

"Bro, you should see this!" a young man who invited white shirt under his brown leather jacket said.

He is staring intently at the CCTV footage that they gathered at the abandoned hotel they are in. A man bounded on his side. The said man was wearing a pair of dark-colored jeans and combat shoes, hands on the pockets of his black sweatshirt, and his piercing green eyes seems to gleam in the dark. Despite the similar looks, one can simply determine the difference in their attitude and likes.

The two of them watched intently at the video that miraculously played after all the years that it had been stuck.

"This footage was captured eighteen years ago, 2 months before this damned hotel was permanently closed." The boy who wore the brown leather jacket said to the serious-looking teen.

The pair of green and blue eyes intently watched the footage in which 25 men wearing priestly like dark robes and hoods drag 2 women who were tightly restrained by cuffs or ropes.

"That was the scenario outside the hotel. You will be shocked of what is their business inside." The first guy said

"We are watching the same footage." The serious-looking looking teen growled.

The other teen just raised his hands as if telling the other teen that he is surrendering though the rolling of his eyes says that HE is such a SPOILSPORT. He still had doubts of his twin brothers' rapid change of mood.

When he played the next part of the video, he was shocked by the first image that will forever plague his mind and dreams.

There was large circle drawn on the rich mahogany floors of the hotel. There are candles that outlined the sides of the circle along the lines there are letters and words that is unrecognizable and unreadable. But, by the looks of it is cultish. Torches lit the whole room. Shadows danced at the beat of the creepy and horrifying atmosphere. The newly swept and mopped mahogany and oak floors are tainted with thick blood. Cries of the staffs, visitors, and kidnapped women and children can be heard that bounces on every corner of the room.

"MOM." The green eyed teenager silently said. He cannot believe that the younger version of his mother was present on that horrifying day. Her hands are tied on a pole, soaked in blood at the middle of the cultish circle.

"Kuya." The other teen said nervously. Completely clueless of what is truly happening. He did not know what to react upon witnessing such gruesome act. He also did not expect to see the younger version of their mother to be involved on such thing.

At the video, a man proceeded at the center of the circle. He raised both of his hands as if praying to some divinity unknown to people. His voice cannot be heard, heck! Even the movement of his lips cannot be read.

The youngest of the two simply tried to calm his brother. He had seen his brother mad before, but he never imagined him to be furiously mad as if he could tear walls down.

The said teen glared at the man on the screen while releasing an animalistic growl from his throat. The other teen noticed his brother clutching his chest as if it is about to burst from the hatred he felt.

Once the man's cultish prayer ended, the mad teenagers' veins near his eyes turned black. His right iris turned somewhat reptilian along with the temperature dropped.

"I will definitely skin and gut you alive once I get my hands on your neck." The angered teen said with complete hatred, "I will give you a taste of hell!" The teen added with maliciousness.

As if his wishes had been granted, the said man on the screen was set on fire and the footage ended with his screams and cries of the people present on that day.


Kuya - a Filipino word which meant, older male sibling or cousin; sometimes used to show respect to older males who are not even friends or family.

I am currently trying to refresh my memories about this story and having second thoughts if I should try and incorporate some filipino words to my story. Everytime that I try to put the word BROTHER or BIG BROTHER in that last line I am CRINGING inside, because for me the word KUYA is really intimate specially if they are you know, siblins, twins.

Milang13creators' thoughts