
The Death's Wolves

Mother and Father left him to die. Earth rejected him. Faith brought the trouble. Blood is his natural scent. The twin planet called Glow became his new home. His second chance. His second chance at happiness. However, the hurt doesn’t want to give him a break. His faith in the world dies, taking away that second chance, when he is banished from his new home and thrown back to Earth. However he didn't return one hundred percent alone. The Assassin, Wolf. Has traveled behind him, with one murderous agenda. One word. Execution. With the help of some new friends, can Colt survive his return to Earth? Or will he fall victim to the sharp teeth of the white haired wolf chasing him in the dark shadows.

Autumn_Ridgen · Ciudad
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11 Chs

The Crimson Maiden

I never thought it'd be so cold, here at night. Colt thought to himself, as the blowing winds from deep inside the dark, gloomy, forest, shielded his broken, bruised body, as shards of glass appeared to be launched, some were stuck, in soft places along his wrists, palms, even some places along his cheeks, causing blood to run down his pale, colorless face. They were leftover reminders of the gift he'd so foolishly lost, to some now, useless misunderstanding. He no longer tried to fight their comments, or fight to change their minds in the back of his mind, for the memory of his banishment kept playing over and over in the darkest part of his mind, like some video that had been pushed to keep going as some sort of reminder. Although he knew he was the only one who was causing the most pain, he barely allowed himself the few seconds, to think of a solution on how to survive, now that he was back on Earth, from the years he'd been away from it, he knew it wasn't going to be easy adjusting again, for when he'd been taken in, and given his chance to live on Glow, as a once abandoned child from Earth, their was all the warmth, food, happiness, and all the love, and friendship he could ever want. But now, stuck, and bleeding alone, left to die, rotting behind some broken down oak tree, he was known as a traitor in those eyes, of people he'd once called friends, people who'd once been his second chance for a family.

But the most tragic part of the whole story, the part that bled him out quicker, the part making his blood boil, and eyes began to water, was the awful names he'd been called before he'd been sent away. How they could've just stood around yelling that awful name right to his face. Demon The name was Demon. They'd called him a demon, said he was an enemy, and that if he didn't leave, Glow wouldn't be standing, hardly....if he'd stayed another few seconds, he'd start the damage all over again. Break more of Glow, before the glass surface beyond the colorful sky, and all those crystals trees, everything would've been nothing but shattered glass, beneath his feet. Just like his wings had been destroyed, lifeless, motionless, stuck all around his feet, with barely any power to wish to return to the time when he'd never gotten into a argument with Opal Rose. He should've known better, should've just walked away, and said nothing to her. But instead, his mouth wouldn't close, and his fingertips wouldn't stop puzzling, and plashing with the power he held inside him, in seconds to none, they were off. Striking her down in seconds, the seconds she had to blink had been ripped from her. Leaving beneath the scent of burning flesh, and bits of rotting pieces of burnt hair, and the sickening expression on her once fairly beautiful face.

Opal Rose, she'd been a friend of his for as long as he could remember. The two had a bond, an unbreakable one, even before she'd been granted a human body, just like all the others. The other gemstones, who'd received human forms, on account for Glow's kind nature.

The nature to protect everyone, and everything it could. The gemstones were targeted, and mean't to be destroyed, although, that never did happen. Not before the council had agreed even rocks deserved a chance to live, freely. If the sky and crystals could, as could the animals, why not the rocks? Why not the gemstones? Colt didn't see anything wrong with their decision, not one little detail bothered him, he'd been grateful once it happened, for he was sure he'd be able to make a new friend. And sure enough he had. Sadly, it wasn't mean't to be. Now grown up, he can say he finally understands.

His nose and cheeks felt cold, as he tried to keep them warm with the small bit of warmth he had, by using his hands, and pressing them hard against his face, but the only thing he could focus on, was the freezing cold air, turning his freshest breaths of let go air, into freezing ice, as a white puff of air flew past his lips. He felt stiff and sore, but only for a moment, as his head lay peaceful, and motionless against the trunk of the brown oak tree, he'd been transported too. How the landing could've gone better, but even though with a minor bit of bleeding, and sore muscles, he couldn't complain to much. For the fact was, he was still alive. For how much longer, he wasn't sure, keep on like this, and he knew he'd surely freeze to death, before anyone could even get a chance to speck to him, to hear his voice, to find out the truth and welcome him back home.

He knew it was a long-shot to think such stupid things, but he couldn't contain himself, from the wondering, and the tiny thought, his mother was still alive, still alive and waiting for him to return? Could he really blame her for abandoning him as a small infant? He wasn't sure, did she truly deserve to be shunned the way he did to her? Did she deserve such resentment? As the freezing, bitter, frostbite, surrounded him entirely, he felt regret, and mustered a small smile, as he tried to imagine the first time he laid eyes on her, surely if he tried hard enough he might be able to remember her kind, gental face.

"Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

Colt's fairly dark blue eyes, widened at the sound of a distant, yet following female's voice. He was defenseless, and weak, bleeding and surely broken down, how would he even think to safe himself? There was nothing he could, nothing he could think of to get himself up and out of the terrible danger, his brain kept warning him about. As seconds passed him, and the voice grew louder, with a second voice, a different sounding one, chipping into the near, and boring conversation, he kept himself as calm as possible and hoped the two would just pass on, and leave him be. Let him die in peace, for his wish, was going to be his last, he was sure of it. But to his surprise, the voices did not seem at all like they'd turn around from where he was, no, they only came closer and closer to where he was. His ears picking up the voices just behind the tree, in which he'd landed painfully down upon. Pushing his body up, from his slouching position on the ground, he heard the soft voice, calling to him.

Then his eyes picked up on the darkest shade of red he'd ever seen, belonging to a beautiful girl with whine red hair, and the brightest blue eyes he'd ever seen. She was the fairest woman he'd ever seen, and judging by her young completion, she near the same age he was. With a whisper, and the spoke of the cold blowing wind, chilling the rest of his body, up, a whisper of his own voice, escaped his thoughts, before Jack Frost had his way with him.

''Glow....'' The whisper escaped into the world, before his eyes closed, with the cold wind eating away at the wounds all around his cheeks. The same places, the glass still stabbed, piercing his skin, as dried blood drew dry and stained in minuets passing.