
The Demon's Princess

A world in need summons a group of heroes to defend them. Fortunately for these desperate souls, they summoned the best of the best

Goreleech · Cómic
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35 Chs

The Demon's Princess: Complications.



GOLD: 15,550.


Tyler didn't dream that night and slept deeply. when next he opened his eyes he was faced with Belfast's sleeping face beside him on the bed and his arms around her waist while hers were holding him around the chest. Her face was right across from his own to the point he could feel her soft breath on his face. Tyler smiled as he saw this and Belfast smiled as she opened her eyes.

"Good morning Tyler. You didn't have a nightmare?"

"Nope. That's how it usually is."

She smiled and he held her to him.

"And this was nice."

The silver haired maid smiled knowingly as she leaned in his ear.

"NEVER speak a word. And we will cuddle again."

"I promise Belfast."

"Then let us awaken properly."

He smiled and the pair got out of bed. Rias sat up with a yawn and a smirk as the silver haired maid went into the bath and she joined her. Tyler went about his morning warmups before the ladies came out and he went in for his own bath. Once clean the warrior got dressed in his new attire before walking out. Rias and Belfast were inspecting a wrapped package a runner had delivered to the room when the thudding bootsteps inspired them to turn around. Rias whistled while Belfast had a flustered smile on her face.

"Oh damn."

"Oh my. I fear for my next actions."

Tyler's leather jacket and battered jeans had been replaced with a tight fitting undershirt that hid his chainmail perfectly while his overshirt was his scalemail. Over this he wore a ankle length tyrant leather jacket of black and red scales. The garment being far lighter then it appeared to be while also being tougher. The warrior had black jean-like pants on with high quality boots. On his hands were a pair of fingerless gloves while his grapple gauntlets were left in place. He chuckled at their expressions.

"I kinda ripped off Kirito's look."

Rias chuckled at that.

"YOU do it better."

"I'll be sure to rub it in."

He then took the 6 foot long wrapped bundle and tore it open. It was his greatsword. The thing was now a beautiful shade of blue that matched Seria's hair to perfection while also being perfectly balanced. The weapon had a 9 inch wide blade with twin edges while straight as a die. It narrowed to a vicious tip while the crossgaurd was shaped like spikes along with the pommel. Tyler whistled as he hefted the immense warsword.

"THAT is a LITTLE scary. it weighs less then half of my old sword."

He hung it on his back with the rest of his equipment and the friends had breakfast together in the room. Once fed they headed for the throne room....where all activity stopped on Tyler's appearance. Seria gasped from her position on her throne at the dark image he presented.

"You look intense Tyler!"

The warrior smiled as he hugged his princess.

"You look beautiful Seria. As always."

She smiled at that one before he bundled her in the coat.

"Wow. Warm in here."

He held her tightly.

"We should take a day sometime, Seria."

She smiled happily from inside her coccoon.

"We will."

"I'll go put on another show."

"I'll watch."

He let her from the jacket and she shivered as if cold when he did.

"Wow. Now I'm cold."

The court smiled at that as the warrior went to where Rias was smiling with Belfast.

"Make it known Tyler."

"Absolutely, Rias. Alright we good?"

They nodded and took off on theor jog for the coliseum. Tyler keeping pace with ease in his new coat and Belfast smiled as she kept pace. The friends reached the arena and were again among the first there. Victoria smirked as she saw the warrior in black approach.

"You leveled up yesterday Tyler. I can tell. Present your Status Plate."

He passed it over and the captain tilted her head.

"All your points went into Strength and magic? An odd choice for a pure melee fighter. Your reasoning?"

Tyler smiled.

"I'm shooting for all rounder with emphasis on defense."

"Ah. An interesting design. i admit this. So you will seek to level out your stats. A sound strategy. when you level up, I'll request you present your numbers so we may gauge the strength of the heroes."


she then noted his new sword.

"Ah! Azurite? A fine choice for a sword. My own longsword I wield on adventures is Azurite. Merely run a piece of ice along it to sharpen the weapon Tyler. Works better then any whetstone."

"Neat trick."

Tyler looked over to the entrance to the coliseium when he had a thought and looked at Belfast.

"So what happened to Javelin?"

The maid sighed.

"She is deeply disturbed by Issei. He has been given his own room in the palace but prior was her room mate. She is doing better though."


"SHE has an entire battlion of Wraiths protecting her as Queen Mylissia adores her. I fear a kidnapping is in her future."

Tyler smiled.

"I'll ask Mylissia a favor. See if Seria would like a sister."

Belfast smiled warmly at the idea.

"I will discuss this with Sister Illustrious. as I agree."

Tyler chuckled at that as the rest of the heroes arrived before he frowned.

"Annnd the same set of idiots are missing from yesterday while some that WERE missing are here."

Victoria nodded.

"Some were gifted spells of Navigation as they have a VERY poor sense of direction. and i see those idiots are again missing. I found them trying to enter their third brothel of the morning.....on credit if you can believe the tale."

Tyler just slumped at this.

"Oh my ACHING head. How DESPERATE to you have to be to BARTER then a DOVE?"

Rias nodded with a new look of concern and Tyler saw it. So he looked at Victoria.


The knight captain grimaced.

"HE is not PERMITTED access to the brothels until he earns the blessing of the Queen. Seems he is a most disgusting Pleasurer indeed."

Rias smiled in relief at this news and Tyler patted her reassuringly before the heroes squared off with their knights. Tyler smiling as he dueled with a pair of shortsword shielders and found his greatsword easier to wield and more comfortable in the hand as he swung it. He lost the bout though. The twin shielders pinned him between their shields and stabbed him with their swords in unison. Tyler frowned at this sound defeat and Victoria nodded as she saw no sign of him going into a rage.

"A sound and valid defeat is accepted. Anything less sets him off. You lost due to your sword's inherient size."

Tyler smiled as he hung the greatsword on his back and took up his spot on the magic line."

"I'll git em next time."

The manniquins were set destroyed by his magic as he used the more powerful red blasts instead of his lesser blue. They trained until noon where the knight captain nodded.

"Good. Tomorrow will be a survival training session in the nearby Wilder Forest with the garrison's rangers. Rest well and bring your walkin boots. MAGGOTS. DIIIIIISMISS!"

Tyler waved at Seria in her box as was his routine before he went to the board for fighting in the coliseium and the attendant smiled as he went to the board.

"You know what to do Berserker."

Tyler chuckled at that as he looked at the board when one got his attention.

"Kill a Swamp tyrant?"

The attendant brought up an image of a monstrous alligator 50 feet long, 7 feet tall, and with near 10 foot long jaws. Tyler whistled as he saw the image.

"Reward is 35,000 gold? I'll do it."

He took it and the attandant waved him into the arena. Tyler blinked once he was inside the arena. Where it had been a sandy floored, open air arena not fifteen minutes prior, it was now a dense tropical swamp complete with humidity, disgusting water around his ankles, and towering trees that added an amlost creepy ambience to the area.

"That's new. But hey makes sense. Gator don't exactly live in a desert after all."

The Announcer was heard around him now.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We have another treat for you today! The Mighty Berserker seeks to swim with the Swamp King! Place bets and let's see how he survives this one!"

Tyler chuckled at that and started walking through the swamp. It being surprisingly loud considering the fact it was a magical construct. Bird calls, animal roars, insects humming, and even the sound of running water was heard all around the warrior as he sought a bdy of water large enough to conceal such an immense predator. It did not not take long for him to step onto the edge of a surprisingly large lake in the middle of the landlocked coliseum. The thing was easily 100 meters wide with plenty of depth for such an immense predator to hunt from. Tyler looked out into the muddy water before a grand log drifting along the surface got his attention. The log a slate grey and easily 20 feet long, but Tyler smirked.


Thank god I'm into reptiles. Now how in the blue hell am I gonna get you on shore? He reviewed his tools and tricks before he decided on a classic. The wily warrior limped along the shore of the lake in full view of the log and after a few minutes the log sank beneath the surface of the water. Tyler watched as a slight ripple appeared on the surface of the water from the unseen leviathan swimming towards him. Guess the lake isn't as deep as it seemed. perfect. He limped along the ground with expressions of evident pain and exhaustion on his face to bait the predator with it's own instincts. The ripple was maybe 40 feet from him at this point and Tyler stopped to rest with his back to the water panting tiredly. That was when all hell broke loose.

There was a sudden explosion of splashing water and the sound of something big lunging from the water. Tyler dove to the side, narrowly dodging the jaws of a monster of an alligator. The leathery monster was covered in old wounds but still had all of it's teeth in the wide jaws that characterized it's species. The warrior smirked as he fired a grapple hook into the soft flesh under the jaw of the reptile and the gator hissed as it threw itself into a FEROCIOUS roll. Which Tyler allowed to happen but for the running of his grapple cable. The gator got NIIIIIICE and tangled in the strong cable before it stopped rolling from the realization it couldn't open it's jaws anymore. This discovery inspired it to throw it's body weight into yanking on the cable. Which only served to pull Tyler into a perfect position with his greatsword to stab the thing in the side of it's massive skull. The gator hissed like a car tire before it dropped to the ground dead as a doornail and the swamp evaporated as an illusion to leave the combatants in the middle of the sandy arena. Tyler was seen sitting atop the head of his latest kill and he waved at Seria in her box. The Princess smiled proudly at this newest feat as the warrior then got to work untangling the cable from the animal. Then he returned to the attendant, who slid a pouch to him.

"Not bad Berserker. 35,000 and the animal."

"I'll go see what else I can do."

He headed to see Heilia and opened his Status Plate.

"Hm, only a quarter filled. Leveling is a pain in the ass alright."

He put the thing away as he walked into Heilia's smithy and the friendly elf smiled.

"Lord Tyler. I saw the battle with the swamp king. VERY clever work!"

He chuckled as he walked up.

"Thanks Heilia. So I'm looking for better armor."

A new twinkle appeared in her eyes at this.

"I see, I see! I have enough Azurite for scalemail. 35,000."

"And a chainmail vest for UNDER it all?"

She blinked at this and he lifted his other shirt.

"Oh my. That is clever indeed. I do. And would cost another 15,000."

"Quality isn't cheap. Here."

He paid her upfront and the elf smiled.

"They will be ready in a few hours."

"I'll go pick another fight."

Heila smiled at that as he walked out. Tyler returned to the coliseium and the same attendant smirked as he approached.

"That bored?"

"Kinda broke."


Tyler looked at the offerings on the board before he saw one that made him tilt his head.

"A Gurgan?"

The attendant nodded.

"A member of the ogre family. 10 feet tall with stone for skin. They're monsters."

He took the thing down.

"Payout's 7,500. Makes sense."

He walked into the arena, and the crowd burst into wild roars at his appearance. His opponent came charging out of the second door to the arena only for Tyler to take it down with a single, well placed slice from his sword. The grey beast dropped to the ground and Tyler frowned at the easy victory.

"That's it?"

He shrugged and got his 7,500 gold payout before looking at the board again. The attendant chuckled.

"Don't go TOO crazy Berserker. Seen more an a few warriors die in there from that."

He blinked at that warning and smiled ruefully as he walked away.

"Fair enough."

He went back to the palace where he found Seria sitting on her throne with her mother. The Princess smiled as he approached.

"Hello my Hero."

He hugged her in his coat.

"MY Seria."

She shivered with a smile and he held her tightly.

"Wanna take off again?"

Seria smiled sweetly.


Mylissia chuckled as she pulled her heels on.

"Oh go on dear. The Wraiths are watching."

Seria smiled as she snuggled under Tyler's coat.

"I'll show you another of my favorites!"

"Lead the way Milady Blueberry."


He chuckled at her still sexy as hell pout as they walked through the palace. Seria had a happy smile on her face as she led him to an upper floor of the palace that had a single window looking out over the city. The beautiful blue haired princess led her hero to the window where she smiled.

"Never reveal a word."

"Yes Seria."

She beamed and pulled on a small knob set beside the window. A click was heard before the window slid to the side to reveal a secret balcony looking out over the city with enchanted heated floors, railings, and the balcony was invisible from the outside. Seria had a happy smile as she went over to an enchanted bench and sat on it.

"I can usually be found here if I'm not in the throne room or in my chambers."

Tyler sat beside her and she was quick to lay her head on his lap with a comfy sigh. The warrior patted her fondly.

"I'll be sure to drop in then."

She smiled warmly.


"Your chambers too?"

She blushed at the unsaid.

"My lessons are proceeding well and I like what I'm learning. In time."

He took her hand in his with a smile.

"I'll be here."

"ME too."

He laid flat beside her on the bench and it seemed like they were snuggling on a bed from how comfy the bench was. Seria smiled happily as they watched the couds go by.

"Hey, Tyler?"

"What's up?"

She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Will we marry?"

He smiled.

"We will in time. I'm only 15 you know."

She sat bolt upright at that one.

"YOU'RE only 15 years?"

He looked at her curiously.

"Um, yeah? I thought I told you?"

Seria had a new look of shock and utter relief on her face at this news.

"Oh thank the gods. Mother will relax a little. She feared you were a venerable 300 seeking the hand of a mere 15 year. Yay!"

She snuggled back up against him and he just rubbed her belly lovingly, making her blush.

"You are too damned cute sometimes Seria. i love it."

She smiled through her blush before the relaxing princess yawned like a cat and closed her sapphire eyes.

"We're safe up here as no one but me and Mother knows this exists."

"I'll keep you safe."

"I know."

He opened his coat up more and she snuggled inside without hesitating. Tyler smiled as she got comfy before the pair fell asleep on the bench on a balcony easily 5,000 feet off the ground.

Tyler woke first as usual and found Seria had rolled in her sleep to rest her head on his chest and he'd wrapped her in his arms like a blanket. She was a very warm girl and he loved her it felt having her sleeping on him. He stroked her long sapphire blue hair adoringly and she smiled in her sleep at the petting and he leaned in her ear.

"You are MY princess, Seria. And you make my heart glow when we're together."

She woke with a shiver and a sigh.

"You are MY hero, Tyler. You make my heart sing when we're together."

He held her tightly and Seria rested her head on his shoulder with a smile.

"Mother wants it to be big."

"I'll do whatever I can."

"ME too. And...my heart is falling."

"Mine too."

She looked him in the eyes with a smile and he smiled back at her. the princess shivered as she had an idea and the warrior saw it.

"When you want it."

She smiled and pressed her head to his chest.

"Don't die out there, Tyler. Please."

He nodded as he held her.

"Don't get caught in there. Please."

"I won't."

Tyler smiled happily at her and he held her tightly. Then she sighed.

"I must return."

"Ahhh play hookie for a day!"


"Bail and hang with me all day."

She laughed at that idea.

"Oh dear! I fear you might be a bad influence!"

"Oh the worst. Come on!"

Seria laughed as he swept her up in a cradle.

"Ooooh okay! What'll we do?"

He smirked and flipped the safeties off his gauntlets.

"I'll so ya something."

She gulped! he leapt off the edge of the balcony and she screamed in shock at this as the first grappel embedded itself in the stone and they were swinging through the air. Seria had Tyler in a stranglehold as they swung from hook to hook around the palace. Her scream of shock and fear turned to howls of exileration as he had them zipping around a high tower of the palace and she pointed a balcony out.

"That's my chamber balcony!"

He landed on it and she was shaking from the sudden thrillride but smiling widely.

"That was incredible Tyler! Never have I felt such a rush!"

He chuckled as he retracted his grapples.

"I'll teach ya how sometime. For now we'll head to the hedges. I kinda liked that Alcove."

Seria smiled at this.

"I'll change then. And you may see my chambers."

"I'll be sure to sneak in a time or two."

"Oh dear. DON'T get caught. I'd hate to have to hang you for a mere night's cuddles."

He chuckled at that distinct possibility as they walked into the room. Seria's royal chambers were much like her. Bright, open, blue, comfy and soothing to be in. She had clothes strewn around the room and he chuckled at the number of soft fur panties laying all over the place and the princess blushed as she saw them.

"I like feeling fresh."

"I like you."

"Please don't say anything."

"I promise I won't."

She sighed with relief as he noted her bed was messy and massive. Seria went to a line of mannquins looking at varying dresses and gowns before she sighed. Tyler looked at her curiously.

"You okay?"

She smiled sheepishly.

"I'm fine. Just tired of wearing the same thing every day. Dresses, gowns, robes, you get the idea."

He smiled at her.

"Well, what do you WANT to wear?"

Seria blushed with a smile.

"Well, the outfit your friend Rias has."

"Why can't you?"

"I'm a princess. I have to set example."

"no you don't."

She blinked at this and Tyler held her warmly.

"You're the Princess. And more importantly MY girlfriend, Seria. If you wanna walk around naked go for it. Anyone says anything I'll cut them in half."

Seria smled at this idea.


"Another word for couple."

"I like it. and....is this a commiting?"

He smiled at her new nervousness.

"I am committed to you, Seria."

She let out a small gasp of shock before smiling.

"I am committed to you, Tyler. We're a courting couple now. And i couldn't be happier!"

He held her tightly.

"Shall we have our chat now?"

She smiled in the embrace.

"You may still lay and hire Doves. So long as I am not shamed in front of the court for your antics."

"Alright. If they fall?"

"If a fall occurs, remember you are MY hero."

"Yes Seria."

She giggled at that one before looking up at him with a smile.

"I'll talk to Rias about a better wardrobe. For the time being, I think I'll wear this one."

She took a shorter gown of red that left her back exposed and smiled at him.

"Care to aid me?"


She blushed as he unlaced her dress and it was removed. Seria stood there in a pair of tiger fur panties while her large breasts were on full display. He whistled at the sight of the nearly naked princess.

"You are GORGEOUS, Seria. I love it."

She smiled with pride as he helped her step into the gown.

"Thank you. Never a word."

He smiled as he laced it up and hugged her from behind.

"You either."

She smiled at this as he pressed his face into her soft skin by her shoulder. Her face turned red and the couple stood there a moment enjoying the feeling before the princess led him out of the chamber and into the hedgemaze on the ground. The alcove was still there and the pair laid on the enchanted bench looking at the night sky roof. Seria was bundled neatly in his coat and she had her face on his chest as they relaxed. The pair fell asleep like that in the alcoveand stayed asleep for a good few hours. Tyler woke first again and smiled as he saw Seria asleep beside him on the bench with his coat wrapped around her like a blanket. His arms were threaded around her waist while hers were pressed into his back. He smiled at her sleeping face. I might have just fallen in love with the princess. He smiled at that one and Seria woke then with a squeaking yawn. Her blue eyes were full of an inner sparkle of joy as she looked at him.

"Morning Tyler."

"Morning Sparkles."

She snuggled against him like an affectionate cat and he stroked her soft blue hair lovingly. Then she looked over his shoulder to the outside world.

"Oh dear. The sun is setting."

"I guess we're that kinda cuddler couple. Come on."

She smiled as he took her hand.

"We will do this again, Tyler."

"Absolutely. I love how I feel around you."

"I love how I feel with you too. And we will need explain our absence to Mother."

"We were having fun."

That made her smile as they walked into the palace.

"I was indeed."

They walked to the throne where Mylissia was smirking knowingly at them.

"Oh THERE you two are. Seria, sweetie, we need words. YOU. Disappear."

"ha. I'll see you tomorrow, Seria."

She smiled as she stood by her mother.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Tyler. I had fun."

"Me too."

He left and headed up to his room where he found Belfast enjoying the tanning on the balcony while Rias was nowhere to be seen. the silver haired maid smiled as the warrior hung his sword on a peg.

"Rias is with her friends for the evening."

Tyler smiled as he looked at the naked lady on the balcony.

"Seria does not want to be shamed in front of the court. So secret."

Belfast nodded gravely as she rose from the lawn chair style tanning couch.

"Agreed. And never brag."

"You can and agreed."

Belfast smiled eagerly now as she walked over. Her massive bust needing no support while her slit was bare. Her skin was silky smooth and unmarked as she led the warrior to the bath. Tyler stripped and she had a new excitement on her face as she saw his sword.

"Oh yes."

They got into the water and the silver haired beauty kissed him lovingly before he kissed her back. the beauty's lovely rack was fondled tenderly and sucked adoringly until she moaned.

"I am ready."

HE slid into her and groaned.

"DAMN lady."

"I take very good care."

He kissed her lovingly as the ride began.


The pair played in the water for a few hours until they were fully sated and Belfast smiled as she panted in the bath with the spent warrior firmly entrenched in her cleavage.

"I enjoyed that."

He smiled as he weakly extracted himself from her bosom.

"I did as well. YOU are AMAZING, Belfast."

She smiled proudly at this assessment.

"You are quite enjoyable as well. Now we needs clean up."

They deep cleaned each other's bodies before they had a romantic dinner. Tyler smiled as he carried the tired Belfast to the bed and they cuddled up together. Belfast settled her head on his chest with a smile.

"I do believe we may indulge another time."

"I'll be waiting for you, Belfast."

He kissed her.

"Good night, Belfast."

"Good night Tyler."