as though she was simply a bug on the floor.

"w-h-y" The purple haired girl croaked out one last time. This time the boy didn't answer and simply walked past her. The figure looked out the window of the castle to see the human army that had been defeated with ease. The boy felt nothing. Not surprising as he hasn't felt anything since that day.

"…..I wonder…. What fate does the sword have for me?" The boy said as he jumped up with all his might towards the sky. The boy reached beyond the clouds easily until he started falling. The boy turned around and faced towards the ground. He positioned his sword and used his mana to activate its true power. A silver glow wrapped around the pure black sword as its energy began to suck the life of everything around it including the boy.

The boy started increasing his speed towards the ground using mana and his speed broke the sound barrier causing a loud boom to go around the planet. His speed didn't stop, he kept going faster and faster until he reached his target. Finally after reaching Mach 17 he hit the ground. A loud boom was the first thing that happened and then the world started shaking, the sword which had been thrust in the ground had started vibrating.

"I wonder about so many things. But why is emptiness the only thing I feel right now?" The boy said as darkness began to envelope the world. It started from the sky but the darkness was different. It was extremely fast as though it had a mind of its own. The boy said a question that no one would answer and just like that the boy disappeared in the darkness as everything else had.





"Ehehe. Papa! Mama!"

"Whoa! Zexion! How many times do we have to tell you to stop running like that?"

"But but I haven't seen mama and papa in like forever!"

"Haaa. Really we need to stop spoiling you."

"Dear. We'll never stop spoiling him. Even when he's in his 20's I'll carry him around."

"You're never gonna stop being a doting mother are you?"

"You say that but you doted a lot on our first and second daughter didn't you? The only reason they're studying is because you wanna keep them away from suitors."

"Gah. But they'll always be my little girls."

"And zexion will always be my little boy." The black haired woman took the black haired little boy from the blue haired man. The little boy didn't even seem to care about their argument and was just happy to see his parents. His adorable red eyes shined in happiness whenever one of them talked to him.

"Your majesty. The king of Neorian is here. Along with the queen and princess."

"I see." Was all the man said. The woman noticed the atmosphere and set zexion down. Zexion looked in confusion but his mother just smiled and patted his head while taking him with his father.

"Hello King of akuma." Zexion was taken to the room where his father would meet with some old people who were apparently important to the country. Inside the room was an old man with gray hair and green eyes, while on the left sat a beautiful woman with purple hair and blue eyes. On her side sitting in a straight posture was a little girl with long purple hair and green eyes.

"Hello king of Neorian." The men greeted each other. Zexion's father in a less than pleased mood. The king of Neorian in a neutral way. The two started talking, leaving their wife and child to the side. Until they both spoke up and finished.

"So this is where we'll stop, do you agree?"

"Yes I do." The two said and signed a paper and shook hands then they looked at their respective child.

"Zexion. I know we've talked about this but it's come a lot earlier."

"What is it papa?" Zexion said, tilting his head.

"…..haaa. Listen, your fiancée has been decided. She's the princess of the Neorian Iris." Sighing at his son's innocence he mustered his strength to say that sentence. Of course his son didn't mind and simply went along with it.

"Why don't we give the kids some time to talk? I think that'll be good, no?"

"…. Yeah." Was all zexion's father was able to say and he took Iris and Zexion to another room.

"Please stay here and talk to each other while us parents speak on more important matters." Zexion's father said ruffling Zexion's hair with a forced smile.

"Okay!" Zexion answered back. That innocent smile made it harder for Zexion's father to be there so he quickly rushed out. His daughters didn't need to do this so why did his son have too? He was angered and wanted to kill the king of Neorian but he needed to do this. It was for peace. Seeing as his father left Zexion decided to talk to the other person in this room.

"Hello! I'm Zexion! Nice to meet you." Zexion said with a happy smile. The girl was startled and answered more reservedly.

"I'm Iris. N-Nice to keep you too." Just like that Zexion had got himself a fiancée. He didn't know what it meant as he was only 6 but his dad used to say Zexion's mother was his fiancée so it must be a good thing that he has a fiancée. That was until they turned 8. Iris had been acknowledged as the saint born every One hundred years. And just like that the cracks in the peace treaty started happening. Iris had been coming over to Zexion's castle almost twice a month for a week but now she rarely came over.

Zexion thought nothing of it and went along with his daily life until his tenth birthday. The kingdom was on fire, people were screaming. Everything was going terribly. The capital had been stormed by thousands of human troops killing anyone they came across. They came all the way to the castle forcing their way in.

"Z-Zexion. Hide plea-"


"Mama?" Zexion said. A sword sticking through his mothers chest. He looked confused, not accepting the reality of it all.

"Mama? Mama. Mama please wake up. Mama? MAMA!"

"Someone shut up that demon brat. Don't kill him either, we need him alive." An old man who stabbed his mother said. Zexion looked at him and saw his face clearly before someone went behind him and knocked him out. The army had killed the royal family of akuma. Zexion's father and his two older sisters killed half of the population of akuma.

"Listen demon brat. You'll be a mere puppet. You should be lucky we are gonna keep you alive." The old man in a pope's outfit said to Zexion. Zexion didn't answer. His eyes were empty and the memory of his mother dying. He couldn't even see her body anymore as they burned it when he was asleep. Same with his two older sisters and father.

'Why?' Was his only thought. The old man left and in came Iris. Someone Zexion would be extremely happy to see but he had an expressionless face. He looked at her and Iris seemed to be fidgety.

"U-hm it'll be okay Zexion! I'll be here for you!" Iris said. Zexion should've been happy with those words but nothing came. Zexion simply stood up and left to go to the throne of his castle.

"We'll be breaking off your engagement with my daughter." The king of Neorian said.

"The hero has shown up. He'll be a better king than you, a mere demon. I don't want my daughter to even see you anymore." The king said but Zexion said nothing and bowed and left. As he was leaving he ran into Iris. He turned twelve this year and he had only seen her once when they announced the hero of this generation.

"H-Hey Zexion. D-Don't worry everything will be fine! I'm sure of it!" Iris said with a forced smile. She seemed to believe that everything would be fine. Zexion simply ignored her as he had nothing to do with her anymore.

"You want revenge?"


"Yeah I'm sure you do. Hey. Go back to our roots. Show them what a true demon is. Show them what happens when you indulge in sin. Show them violence breeds violence." A voice sounded through Zexion's head who was 13 this year. His people had turned into slaves luckily they had not been turned into sex slaves as the church thought demons and humans should not mix. Zexion had started to have a desire for revenge he accepted to voice easily and it did as it said it sent him back to his roots.

Black wings came out of his back. His black hair turned pure white with purple streaks. A new desire to kill went through him and he went with an iron sword to a forest of monsters and started to kill. He killed anything he met animals,monsters,and humans he encountered. The killing had made him stronger. He didn't know how it worked but the more he killed the more his strength increased.

He went to the library that was in his castle and started to learn magic. The voice also helped him in his training telling him what to do for swordsmanship and magic. Zexion had gotten a status screen. Something only those with strong jobs have got. His job was "demon king." His level was ??? And his stats were very high. He was sure he surpassed even the sword saint. So he continued to train with the voice until he was 15 where he started the plan. An engagement announcement was going to happen. Between the saint and the hero.

The king was ready to make it official. The hero looked prideful as he was going to accept the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. Him a simple commoner now having women and riches come to him he felt extremely happy. But just as the king got up a sword came through the sky stabbing the king in the stomach.

"I'll say it here now. The akuma kingdom declares war on all of humanity. I don't care who you are, what you do I'll make sure this word gets destroyed." Zexion came in, slicing off the king's head making it roll to Iris. His black wings spread out wide as he looked at all the nobles using his presence to freeze all of them. The hero who was supposed to be the most powerful person in the world couldn't even move his eyes due to Zexion's presence.

Saying his words Zexion flapped his wings and left the castle. Leaving everyone in a panic. Just like that the war began. The hero had needed a party but just because there was a party doesn't mean all the demons went to attack them. Zexion made them avoid the hero's party and attack the human kingdoms the hero's weren't in. Naturally Zexion used his power he got from the voice and boosted the demon's powers.

Even though they were called demons most of them were just human like with dog ears, cat ears, and even elf's. Ogres or orc's didn't even use human women to give birth to more orcs. Orcs had been born as women as well; they all had dark skin with the females being 7 ft tall while the males being 6 ft tall. But the humans painted them that way so Zexion told them to impregnate human women especially women working in churches.

Just like that all the human kingdoms were destroyed. All men,women, and children were killed. Just as the voice said violence breeds violence. The saint only now realized the scope of everything that had been caused. Everything she looked away from. Everything that her family had caused because of her. Just like that the love she wanted disappeared from her forever. Not even acknowledging her as someone to even look at her as another mortal being she died a death more painful than others.





"W-Where am I? It feels warm And safe." A feeling he hasn't experienced in 7 years.

"What am I doing here?" That question would be answered quickly as light began to shine. He could hear muffled voices and he was being pushed out. He let the flow carry him since he didn't really care and finally a bright light shined on him.

"Congratulations miss, it's a boy! Hmm but he's not crying. Hold on a second."


"Hey. Human, how dare you hit the demon king? Die." Zexion said but it only came out as cries.

"There we go! Now he's crying. Here you go madam."

"Hah. Hah. T-This is my baby?" The woman with long white hair accepted the baby in her arms. She looked at her baby and Zexion looked back as his crying stopped.

"Fufu. So cute."

"Madam have you got a name?" The old woman asked.

"Yes I do. His name will be Shiro."

"Shiro? Why Shiro?"

"Don't you see the snow? I'm sure my boy will like his new name."

"I don't." Zexion said but it only came out as a weird happy sound and the woman smiled happily and started playing with him even though she was clearly tired.

'This isn't the fate I was expecting. Why did you put me here, sword?"