
The Demon's Princess

A world in need summons a group of heroes to defend them. Fortunately for these desperate souls, they summoned the best of the best

Goreleech · Cómic
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35 Chs

The Demon's Princess: The Battle for the Dragon.


DAY 60.


GOLD: 159,180.

BLOODOATH GOLD: 106,159,943

Tyler woke the next morning in his tent alone. He got dressed and walked out to see Aiko leaving Rias' tent with a distinct wobble and the redhead smiled warmly as she hugged her.

"I'll see you soon, Ai-chan!"

"Yeah. I'll be waiting."

Tyler chuckled as Aiko walked away still in a daze from her night and Rias came strutting over to the Berserker with a smirk on her lips.


"LAdy I've seen pornos not half as good. YOU have a talent."

She smiled alurringly.

"It's still here. don;t worry."

"I wasn't to begin with. Just be sure to share that with Seria."

"Oh I WILL!"

They went to the tent where Akeno smirked.

"Sister. YOU have an interrogation to attend later."

"Ugh. FINE."

Tyler chuckled at that before he looked at the map.

"Alright. we're attacking the idiots at the dragon den."

They nodded and the Berserker smiled.

"Knights, move out."

They broke camp and got riding for the den as the stench of burning flesh, wood, and the faint screams of the dying were heard in the distance. The forest started thinning and Tyler nodded as they approached the trailhead.

"Dismount and into battlelines. Kirito, Bell, and Levi with me. Rest a you try to keep up and watch each other's asses."

They nodded and Tyler let out a long, slow breath as he banished all thoughts of anything but the battle to come out of his mind as they walked out of the forest and got their first look at the battle for the trove.

A massive cave on the side of the mountain was belching smoke and screams as thousands of men were trying to force their way inside with sheer weight of numbers alone. Every now and then gouts of grey flame were seen and the next wave of men went in. The entire enemy army had their backs turned to them and Tyler smirked as he saw this.

"Use wall spells to funnel them and keep them from manurvering. Try to herd them INTO the cave itself."

The orders were given and Tyler smiled.

"for Seria."

The 475 warrior force moved towards the rear of the enemy army silently at a run. Tyler and his squad racing out in front with the Berserker smiling widely and his eyes started to turn red as he sighted his prey along the flat ledge that served as their battlefield.

"Rapid Slash, ghost cut, double cut, double force, Iced wall. FLAMING HURRICANE!"

A gigantic, spinning cloud of red appeared over the heads of the rear enemy army and they looked up curiously....before the multiple tornadoes of flame exploded into being from Tyler's immense spell..and the Berserker impacted. Men turned to mush from the force of his swinging greatsword and soon a cry went up.


"Into the cave! The Berserker's here!"

"The Berserker has foudn us! RUN!"

The army decended wholeheatedly into a state of panic at the fact the Legendary Lord Berserker had found them and that was before Kirito abd Bell made impact. Levi sighed as he tore through man after man and the more experienced trio were leaving mush behind them.

"Great. There IS a difference. They get serious all hell breaks loose."

Tyler's flaming hurricane opened the door for the rest of the Knights to slam into the attempting to retreat army and the rout was on. Tyler's powerful abilities turned entire sections of the Fangorn army to mush while Kirito and Bell dashed to and fro on linear attacks with dozens dead per attack. The other heroes were also deal devestating attacks with the Elites leading the charges and the rookies keeping up with their own efforts. Tyler smiled as he noted the flames and roars coming from the cave took on a more amused feel as the enemy army were indeed pushed into the cave.


The spell melting a serious hole through the enemy army and Tyler smiled as he dropped back to the front ranks of his army and found himself beside Miho as she wielded a battleaxe. The orange haired girl wide eyed with fright but swinging her axe with power that made men spatter into paste when she hit them.

"Atta girl, Miho!"

She smiled at that praise as the Berserker patted her and he planted his feet,

"Rapid Slash! Tempest!"

He tore off like a juggernaut through the enemy force and she whistled at the Fangorns scattering like ten pins before him.


The enemy army was indeed pushed into the cave as the damage down to their force in such a short amount of time had them in full flight mode. Tyler chuckled as a half hour later they found themselves outside the cave and the enemy army retreating into the dragon's den.

"Wow. They have NO leaders."

ERwin nodded while so covered in blood it was hard to see where his face was.

"NOR any REAL training. ANY trained soldier knows to LOOk before you retreat."

Tyler looked at Asuna as she came up. Also drenched in blood.


She smiled.

"No serious injuries and a few levels gained. Bout it though."

"Let's go check on the dragon. Make sure those idiots aren't just camping in there."


Te army went to the entrance of the cave and Tyler whistled as he saw the thing was easily 150 meters across and about 500 tall. The floor was littered in tens of thousands of burned, trampled, and dead men from the enemy army.


He used his flames to melt their bodies in the event of hidden assassin and they walked inside. The cave was wll lit from torches every few meters and Tyler chuckled at this.

"They didn't even take the time to knock the torches down. HA. Idiots."

Miho came over wide eyed and he patted her bloody hair.

"We'll getchya a bath at the city, Miho."

"Yay! And are we safe? From the dragon?"

"I can't imagine it'll really bother us. Not when we just stuffed it full of food."


"Yeah just go with it."

The friends walked through the cave until they found the exit and a mass glittering was seen in the opening. Tyler took point now and they walked out of the cave to discover the entire mountain was hollow with the chamber a mile across and a mile high. The floor was stacked 15 feet deep with horribly mutilated and burned bodies all the while a massive hundre foot tall pile of gold coins, gems, fancy weapons, armor, and other valuables sat in the exact center of the chamber. Tyler whistled as he saw the pile.

"Damn....wait that's IT? I expected this entire chamber to be FLOORED by gold coins. Huh."

Strand chuckled.

"Mountain Dragon troves aren't known for their size. But they ARE known for their odd collections. They differ depending on the dragon."

"Oh now that makes much more sense."

HE looked up at the roof of the ceiling aand tilted his head.

HEy! Dragon! You still in here?"

His voice echoed around the thing and a deep, gravelly chuckle was heard all around them.

"I am here. SOULKILLER."

Tyler chuckled as no sign of the dragon was seen....when he noted a shadow on the floor surrounding the gold scale pile. He nudged Asuna.

"He's right in front of us wrapped around that pile."

"Yup I see em too."

The voice came again with a more surprised feel now.

"YOU can see ME? NOW? Not even ANOTHER dragon can see me."

Tyler chuckled.

"Invisibilty spells have on great flaw; now matter how powerful they are, YOU STILL CAST A SHADOW. Look down."

There was a minor rustle of scales and the unseen dragon chuckled. And it sounded like rocks slamming into each other.

"I see. So I DO have a weakness. And YOU saw it in thirty seconds. Soulkiller indeed. So. HAve you come to challange me?"

Tyler shrugged.

"Not yet. More making sure THESE idiots are dead to the last. We'll challange you when it's more of a fair fight."

The dragon's spell ended and they were treated to the sight of a 100 meter long beast with slate grey scales curled around the trove with it's immense head near them. It's back was 50 meters high and there were a pair of gargantuan wings folded neatly on it's back. Four limbs like tree trunks were seen under it's bulk as it curled nose to tail. Tyler whistled as he snapped a photo for Seria and the dragon chuckled.

"The Princess' collection?"


"even we skygods have heard of your devotion and love for that blue human. And that ability of yours."

Tyler shrugged.

"It's a neat trick."

"Neat trick. Know these idiots ARE dead to the last and will feed me for many months to come."

"Alright. Next gimmick."

"HOLD, Soulkiller."

Tyler and his army had turned and went to walk away when the dragon lifted it's head. The Berserker looked at it curiously.

"What's up?"

The dragon smirked, and it was a mere baring of the fangs.

"I am ALSO aware of yur INTIAL plan to havre ME to all YOUR fighting for you. By using my PRIDE against me."

"Oh. Interested in finding out if I can?"

The dragon rumbled like an angry T-rex.

"NO I am NOT! You're amusing."

"Ooookay. Soooo, what;s up?"

The dragon looked him in the eye.

"I will give you the same challange I gave these idiots. Guess my name...and claim a reward from my trove-"

"It's Stonia. Estonia Greyscale."

The dragon blinked at this reflex reply and then it let out a sigh like a hurricane gust.

"That's not my name....but my TRUE NAME. Dammit. Uuugh Amythia TOLD me this wuld happen SOME day."


The dragon sighed.

"You now know my true name. One only another dragon would know....so instinctively."


Stonia sighed.

"MY trove is YOURS to claim. Ugh. I guess this works out. This one sucks."

Tyler and the entire army blinked at this turnaround.

"So I guess a name...and claim your trove?"

"Well pretty much. It's a game I was playing with you lesser races. Since this way your clever ones would attempt to outwit me. it WAS fun. But now I lost."

Tyler shrugged as he looked at a shaking her head Asuna.

"Well. GO with it."


Stonia chuckled.

"I needed to relocate anyway. These idiots are annoying."

"Thanks for the payout."

"Thank YOU for the food."

"Hey quick question."

The dragon smirked.


"You fought that one idiot, Issei right?"

The dragon snorted in disgust at the name.

"The self-proclaimed 'dragon emperor'. I merely flicked him with my tail and it nealry cut him in half. The dragon INSIDE him is intriguing. If HE were given a dragon body, he WOULD be a dragongod for his immense power. His VESSEL however....is HELPLESS."

"Ha. And HER?"

He jabbed a thumb at Wendy and the dragon poked her with his tail in an oddly affection manner.

"YOU are ADORABLE. I'll give you a task Soulkiller. Take that girl to meet with the Sky Dragon Queen, Aroura. She'd love her."

"Sure where can we find her?"

"NOOOO freakin clue. And her and the others like her, their magic? it IS more effective against us. And to be honest we're kinda curious ourselves what'd it do to us."

Wendy smiled as she looked at the dragon.

"we'll find her. we're kinda good at finding lost dragons."

Stonia chuckled as he spread his immense wings.

"We're watching YOU with amusement."

He looked at Tyler.

"YOU with FEAR. Avoid the dark path, or lose that which you care for most."

The grey dragon flew off out of the mountain and Tyler whistled as he looked at Asuna.

"So THAT'S a high dragon. I want to kill one."

She chuckled and they looked to the trove.

"Sooooo, how are we getting all this put of here?"

"I'll see if Mylissia has a way?"

Tyler took the orb out and the queen appeared. she saw the trove and blinked.

"The dragon?"

"HAd me guess it's name.....I did."

"Huh. The age old question. So you need help."

"YEeeah. we don't have the means to transport so much at this point."

She chuckled and passed a set of pouches through.

"Now you do. I'll have collectors for the bigger stuff out there later. Those pouches hold 100,000,000 pieces each. The BIG ONE holds 500."

"Thanks Mylissia....huh?"

He was looking at the trove when a swath of neon blue got his attention. He walked over curiously....only to smile at the beautiful light blue dress and Mylissia blinked.

"That's an Enchanted Queengown! They're made as a GIFT from a GODDESS. I don't even have one! They're enchanted to transform into the perfect dress based on the holder's wish..."

Tyler took it and the thing glowed bright black before transforming into a frilly wedding gown of neon blue trimmed with black borders and a sparkling torso like dragon scales. EVERY woman in sight gasped at the beautiful garment and Tyler smiled.

"Here's the last piece."

Mylissia had a tear fall at the thought of her beautiful daughter in her wedding dress as Tyler passed it through to her.

"It will be SEALED."

"Thanks Mylissia. We'll be back eventually."

"It will be waiting."

The queen left and Belfast smiled as she approached.

"YOU know what works for her."

"She's my wife, Belfast. course I do."

They chuckled at that. Then he looked at the trove and tilted his head.

"Any poor bastards feel like counting?"

They chuckled at that one too before Asuna smirked.


A floating icon appeared over the trove as Tyler sighed.

"There's a math spell. Of course there's a math spell. Why WOULDN'T there be a math spell? Asuna?"

"I got it from the bank."

He sighed and slumped at this new knowledge.

"Oooh my head. So how much?"

She looked.

"Well. according to this that trove hs 456,564,854 gold in it."

"Huh. Alright. That by 2 is-"


He looked at Asuna as she used her spell and got the answer faster.

"Okay. That by 475 is-"

"480,594 with 277 gold to Bloodoath."

He looked at her and she smiled sweetly.


"Wow, Asuna. Cute."


He chuckled and the force collected their shares. Belfast whistled as she looked at the new total.

"Oh dear. PArty coin we have-"


"Dear, do not inspire me to revenge as we will be in the bath later...and your hair is due for a cleaning."

Asuna gulped at that dark threat and Belfast smiled sweetly. she shuddered.



Tyler chuckled as he nudged Kirito.


"Yeah she does that. Always SUPER cute when she does."

Asuna blushed at that praise from Kirito and Tyler chuckled/

"She's got a cute blush to."

"Very cute. Hey, her blush or Asia's?"

"Ooooh tough one! arrgh I gotta go with asuna."

"Yeah. Asuna finally beat Asia in cuteness for once."


"If you two IDIOTS are done EMBARRASSING ME, we have WORK to do."

The two discussing boy looked over at Asuna's gritted teeth words to see her glaring at them around her schoolgirl blush. Tyler chuckled as Kirito smiled.


"Kirito. I SLEEP with you. Do NOT make me what to HIT YOU IN THE BALLS WHILE YOU ARE SLEEPING!"

Tyler chuckled as he looked at the remainder of the pile.

"As fun as EMBARRASSING YOU is, Asuna,"

"I hate you."

"We'll lay the weapons and armor out now."

She sighed and they went to work laying out the various weapons and armor for divvying. Once the last pieces was on the blanket Tyler looked at the offerings.

"eh. Nothing's jumping at me."

The force went over the gear until they all had something. The leftovers were to be sold to the queendom. Next was the mass of gems which were split between party and individual before the Berserker looked at the remains.

"Fine art, some furniture for SOME odd freakin reason, plates, cups, and a few other things. We'll leave this for the collectors as we don;t have room on our wagons."

They nodded and the force headed out. Tyler smiled as he looked at Asuna.

"Now we assault the city. There'll be only a token force left behind."

She chuckled.

"Be kinda fun stormin a city."

"I've always wanted to sack a city. NOW I will."

They chuckled as they retrieved their horses and headed for the cliff city of Ardun. Tyler smiled as they made good time to the city....and found the gates wide open and no sign of anyone guarding the walls. Ardun was built on the edge of an immense cliff looking out over the valley three miles down. A long winding road led to the gates while the city itself was distinctly square shaped with towering walls with plenty of space for viewing the immensely breathtaking views of the area. The road leading up to the road was covered in drying blood and the city itself was littered in the hundreds of thousands of corpses from the army's invasion not a soul had bothered to clean up. Tyler sighed as he saw the gates.

"OR the city is deserted. Come on."

They rode their horses into the city proper now with nothing but the clipclop of hooves heard around the neatly lined streets and brickwork buildings. The streets were clogged from the sheer number of bodies on it's cobblestone surface and Tyler sighed as he saw women and small children among them.

"Great. His newfound power went to his head."

Asuna nodded with a grim expression as she saw now undamagedthe infrastructure was.

"The good news is the city is intact."

"Yeah. It'll be never be populated again as they'll need to consecrate the entire thing to avoid an undead rise."

They headed for the city center where the bodies stopped and a distrubingly clean section of cobblestone street was seen. Tyler dismounted his horse as the Berserker walked into the makeshift ring...

"About time you showed up, Tyler."

Issei stepped out from a shadow of a wall with a smirk and a new fire in his green eyes. he was still slender with brown hair but the scar from his branding was no longer visible on his forehead. His attire was a ragged cloak with his longsword on his hip. Tyler chuckled.

"What's up Jerkdragon? I heard you knocked some poor chick up."

"HOW did you know that?"

"Idiot I'm the Berserker. I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU."

Issei had a new look of hate on his face as he drew his longsword.

"If you think you know so fuckin well, what's my words gonna be?"

"Some bullshit rant on how I screwed you, stole Rias and the other girls, some pity party about how Drake doesn't respect you anymore or really answer you anymore, some halfassed death threats...and a vow to bend Rias over a barrel when you win."

"Get out of my head."


Rias smirked as she snuggled up to Aiko now and kissed her in full view of Issei.

"Sorry! I foudn a BETTER option!"

Issei was now BEAT RED with the image of Rias kissing the shy but eager Aiko.


"Ha. Loser."

He snapped out of his arrousal to launch himself at Tyler with his sword howling.


Tyler slashed him across the chest and Issei lost his right arm. The boy howled in agony as he dropped to the ground clutching his severed stump as Tyler pinned him to the stone with a bored expression.

"Issei. GIVE. UP. You are NOT a hero. You are NOT TOUGH. YOU are NOT A BADASS. You're a hopeless pervert who should have NEVER left their room. Drake wasted his power on you, you WASTED your opporunites, and you got many of your friends killed. ACCEPT IT. YOU ARE A LOSER! Here Drake. I'll do ya a solid."

Tyler lifted his sword,

"Dark Sacralant."

He stabbed Issei in the chest and he screamed as the soulkiller ability sliced clean through the ties binding the dragon Drake's soul to his own. A glowing green gem was forced out of Issei's chest as the sword stopped glowing and Tyler picked it up. Instantly a chuckle in a voice like thunder was heard from inside it.

"THANK YOU! I am the Red dragon Emperor DRAKE! I am FINALLY free of that PRISON!"

"nice to know ya Drake. I'm Tyler."

"Ha. This is my soul gem. Slot it into yuor chest an I will make myself at home. Oh. Relax. That sprite can stay. We'd be neighbors."

Metalica appeared with a chuckled.

"Drake's cool. And I'd be able to use his dragon flame for my forge too."

"I am NOT just a lighter dammit."

They chuckled and Tyler looked at the IMMENSELY weakened Issei as he found his power reduced to his level.

"You's not even a level 10. pathetic."


Rias came forward now and he looked at her with a smile.

"Full circle?"

"Full circle. As he is STILL a piece on my board and my servent, his execution falls to me."

He passed her his sword.

"don't stab yourself in the foot."

She chuckled as she took the sword....ONLY to get nearly pulled to the ground from it's immense weight.



"Dude this thing weighs like five of me!"

"Really? Huh. It's super light to me."

"Ha. Nice flex."

She lifted the hulking sword as Issei tried to crawl away...only to go limp without drake boosting his meager strength Tyler smirked.

"So where's Brad?"

Drake chuckled.

"Third house on your left."

"Thanks Drake."

Rias faced her gibbering servant disdainfully.

"Issei Hyuta. For your crimes against the House of Gremory...you are hereby sentenced to death. I regret ever saving you. NOW allow me to FIX that mistake."

She stabbed him in the chest with the sword and he screamed...before going limp. Rias smiled with relief and joy as she pased the sword back.

"I feel better."

Tyler patted her with a smile before he took the orb.

"Alright. let's see what this does."

He pressed the green gem to his chest and shivered as it merged with his soul...and a bright green gem appeared on his wrist as a blazing fire took root inside him before Drake was heard with awe in his voice.

"Now THIS is a SOUL! Damn dude!"

"Ha. Get cozy. And STAY away from the vault."

"Oh I am NOT goig near that thing."

"So drake, what can ya do here?"

"If you'd look at your Status Plate."

Tyler took it and whistled.

"ALL my stats got boosted by 200...WITHOUT a level up. Explains why he was able to keep up at all."

Kirito slumped.

"I want a fair fight dammit."

"Ha. Oh come on kirito. Number boosters HAVE to be common."

"Oh you're right."

Tyler looked to his Plate.

"I got the booster shot and the ability to call the boosted gear. And access to four boosts of his power. enough for a dragn shot. Hey Drake, escalor still in there?"

The red dragon chuckled from the green gem.

"It is actually. ISSEI forgot it was here."

"Can i reach it?"


Tyler focused and a 4 foot one handed longsword appeared from the gem and he took it.

"Huh. Lighter an I thought. I have my own holy sword of dragonslaying now."

Rias smirked.

"THAT thing in YOUR hands is nothing short of overpowered."

"Oh absolutely."

Asuna looked at it curiously.


"It's a holy sword like Xenovia's but this one was forged to kill dragons first."



He put the sword back and looked to the building in question.

"I'll go say hi to an old friend. YOU check on the mine."

They nodded and Tyler walked over to a three story building and Drake chuckled.

"The basement."

Tyler smirked as he booted the door in and a shrill scream of utter despair rang out from inside.

"Hey there, Brad! Been a few years hasn't it? I know, I know, I look damn good. Come on. Let's catch up."

The door shut and Asuna shuddered as not a sound was heard frm inside.

"NO ONE go NEAR that building."

The mines' entrances sat by the valley facing walls and were found to be empty. Strand chuckled as she led them a few levels in and they found no living souls in the labyrinthian place. They returned to the city square as Tyler came back with a smile. Not a mark or a drop of blood on him.

"It's always fun torturing that guy. Anyway."

Belfast looked at him and Metalica appeared from his chest.

"He's fine. THIS one is completely justified."

"Oh very well."

Tyler looked at Asuna.


She smiled.

"The city is secure. NO living souls anywhere."

"Alright. I'll get on the orb."

He pulled the orb out and Mylissia appeared with a smile.

"The news?"

"Ardun is deserted. The prisoner spoke truth."

"That is such a relief. The city will be repopulated."

"They left the bodies in the street, Mylissia. look."

He held the orb up and she gasped at the fields of dead.

"Oh those poor souls. Very well. The city will be consecrated and reestablished as a Priestess Pilgrimage site."

Tyler sighed at this before refocusing.

"On a better note, NO SURVIVORS of the Fangorn army remain, Mylissia. The region is secure."

She smiled with relief at this news.

"Well done, Tyler. You and your Knights have proven your summoning was not in vain and I do apologize for using Seria as a bargaining chip."

"I wouldn't recommend trying that again"

She smiled.

"Of course not. SHE'LL do it for me!"

"HA! Okay fair enough. we'll get off the mountain and ride for Sardona now."

"I will inform Brutalia you are on your way."

"Thanks Mylissia."

The orb went out and Tyler looked at Asuna.

"ONE hard cleaning for the army before we head out. I'd have us spend the night in the city but the bodies make it seem in bad taste."

She nodded with a smile.

"It WOULD be in bad taste. But a BATH is to be expected."

The army deep cleaned itself in the many baths of the touristy city before riding out down the mountain road. Erwin smiled as he caught up to the Berserker.

"So our next campaign is at sea?"

"with the injection assault on the three garrisons. This will be more fun then a pain in the ass since we'll be sailing. We'll go over the details when we make camp."

"I admit I am most excited."

Tyler chuckled at that as they decended the road at a steady canter. Strand was up front with him as the road was more a long curve leading through some deep valleys to the base. Tyler looked at her as they went.

"So why couldn't we just take the Ranger road back down?"

She smiled.

"Because we'd have to maintain it as Rangers....and that's a tedious process of combing the dirt back down."



He chuckled at that one as they found a large alcove to make camp in. Tyler smiled as he pitched his tent in a shadow with a clean view of the road coming down. The camp bonfire was lit with the smoe chasing away the insects, which made them all relax that much more. The Berserker then went into the command tent where he tapped the port of Sardona.

"This is our next stop. The port of Sardona. It;s a 12 day ride. And you're not gonna believe the city's design when we get there."

Erwin chuckled.

"I highly doubt anything can surprise me anymore."

Tyler smirked.


"Boo. Here."

He pulled the image of the Horn of Sardona up and the newbies blinked. Erwin sighed.

"That's why."

He chuckled before they refocused.

"Now we'll be learnign how to sail a sailing vessel. I've some experience in this and for the most part we'll be living aboard ship. Since we're nearly 500 men, we can expect a BIIIIG ship. Since splitting the army is just not an option. My guess is a first rate ship of the line and we'll be marines aboard her."

Wales smiled.

"This is my area of expertise, Sir Tyler. And I agree. Do you know the manner of arms these ships carry?"

"Blackpowder cannons and flintlock pistols. Hajime might be able to help out with a few more modern pieces of hardware, but he needs the material."

Metalica appeared o his arm.

"I got him his supply. He actually has something for you, Tyler."

"I will be right back."

They chuckled at that eagerness as the Berserker headed to where Hajime's crew liked to hang out. The white haired boy in black was lounging with Yue, his golden vampire princess, asleep on his chest by his tent and he chuckled as Tyler walked over.

"I was wondering when you'd be around. Think fast."

Two beefy revolvered with flip up break actions were tossed at the Berserker. Tyer caught them neatly, spun them a few times on his fingers and smirked as he looked down their sights.

"Niiice. 50 caliber too? Ha."

"They're basically Donner and Schlag but bigger since ya know, you."

"Thanks Hajime. Ammo?"

"Same. Metalica has a few thousands rounds in there and is CRANKING out more."

Tyler chuckled again.

"You da man Hajime."


Tyler walked back to the command tent and Asuna sighed as the two guns were seen on his belt.

"Great. NOW he's a gunslinger."

"I got a few tricks."

Shizu smirked.

"You any good with those?"

He smirked.

"Wanna go find out?"

"LATER. Last thing we need is you and Hajime getting into a shooting contest."

He chuckled at that distinct eventuality before the meeting ended and he returned to his tent. He walked in to find Javelin, Belfast's pretty purple haired friend, dozing inside it without her boots on and in her white unitard. She blushed a deep red with embarrassment as he blinked at this discovery.

"Sorry. I had a headache."

He chuckled as he laid beside her.

"My tent got turned into the girl's hideout. I wonder who started that one?"

Javelin chuckled i her soft, breahy voice.

"I believe it was Asia. She gushes on her time in here most enthuasiastically."

"Ha. Well. You're fine."

She smiled as he relaxed beside her. Javelin yawned quietly before falling full asleep beside him and he smiled at her soothin presence. she's pretty too. A shadow fell across the entrance and Rias chuckled as she poked her head in.

"I figured she'd be here."

Tyler chuckled.

"She's nice."

"She is. And Unicorn's looking for her."

He poked the girl's belly and she woke with a squeak.

"Unicorn's looking for you, JAvelin."

"Oh dear. I'll be along. Your tent IS quite relaxing Tyler."

She left and Rias was quick to take her spot beside the Berserker and he sighed with a smile as she got comfy.

"So. Aiko huh?"

Rias chuckled.

"She was fun."

"I thought you had no interest?"

"I didn't want to be molested by the queen. And well, Aiko's Aiko."

"Makes sense. So you're bi now?"

"Yup! Enjoy!"

"I'll be sure to."

He kissed her and she smiled as he looked at the ground.

"Night's Longing."

Seria rose from the ground and she smiled as she saw Rias.

"Yay! FULL snuggle!"

Tyler smirked and flipped the princess a copy.

"RIAS has been BUSY, Seria."

"Oh? Silent Sphere."

The sphere encased the three of them and Seria hit play on the recordig of Rias seducing Aiko for her first lesbian sexy. The blue haired princess smiled as she saw this.

"Ohh this is going to be FUN!"

The crystal was stored in her gown and Tyler kissed her.

"we'll have fun."

"Oh yeah we will."

Rias smirked.

"We COULD play a few games from OUR WORLD, Seria."

Seria looked at her curiously.

"Like what?"

"well. Truth or dare. I ask you truth or dare, and you pick one. Then you either do dares or tell the truth. it USUALLY just devolves into sexplay."

She smiled.

"I'll need a different set of spells. But that sounds like fun."

TYler kissed them both and Seria smirked as she noted something.

"I see purple hairs, Tyler."

"Yeah some reason my tent turned into the girl's hangout tent. JAvelin was just in here."

"Oh. She's sweet."


Rias shrugged as she got comfy.

"Tyler's got this soothing presence to him for most of the girls so they kinda gravitate towards his tent for some reason. I was watching and even Ryu wandered over to his tent before getting a hold of herself and walking away."

Seria smiled.

"I love that feeling. I'm glad they picked up on it."

Tyler chuckled as he settled between them.

"I've come back to my tent and found different girls in it three days in a row now. KInda nice in it's own way."

They chuckled as they settled down for the night. Tyler smiled as Seria and Rias kissed now.

"Good night, Seria. I love you. Good night, Rias. I love you too."


DAY 61.


GOLD: 639,774.

BLOODOATH GOLD: 388,442,370

Tyler woke to the feeling of massive boobs in his face. he opened his eyes to see Rias had moved in her sleep to lay on top of him with her massive rack in his face. He blinked at this oddly comfy perch before smiling and kissing her massive nipple. She woke with a shiver.

"OOOOH don't do that again! NOW I'm horny!"

seria giggled as she saw Rias' perch.

"wow, Rias! Sexy!"

Tyler chuckled as the redhead rubbed her melons all over his face in her attempt to get off him.

"Sexy and Seria's are harder."

The princess blushed with a shy smile.

"I like them too!"

Rias took that moment to feel her orbs herself.

"wow, Seria. Hard as rocks yet soft. I love em."

Tyler chuckled at the touchy feely scene before he kissed them both hard and they kissed hard. Seria smiled as she got her last kiss and faded out.

"I'll see you at home, Tyler."

He smiled at that.

"I love you too, Seria."

Rias smiled as she got a hug.

"We'll get her in the game."

"Oh absolutely."

She smiled as he hugged her.

"I love you too, Rias."

"I love you. Come on."

They got dressed and headed to the command tent. Asuna smiled as they walked in.

"We'll be on flatland by twilight. We're actually gonna pass the capital on the way to Sardona."

Tyler smiled.

"We'll wait to return. When we do, it'll be for a while."

Belfast looked at him and he smiled. She blinked, then smiled warmly.

"Very well."

The Berserker looked at the map and nodded.

"Let's get moving people."

They mounted up and headed out. The ride was quick and without any real incidents as they made camp in another hollow. Tyler was on watch again and he struck his statue of armor pose by the entrance. His relief was Hajime of all people and the guy chuckled as he walked up.



Tyler returned to his tent and smirked at finding another crystal on his pillow. The video turning out to be one of Rias seducing Belfast for a ride and he whistled at the flexibility on display. He added it to his collection and settled for the night.


DAY 62.


GOLD: 639,774.

BLOODOATH GOLD: 388,442,370

Tyler woke the next morning with a groan. He'd slept wrong and hius armw as stiff. He flexed his arm and forced the soreness to ease up as he walked out....

"Oh god dammit."

And was faced with the impenetrable fog. He couldn't see his hand until it was touching his face and he saighed at this.


He used his Sense Presence to detect the locations of people around him and sighed as he used it to navigate their camp inside the hollow. He found the command tent and Asuna sighed as he walked in. The presence of a torch breaking up the fog enough they could see.

"well we're not going anywhere today."

He sighed.

"Nope. Not when we can't even see our faces. Erect a barrier over the perimeter to make sure no one leaves the camp accidently. And then hunker down."

TAnya sighed from somewhere in the grey mass.

"An here I thought the moorland fog was bad."

Tyler chuckled at that one before he looked at Asuna.

"Same drill as the last time we got fogged."

"On it."

He returned to his tent and sighed as he laid inside it.

"There goes today."

The Berserker sighed as he relaxed on the fur bedrolls as even grinding wasn't really an option due to the hollow's position. Tyler yawned as he settled for a doze when Yui appeared from his chest.


He chuckled at her as she took her small girl form and snuggled up beside him.

"cuddle day Yui?"

"Yup! Metalica's hanging out with Hestia today so. I'll bother you!"

He chuckled as he stroked her soft black hair soothingly; Yui fell asleep after a few strokes and Tyler smiled as he joined her.

The warrior woke a few hours later to see Yui still snuggled up beside him in his tent and he had an arm around her in a protective embrace. He smiled at her wamr presence as he looked out the tent flap and saw the fog was still as thick. Tyler settled back down as Metalica camw floating in and saw them like that.

"awwww! How cute!"

Tyler chuckled at that one as the iron sprite took her own small girl form to rest on Yui's other side. He chuckled.

"Yui's a great teddybear."

"Oh she so is. I LOVE cuddling with her!"

TYler chuckled at that as he stroked their hair. Metalica smiled.

"So the puzzle's ready."


"I can see the plan in your soul. You'll KILL her with the surprise, Tyler."

"I love her, Metalica."

"Yeah. Good for her."

He smiled as they dozed. When next they opened their eyes, Yoshkia was poking her head in with a smile.

"Dinner! No one can see anything though."

"Thanks Yosh."

She beamed and was gone. The friends enjoyed a quiet meal tgoether before they cuddled up again. Tyler smiled as Yui claimed the spot on his chest now.
