
The Deity King

Tay Howard is a high school student in his last year of high school. He had his powers seal away in a family pendant by his father Lamont when he was 8 years old. 10 years later tay power’s start awakening. Now he is after everyone who had to do something with killing his parents, while making a name and kingdom for his self. Everyone will bow down to him when he is deity king

AlwaysAngry · Acción
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17 Chs

Chapter 6

Shiva walked out her office and headed to the auditorium. As she made her way closer to the auditorium The louder Shiva could hear everyone voices coming from with inside. Everyone seem on edge for this pep rally. Shiva pushed open the doors the whole room instantly went quiet till shiva reached the stage. Everyone how are you today I know you can't wait to get started I just want to thank everyone for the waiting patiently. Everyone applaud making it seem like thunder struck. Shiva quickly went over the names of all the basketball players on the team. Everyone applauded to every name being called. By the time shiva called Tay name the whole high school auditorium was livid with applauses and cheering. Majority of the auditorium was either yelling go tay or whistling. As Tay walked on the stage He was smiling ear to ear with excitement to have all eyes on him. This is our college prep high school basketball team give it up for them shiva said into the microphone. Everyone clapped without delay; Next we have a cheerleader giving a performance. As we walked down the stage the cheerleaders was coming up. As tay pass by Sarah he whispered good luck. Sarah nodded as a thank you. As Sarah got on stage her face was burning red from the acknowledgment from tay. Sitting next to Daron and Ashley, tay whisper to Daron Sarah actually looks good up moving like there. Daron with a mocking tone she looks good up there huh; bet you gonna ask her to the dance now. They both laughed then Tay said confidently I already did waiting on her reply. Daron mouth dropped, tay said you better close your mouth before a fly, flies in it before Daron could come back to his sense. Ashley pushed his chin up to close his mouth. Look at you I know you could get her; when did you ask her Ashley asked. Yesterday when We walked into the school. After about 7 mins Sarah came down from the stage and sat next to Tay. Daron and Ashley could not believe their eyes. Even though tay was laughing at the two In his head he was just as surprised. Sarah looked at these three before saying what's going on to break the silence between the three. Tay came back first and replied with nothing beautiful, so are we going to the dance together or no??? Both Ashley and Daron came back after hearing Tay question. Sarah said smiling from ear to ear yes my father said yeah, so I'll be at your house by 8:30 sharp Tay said. Okay it's a date than Sarah said without thinking. I guess it is Sarah tay said. The pep rally ended as our lunch time started, what's for lunch today anyone know as everyone headed out the auditorium. Daron, Ashley and Sarah said in Unison i don't know. We made our way to the cafe talking and chatting till we got our food. When we got to the table all Tay picked up was an orange. Sarah asked that's all you eating have some of this; before tay could say no Sarah already put chicken Alfredo with shrimp and broccoli on a small plate for him. Daron was the first to crack a joke. Look at the perfect wife she already feeding you. Sarah face turned red while shaking her head no, it's not like that she tried to refute Daron words. Nothing came out of Sarah's mouths, Ashley laughed and nudge Daron with her elbow and said awe you want me to bring you some food like she doing for tay Ashley jokingly added. Come on guys give her a break tay interjected, but in his heart he was enjoying this. As they was joking with Sarah a voice from behind them say with a jealous voice aww look everyone Tay has a new groupie join the club Sarah. All four of us turned around to where the voice was coming from to see it was Tasha Campbell. Tasha was the girl school bully like how chad was the guy school bully, what was even more ironic was the two was dating. With that chad chimed in with Tasha insult yeah join the club majority of the girls in this school want him get in line like the rest of the woman he don't want you. Sarah face turned ugly as she was about to argued back; Tay stood up and put both hands on Sarah shoulders to let her know he got this. First off chad don't forget your b*tch is apart of them groupies. Their table with two other sounded off with laughter. While Tasha face turn red and ugly she could not refute those words. Striking while the iron hot tay said I won't say Sarah is a groupie but she might be my girl soon so you not allowed to come at her like that while she talking to me. The whole cafeteria heard this and everyone had mixed emotions from sad to happy. Hearing this Tasha finally spoke up while spit flying out of her mouth why her Tasha asked angrily. she isn't that much better looking than me sure I'm a bit chubby but my curves are in the right places, my face is clear I have good hygiene compared to that dog. The cafeteria roared with laughed. Tasha saw that Sarah wasn't saying nothing. Tasha erupted with anger because Sarah wasn't listening to her; so Tasha grabbed Sarah by the hair about to pull Sarah hair. Sarah was once step of her quickly grabbing Tasha by the collar with both hands. Sarah subconsciously let out her magic aura out of rage And her hand turned Furry. At the same time Morgan and shiva felt the short magic aura bursting out In the middle of the school. They both panicked because they were startled by this they rushed out of there respective areas to look for it. As Sarah was about to hit Tasha in the face; Sarah felt that she couldn't move she struggled more before noticing her brother Xavier was holding her back quickly grabbing the hand that was furry to keep anyone from seeing, little did he knew tay already saw her hand. while everyone else didn't see but also shiva and Morgan finally made there way towards the cafeteria. Xavier quickly whispered to Sarah thinking no can hear them put your claws up and calm down you almost fully transformed in front of everyone. Tay heard this, standing there shocked from what he saw and heard. He watched as Xavier Dragged Sarah out of the cafeteria. At the same time passing shiva and Morgan the aura has already disappeared while they just reaching the cafeteria. All they see is tay standing there and Tasha yell towards the way were Xavier and Sarah went you better run with your brother you scary bitch. Tay again shocked he knew Xavier because he is in two of Tay classes and they rarely spoke. So finding out Xavier and Sarah was related shook his brain with so much shock and surprised Tay went to his 4th period class and didn't speak till after school and practice was over. Mainly because he was deep in thought as everything kept replaying in his head about what he saw, heard, and sensed. As he got home what he saw made everything he witnessed early go out the window. Tay rushed in the house when he saw all these magical creatures throughout the property. He quickly rushed to shiva because they uniform had her clan logo on it. When Tay got to Shiva room, he knocked three times. Shiva emerged from her room Whats the matter lord Tay? Why is your clan here tay asked confusedly? They here to guard the house while we gone. Where we going time doesn't move as fast in there like it does In the human world it will take till the morning when we get back so we need guards here. Oh okay, tay sighed with relief. Hey lord tay I was wondering did you feel aura today at school. Tay racked his brain on if he should tell Shiva about what happened with Sarah and Tasha. Tay quickly came to conclusion to not say anything. No I didn't feel anything why did something happen. Me and Morgan felt aura inside the school it was a short burst but not a lot. If you find anything or see anything tell us would you. Sure will tay said, now go get ready wear something comfortable this will be a long night. Tay climb to the top of the stair. Before moving from the top stair he heighten his ears to listen to see if Morgan was in her room. Tay wanted to read that gravity spell and grab another. When tay noticed morgan wasn't there he snuck into Morgan room. As tay open the door to Morgan room was different from yesterday. As he walked in the room was even bigger than yesterday day tay saw the gravity spell on the books and quickly picked it up. Oh I see now deflate compresses things. So i needed to have an object in mind okay I see now tay said in said of his head. Tay put up the gravity and fire spell. As he put those spells away a thunder spell book fell off the shelf. Tay picked it up and open it on a random page this seem useful tay propped up the book. Tay read the word tonitribus

Hmm. I'm going need alone time and a huge area by myself to try thunderstorm. Tay put the thunder spell book back. Tay searched through Morgan new collection of spells. A blood spell book caught tay interest so he picked it up and opened. The first few word that catch his attention was sanguis gladio which means blood sword. Now this will help in the fight with shiva. As tay was going to read the next word morgan appeared in the front yard. Tay quickly put the book on the shelf and dashed out of Morgan room to his room to change.