
Chapter 2: Stubbins the Janitor

Stubbins started in the janitorial department about a year ago with DI - Daemon Insurance, a Government subsidiary. He had access to floors 20-35 only. Most of them were underground, and only a few remained above ground, which he found strange along with the whole building and the people here, but the job paid him well with great benefits. So he kept his head down and mouth shut like the boss told him too, "Your job is to collect the garbage and clean up. If you see or hear anything strange, ignore it!" His Boss, Bob, reminded them every day. "No personal belongings outside of the locker room and nothing leaves any of the floors," Bob went over his usual spiel every morning that it became ingrained in everyone's mind.

Stubbins looked at his watch; it was five minutes till clock in time. He decided to make his way inside the large government building that sat on the outskirts of Los Alamos, New Mexico. He shuffled through the doors to the Sanitation and Facilities department on the first floor, his eyes bloodshot. "You look like shit. You alright Stubbins?" Bob asked.

"The twins were up all night crying again. They must of caught something from daycare," Stubbins rubbed his eyes. He didn't like putting his two girls in daycare, but his workplace covered 80% of the expenses. They were generous to those who worked well and quietly for them. That's what Stubbins did.

Bob took a deep breath, "Miles called in sick again, going on two days now. You know anything about that? I thought you two were close and all."

Stubbins twisted the gold band he still wore around his ring finger in circles, "No, I don't. I umm... I haven't spoken or seen Miles since my wife's funeral," he said. They were high school sweethearts and married for ten years. Emily always wanted kids, and when they finally had some, the cancer took her right away — leaving him with the burden of it all.

Bob patted him on the back, "You got it, tough kid. You really do, but we have to haul ass today," he started towards the elevator.

Stubbins quickly removed his shoes, jacket, and watch. He put them into his opened door locker, "Yeah, I'm right behind you Bob," he said. DI, no longer allowed closed door lockers because of the security breaches in the past.

"Hurry up. We're going to the 41st floor."

"The 41st floor? You mean the 40th floor?" Stubbins looked at Bob confused. How far down does this place go, Stubbins, scratched his head? Now there's even a secret 41st floor.

"No the 41st. Don't ask about it alright," Bob shot Stubbins a look, "Just know we need it cleaned before the workers show up," as both Men entered the elevator.

Stubbins and Bob stepped through the last alloyed titanium door into a large white corridor. "What was that all about?" He glanced over at Bob who looked like he were about to shat himself. "What's going on down here?" Stubbins doubt it had anything to do with life insurance anymore.

"Don't ask. Just get to work. You take the front half, and I'll take the back half," and Bob hurried off.

Stubbins began his usual routine; he would start from the back and work his way towards the front. "Wow, this place is weird," as he headed through the corridor. "There aren't any desks, offices, or even a single piece of paper," Stubbins looked around and noticed the glass panels that formed into individual rooms scattered the floor. When Stubbins got closer to the glass panels, each panel had scriptures inscribed on it. He tapped on the glass panel and ran his fingers over the scriptures. "What kind of ancient aliens crap is this?" his left hand touched the panel this time. The gold band around his finger softly banged against the glass; a cold shock zipped through his left hand. He stepped backward, "What was that?" and backed further away. "Must be static electricity," and Stubbins headed off towards the back end of his side of the floor.

Along the way, he noticed some of the glass rooms contained a high tech medical bed. "What's a Government Insurance Company doing with medical beds?" He peered into the darkened room. "Body restraints?" Stubbins pressed his face further into the glass panel as though he were going to pass right through. He had an uneasy feeling as he tried to see further inside. "What was that?" Stubbins' heart raced as he stumbled back. A Man! He caught a glimpse of a Man standing inside the room.

"Stubbins!" His Heart nearly jumped right out as he whipped his body around to see Bob behind him. "What the heck are you doing?"

"Bob!" he clutched his chest. "You scared the shit out of me," he squatted down. "I thought I saw someone in there." He took a couple of breaths to calm down.

"Get to work Stubbins. We ain't got time for this crap," Bob shoved the cleaning supplies into his hands.

After Bob's scolding, he went to work. First Stubbins wiped the glass, then swept the floors, and lastly, sprayed down the medical beds. He made his way through almost three-fourths of his side of the room when a gust of wind brushed across the back of his neck. Stubbins looked up, "Maybe he was underneath an air vent," he saw nothing but the ceiling. The 41st floor started to give him an unsettling vibe, but he continued with his work. When he reached what appeared to be a series of bookshelves he saw Bob round the corner. "Bob? You done already?" he called out, but Bob ignored him.

Stubbins went after him turning the corner only to find himself cut off by a glass panel room. "Where the hell did Bob go?" He turned back around but found Bob on the other side of the shelves. "It's not funny anymore," he walked towards Bob, who disappeared behind a glass room and vanished. The hair on his arms shot up. This place wasn't right; he knew it. He ran around the corner only to find himself lost among the maze of glass rooms. Stubbins took a left, then right, then back and forth each time his heart sank as he hit a dead end. He circled back this time half skidded and ran as he slid across the waxed floors. Right as he were about to scream for Bob, he stumbled into the corridor that leads to the elevator. "Screw Bob. He was getting the hell out of here." Stubbins made a mad dash for the elevator when the lights flashed red, and he heard a ding. The doors slid open. "Alex? What are you doing here?" Stubbins sighed.

"I could ask you the same thing," Alex replied. "I didn't know you had access to this floor." Miles and Bob were the only two janitors who had access.

"I don't. I came down here with Bob."

"You alright?" Alex asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Stubbins' hair sat on top of his head ruffled as though a gust of wind had blown through it and his breaths were heavy like he'd been running his entire shift. "I'm outta here," Stubbins pressed the elevator button.

"Alright. Take it, easy Man," Alex said as he watched the doors close behind Stubbins.