
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

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70 Chs

The challenge part 2


The creatures turned around and saw the gorilla covered in lava coming out the forest roaring at the top of its lungs.

"Which one of you called me weak" said the gorilla reaching the position of the other creatures. All of the creatures look at one single creature and the gorilla looked and saw who called him weak.

The creature was a wolf covered in pink fur with a bit of red on it. "SO IT WAS YOU" roared the gorilla as it prepared to punch the creature. Before it could it felt something grabbing its wrist and as he turned to look and see who dared to grab him he saw a Root grabbing him. "Oh sh-" the gorilla was then dragged away from the crowd and thrown into the ground forming a small crater.

A couple seconds later magma came exploding out of where the crater was made. Then a being made out of full magma with four horns on its head and had four arms appeared out of the crater. "You didn't let me finish saying who I was. I am the Great lord of the volcano, I am a hell gorilla" saying this the gorilla expected a shocked surprise from the creature but received something it didn't expect.

"So what"

"What do you mean so what, I AM A HELL GORILLA. ONE OF THE TOP GORILLAS IN THE WORLD AND I RECEIVE A SO WHAT FROM AN INFERIOR CREATURE LIKE YOU" the gorilla roared out as it began launching lave into the nearby plants. Several roots came out of the ground stabbing the gorilla only to be burnt away. "You idiot did you think that you can harm my perfect form" the gorilla said in a mocking tone as it continued to launch lava into the nearby plants.

More and more roots kept coming out of the ground attacking the gorilla, but none left a single mark. After five minutes the gorilla started launching its attack more quickly. As one of the lava was about to hit a tree a couple of roots stopped the lava from hitting it by making a wall of roots infront of the lava.

"So that's your body. This will be easy now that I know where you are at" the gorilla then launched several lava attacks at the tree only for them all to be blocked by roots.

[Lava Spear]

The gorilla then formed a spear of lava and grabbed it with two of its four hands. "Let's get serious" Said the gorilla as it slammed the spear into the wall of roots burning parts of the roots.

The gorilla kept stabbing and slamming the spear into the wall of roots until it was finally destroyed. "You have no more roots now DIE FOR ME" The gorilla then made his spear four times bigger then what it was and slammed it into the tree. The tree was instantly burned to a crisp and when the gorilla lifted his spear up nothing was left of the tree not even ashes.

"HAHAHA you are a strong opponent maybe the strongest one that I have ever killed. But in the end you were nothing but a big weed in front of me. Now what to do now" The gorilla then looked in the direction of the other creatures more specifically the wolf that called it weak.

"I haven't forgotten about you, you little bi-" Before it was going to finish its sentence it could feel several thing hit its back and go through his chest. As he looked down he saw a couple of roots that were in his chest burning up. "But your dead HOW ARE YOU ALIVE" roared the gorilla in rage.

"You think that my body was a tree. That's laughable"

"Then why did you protect the tree"

"To see your weakness of course. There has to be a limit in your mode and from the way you reacted I have to say your limit is about twenty to twenty-five minutes, give or take"

Hearing this baffled the gorilla not only for getting played but also because what the creature said was true. It did have a limit and the limit was twenty-four minutes.

"Do you want to know how much time has passed. Well it has been twenty-two minutes since you transformed. You know what that means"

The gorilla gulped a bit of lava as it was now afraid. It was afraid of the creature that tricked him. He was afraid what the creature would do to him once he goes back to his original form.

[Lava items]

The gorilla then created a bunch of lava items launching them at the nearby plants. Some even went into the crowd killing several creatures.

When his limit was up all the lava on his body started going to the chest until he was back in his original form. He then fell into the crater making a heavy thud noise.

After a couple minutes the gorilla climbed out of the crater panting heavily and moved weakly "let's call it a draw okay" said the gorilla as it finally got out of the crater.


Hearing that single word the gorilla became more scarred. "Please oh powerful one, please spare me" said the gorilla as it begged on the ground.

After a intense silence for a couple seconds he heard a response.

"Fine I'll come out of the dirt to see you."

Hearing this the gorilla smirked "once you show your self I'll just punch my lava into your chest and begin gloating about how you fell for my trick"

The gorilla waited and saw roots coming out of the ground forming a mound of roots and saw roots in the center of the mounds chest beating "Time to strike now" thought the gorilla as it began to charge at the creature.


The gorilla then punched the beating roots and formed magma in its hand burning the the creatures heart. Then the rest of the mound went into a flame.

"HAHAHA I WIN" the gorilla cheered out "Now where is that wolf at" said the gorilla as it looked at the crowd of creatures. As it turned its back to the mound in a couple of seconds it felt sharp pain coming from its back.

The gorilla quickly turned around and saw roots coming out of the mound.

"Did you really think I would really show my true self."

The gorilla Hearing this was enraged again for being tricked and was about to launch lava again into the forest. But before it could launch it several roots stabbed into its chest making the gorilla vomit blood.

"Wait please spare me it was a mistake that I made. We all make mistakes please spare me" said the gorilla as it got the roots out of its back and chest painfully.

"And why should I. What would I gain from you being spared."

"You will gain an ally on this island. You can gain a partner in your scheme. You can gain-" the gorilla stopped talking when he heard what's the creature said next.

"I didn't know this was a island. No wonder I only saw beasts here and no humanoid beings. Well I don't need you now so good bye."

The gorilla was then surrounded by a massive white jaw as it realized what the creature was now. Dread in its eyes as it could see the jaw slowly closing the gorilla said one last thing. "WAIT PLEASE SPARE ME" The mouth then closed shut on the gorilla, as it's mind began to fade away it heard one last thing.



[Host gained 196 souls the host can now evolve into another flower]

[Host has leveled up to level 8]