
The delusional prince and warrior

hey guys, this ain't here, I'm going to put one up at the end of the this

anime_Jonsena · Otras
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7 Chs

chapter 6: a memory, and a Ragnarok...

As I was in a bar, I was observing the room, it had sinners, but a sinner caught my eye. The sinner has their eyes covered by a leaf crown covering their eyes, has vines wrapped around his arms and his waist having a narrow look to it, and when I caught myself staring to long at him, I rolled my eyes and I taken a sip of the alcohol.

"They need to make something more harder to it..." As I said before I gotten out of the booth and I walked out. Because I don't have the currency the sinners use, I usually steal it. But I currently have none. And so I left by walking through the doors.

The streets were still open and filled with sinners and hell-borns, and I was still thinking about that one sinner that caught my eyes and I sighed. I decided to transform into an imp, to see if that'll do anything. The light was purple, but quick, I noticed that I was a hybrid between for hell-borns from different rings. I have a body of an imp, a tail of a incubus, eyes of a envy shark, and horns of a big ass goat, I'm surprised at the length and girth-... I'm taking about my horn you disgusting human reader...but, I didn't expect to be like this, that tail is thin like a succubus and longer than an imp and a succubus, it's almost a length and a half of my body, I'm tall as an imp, just a few inches higher.

As by spiritual memory (I can't say muscle memory because he changed into a different hell-born), I walked somewhere. I found myself in front of a building, I walked into it. And I noticed it's still abandon...


As I was running from a sinner, because I stolen their entire basket of pastries, I should've gone for the bread. But the pastries were closer. I was whizzing through the standings sinners.

"Get back here you damn brat!" As I was eleven, the sinner and I had some history because of my stealing from his bakery, I mean he does have a dough that's in the melting state, so he must've died while being drowned in it while it was being baking. But I dodged a ball of hot dough, it hit a sinner. He screamed like a bitch, and I laughed before I ran to the right of my side.

I was far from the baker-man, and I was laughing at my catch and that I successfully ran from him. I leaned on a wall and I was looking up at the sky, where the Penta star is there.

"...haha, that's great..." As I said before I stopped leaning on the wall and started to walk on the sidewalk and eating the pastries. I came to a little ant hill, I put down a pastry next to it, I see an ant came out of the hole and I watched it with curiosity.

"What a little insect...so small, yet strong and brave to meet with one of the princes. You are brave, like this Alexander human I heard from the old sinners..." As I said while looking at the ant, I decided to place some of my magic on him, so I could see them another day. I gotten up and I dusted off my knees and shins. I walked on the sidewalk while I accidently bumped into a sinner.

"Ack- sorry there!..." As I said while I helped the sinner back up on their feet, I saw that they had bunny ears and legs, they seemed scared, I noticed that they have a darker markings on their neck, I'm guessing suicide they got down here... I gave them a pastry.

"Well, here you go, don't need to be scared, let's say that if I gave you this, that I could see you doing great down here in the underworld?" As I said that to them, and they taken the pastry, it was a doughnut, and they sniffed it, I chuckled before I walked off. And I walked around a corner and I see the baker-man. I ran the other way, and I was about to bumb into another sinner, but I temporarily transformed my arm into wings and I flew over them and I started to fly away from the baker-man. Then I started to see the sinners running to the buildings, I am confused by the event that had acquired.

"...eh? The hell is happening?..." As I said that, my entire body vibrated with something, and I felt something in me. My body had glowed bright blue, sky cyan if I remembered something. Then I saw light beams had hit the ground from the sky.

"...what is happening..." As I said that, somewhere behind me glowed brightly, I turned my head backwards. And I glided the way there, and I felt something in me fading away, I flapped my wings while flying downwards. I was behind a boulder, and I saw a sinner crawling away. I realized that it was the bunny one.

"Over here-" as I was cut off by seeing his arm chopped off, and it wasn't regenerating as the sinners usually do, then I saw his head twitched towards me, and he started to crawl to me. And as I saw an angel, their face behind a mask, and I saw the angel holding the sinners cut off arm, and dangling it. My breathing was hard to do, my eyes small, I'm feeling my back-wings fluffed up, and I'm feeling like I'm going to either fly away from there, or fight the angel, my body feeling something and I looked at the bunny sinner when they had grabbed my ankle. And I saw his terrified eyes looking at me in hope of survival and a need for help.

"...shhh..." As I whisper to him, and I casted a water ball to stop the blood flowing out of his arm, I picked him up and I started to fly out of their, with my own wings, I gotten out of there silently. I was trying to calm down the sinner, my emotions at a high, I wanted to fly away from here, but what else would I do? I have no idea when this ends... it's my first time being in this situation, and I've only been at this hell city for several months, and this is happening. I was scanning the ground to look for somewhere and I was feeling my wings shivering in fear, and we started to fall slowly because I'm trying to stabilize myself so we don't hit the ground.

As we fallen to the ground when we were twenty feet from it, and I put the bunny sinner on top of me so he doesn't yell, and as I looked at him, I noticed that he was clenching their teeth and shivering in fear.

I somehow feel what they were feeling, and I was breathing more heavily and feeling more scared than normal, I was feeling like I'm on a cliff and it felt like I could see nothing over the edge, and it's like it's calling me to it.

"Calm down..." As I said to him while I wrapped my arms around him to calm him down, and I was holding him tightly because of this experience. It almost feels like an old skill I used. "Conner...calm down..." As I said to him, I knew him, I knew him a couple of years ago in the human years. I managed to calm him down. I guess it wasn't just suicide, but him making a deal with me... First one was when I was younger, and the second when I gave him a pastry out of curiosity about him. I felt him calmed down and he gotten up and standing while looking at his left arm, it was only the elbow.

"...so you were the warrior of the fade forest?" As he said to me, I cringed at the memory of giving that name underneath my smile, I chuckled at him gently.

"Yeah, but I guess you could say that I ain't scary when you meet me in hell...but I didn't expect to see one of my dealers this early? I thought I got you home?" As I said while sitting up and looking at him in curiosity. I noticed that his tail was fluffy and I wanted to pet it, but I rolled my eyes.

"Umm...well let's say that they weren't as happy to see me when I returned than being lost..." As he said that I gotten up and I was about to tell him something before I see an angel behind him. I swiped his legs to make him trip and land on the floor and let the angel miss the piercing shot.

"Oi..." As I said to the angel, a habit I picked up while being with the Japanese part of the city. And I gotten up and I had to step back to get out of reach of the angel spear. "You should learn to mind your business, because me and my friend was about to have a conversation."

"Shut up you sinner, you damned souls only know deception and cruelty, and never have a shit to give to others on who're weaker than yours..." As the angel said before she left at me and I taken a step back and I tripped on a pebble and I dodged her slash by accident. The pebble hit her forehead.

"You damned sinner!!" As she said to me, and I smiled at her darkly, my face is shaded black and my eyes are glowing pink and having a cyan pupil and white pupil looking at her.

"You're right about being damned." As I said while I went at her by flapping my wings to go to her, and I punched the angel and I received a kick and I flew back and landed on the ledge and I looked back at the angel while my smile dropped.

"H-help! Fade!" As the Conner said, but as I gotten up and I made some water formed around my hands, but I see Conner head on the ground and the water dropped to the ground.

"...Conner?..." As I said while I was looking at the fading body of Conner, all that was left was his necklace...I recognize it from the one I gave him, it was made of vines and leaves, and I looked at the necklace, then I saw it being yanked upwards and been placed on the neck of the angel.

"What a nice trophy on my first kill..." As she said, and as she looked up where I was. "...expected from a sinner, they always run away..."

As I was flying away, having crying a lot, feeling useless and I feel like I'm nothing useful to anything. And as I lost control over my wings I skidded on the ground and landed in front of a bakery, and I ran in it.

"Please h-help!" As I said while sobbing and banging on the window, and I was letting my head on the window. "H-help me, p-please..." As I stopped and I put my back on the window and I skidded slowly to the ground and I started to cry, I never felt like this, somehow I felt betrayed and hopelessness. I don't understand it except- "...were these the emotions that Conner felt before he truly died?..." As I muttered under my breath and I looked at the other side of the street, but I'm actually looking through memories that I have of him. He was a lonely and scared human, and all he wanted was to get home, but was betrayed and killed himself, And I met him by accident and i gave him something, and i met him before he died, and he was scared before he died.

"...did my kindness made it worse?..." As I was thinking if I didn't help him, would something be different?... I felt something crawling on my arm, I looked at my arms, but my vision was blurry because of me crying, and I saw that it was the ant that I marked with my magic.

"...what're you doing here?...you would get crushed by..." As I stopped myself and I put him on my finger and I looked at him, and I whipped off the tears from my eyes. "...how about we make a deal?..." As I said that, I heard something.

"Anything for my new liege!" As I looked around and I Saw no one else, and I looked back at the ant. "My liege! I would like to work for you and follow your orders, because I need a new monarch!" As I raised an eyebrow if I could do that, and I sniffled.

"Why would you want me to do that?...what happened to your old one?..." As I said to him. I noticed that he isn't talking, but telepathically doing so.

"Because someant else taken my credit and my old king kicked me out because he thought I lied to him and he banished me! And you were the next thing to be my liege, because you gave me kindness and something to eat!" As I heard him say that, and as I was about to decline it, but I saw their determination, and I sighed.

"I could be your liege, but call me Kaiser..." As I said to him, trying to forget my old name, of tuto, warrior of the fade forest, and a couple of others. And I saw my hand engulfed him and he was the size of my palm and then the size of something small...a baby cockroach?...a singular salt thingy?...I don't know on what to reference it to... But I put him near the lock and he opened it and then the door had opened up, and I went into the bakery and I hid underneath the plank of the show off thingy, and I heard something slammed open and after a fighting, I saw an angel cut up and a panting baker-man. I wanted to do something, but I couldn't, I was struck with fear. And I was breathing harder and harder.

"No, no, no...need to stay calm..." As I said while it slowed, but still going up.

"Get out of my bakery..." As I heard the baker-man said to the angel. I noticed some of her feathers are sticky.

"Never sinner, I heard that there's a bounty on your head for being hard to kill..." As I heard the angel said while raising her spear to throw at baker-man. And then as Conner's death, it was fast. And the spear went through the head of the baker-man. And he faded away, and there was good on the floor, it seemed like the mochi, that what he calls it, was real. And it was him that was heating up the mochi to keep it warm and liquid like state.

"Damnit...cleaver sinner, it's going to be a pain in the ass to clean off..." As I heard the angel said before flying out of the bakery, I gotten up after a while and I stand in front of the bakery, and then seeing the beams of light going off, and I looked back at the bakery...

. .

"...that was...a memory..." As I said before I was chuckling, I whipped off a tear from my eye and laughed. "Shut the hell up..." As I said to myself and walking into the abandon building. And I see a stain on the floor. I sighed before I just started to clean up.

As I heard my phone ring and I looked at it, and i picked up. "Yeah blitz?...uh no, but I'll have a friend to go for me, their name will be-"

As we exited out of the van and I stretched out my muscles and I shaken my tail and legs. "That was one hell of a ride..." As I said before I taken a deep breath in and a big ass breath out.

"So your name is Ragnarok?" As moxxie said to me, I looked at him.

"And your lab? Sorry, I meant moxxie? I heard a lot about you, marksmen and gun knowledge freak! Hahaha!!" As I said before patting his back roughly. And I saw Millie walking towards us, and I see a thick milf and a respectable farm man. And I saw Millie wrapped an arm around moxie and throwing him at them two.

"Hay there Lynn and Joe..." As I now know their name's, and I walked forward to a sleeping black hog. I was staring at it with such intensity that it snorted in its sleep. Then I saw blitz and loona gotten out of the car and blitz looking at them three interacting, nevermind, Millie, moxie, Joe (Mama), and Lynn talking together. And loona on her phone, and I taken out my phone and I taken a picture of the hog and I heard blitz introduced himself. I pocketed my phone and I walked to them two.

"And my name is Ragnarok, nice to meet you mother and father of Millie!" As I smiled at them ear to ear, and I chuckled lightly before I straightened my back.

"Ragnarok... Ragnarok and Blitz, it reminds me of war." And as I raised an eyebrow before I heard Moxxie talking to them.

"Did you know that Angelic weapon actually changed the warfare that changed the landscape of hell-... I mean war fun..." As I heard from him.

"Guns get the job done, but getting in there and ripping the head off, that makes a true man." As I heard him say, but something grabbed my attention, and it was the hog, I just couldn't find the right thing- and as I remember that type of hog, hi smiled, because it looks like a juvenile of a sub-species of the hog they have... Lucifer curse, I remembered that lesson from of fathers- I mean stolas's work. And I went back when I heard a whistle.

"Striker!" As I managed to heard before thinking about Australia, it had an Australian ring to it. But I saw a imp riding a hell-horse. And he had a cowboy look to him.

"Well, what is the cow boy doing now..." As I muttered under my breath and I looked at him when he gotten off the Seattle, I'm surprised that I'm the same hight as him, I chuckled and I looked at him before I cracked my knuckles..

"Matter of fact, why is the wrath ring like an old Western feel to it? I mean the human Media is great and all, but it just gives out to much history jokes... And I just sighed, I crossed my arms and I looked at the imp, and he was telling blitz about how rare it is to have a business, especially for a killing one. And I rolled my eyes and I looked at the sky.

"Ragnarok? That's your name if I heard it's from the farmlends if I heard correctly." As I heard him say to me. I looked at him. I see that he had a smirk at me.

"Indeed...you look more of a sharkling instead of an imp." As I said to him with my own grin. And I saw that his sight was on me.

"Well, that's on how I was born, what about you? You look more of an incubus, goat, and also have the same eyes as me, so I don't see why you are so surprised by my charm." As I resisted to roll my eyes, and I chuckled.

"No, no, I'm surprised that there's imp's like you are out of the greed ring, after all, you do look more... Sharp if I dare say, but, yeah, the name's Ragnarok..." As I said to him while I wiped my hands together and I taken a picture of him in a fast succession. "Why you ask, striker?" As I said to him while smirking a bit more devious.

"So I could see an imp that catch my site from their...discord they had when they were born..." As I heard from him, I chuckled. I rolled my eyes and I taken a step back.

"See you later striker..." As I said before I looked at my phone, I smiled widely while turned towards loona, I looked at her, and I noticed that she's wearing a flannel. That has ruined my mood and I pocketed the knife and as I saw the moxxie-...

"Why is Lab in the hog bin?..." As I said while I just gave up and I leaned on the railing and see moxxie on the hog and bull-riding it, and my eyes sparkles and I hopped into the pit and ran towards them, I grabbed the knife and i threw moxxie ten feet away so he doesn't get trampled or anything.

And as I spun the knife around my hand, I grabbed the hilt and I jabbed it into the head of the hog, and I grabbed it by its neck, or mane would be the term if I remember correctly...

"Striker, here. This have no use to me." As I said and I thrown the hog at him, and I just started to walk behind them.


As I was shoved into a crowd of imps and I was hearing the announcement of the pain games, well they are lucky I love games or I would've killed my way out- "oh shit!" As I said and I started to run with the crowd, and the first optical in the way was a wall to climb up and over. And I jumped up there and used the other imps to help me get up there, and I jumped over a puddle, but a few weren't as lucky.

As I'll spare you my short circuited brain at the moment, I came to seventh place, and all it was because I landed first into the water by yanking to hard. And as I was now walking to the house that they have, and I went to the van to sleep.


As I was baking a cake in an oven, and it was my fifteenth birthday, I was celebrating it with Anthony, and I just made him stopped calling me liedge, but he calls me by monarch of ants, I don't know why he did that, but I just sighed.

"Well Antony, it's been awhile since I made you my subordinate..." As I said to him while chuckling.

"Yes monarch! For about seven years!" As I chuckled at him, but I realized that he's been with me more than my father.

"No I said I'm not going back to them..." As I realized that I said that out loud, I just sighed. I realized that I'm sighing a lot, and I am wondering if it's from the seal I put on myself to compress my emotions, and it made my memories a bit fuzzy. But I just shared my head, I'm probably over thinking it...

"Well Tony, what would we do?" As I said to him before rolling my eyes. "Yeah I know I should get to make some friends. But why would I need friends? I'll just cry if they're not my friend anymore from how emotional I get." As I saw him lowered his head.

As I heard a gunshot and I widen my eyes and I gotten out of the van groggily and I started to walk to the sound with one of moxxies guns. And as I reach to a house, I tried to entering it by by the window I saw. And as I gotten on it, I saw striker. And I feel him pushed me aside, and so I hit his horn and the gun flew from my hand.

"...the fuck happened here?..." As I said before I just rolled my eyes and I just went back to the van.

As I reached the van I just went back to sleep from the exhaustion.

I'm throwing random stuff in here to make some jokes...I hope it's working...

anime_Jonsenacreators' thoughts