
Diagon Alley

"Wow," was the one thing that could be said as Jiho looked at the magical market so full of life and sounds. He slowly walked onwards with his mother close by as he looked at the packed streets and the different shops all full of different animals, clothes, people, etc.

To Jiho who had mostly stayed home, Diagon Alley was truly a magical place even while ignoring the actual magic that was happening.

"Before you start exploring on your own, we have a place to visit first,"

Jiho's mom said as she grabbed him by the hand and dragged him to the largest building there, a place called Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

"Ok, Jiho you can go ahead and explore but you have to remember to go to Ollivanders for a wand first, ok?"

"Ok," replied Jiho as he quickly ran off in search of Ollivander's wand shop and soon he came across it, although not as fancy as he thought it would be he quickly made his way in, excited to get his wand.

"Hello, I'm here for a wand."

"Well of course you are," replied an old man with a messy pair of clothes and hair. "This is Ollivanders, we've been selling wands since 382 B.C., now come over here so I can choose your wand."

As Jiho quickly over to the old man, his measurements were quickly taken and he then ran off in search of the right wand.

After a few minutes had passed Ollivander returned with a wand and asked for Jiho to give it a quick twirl, however, he would soon come to regret this as it shot out a blast of magic destroying a nearby vase.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what happened," said Jiho stunned at the sudden blast.

"Don't worry about it boy, it happens every now and then," said Ollivander grumbling at the fact that he had to once again replace the vase from the 237th time, but who's counting. A few more minutes pass as Ollivander comes towards Jiho once again with a different wand this time.

"Try this one," said Ollivander handing the wand to Jiho who gave it a twirl and, once again, caused a blast of magic hitting the exact same place and this time destroying the wall behind the vase.

Jiho at this point was speechless as his mom had told him Ollivander would find his wand very quickly, but by now it had been 45 minutes.

Ollivander once again walked away grumbling about the difficulties of life as he once again disappeared into the clutters of wands.

-10 minutes later-

After waiting for a while Jiho once again received another wand, but this time he felt it was different and quickly gave it a twirl in anticipation. He was right the wand this time gave a soft golden glow, signifying it had chosen its master.

"How curious," said Ollivander looking at the wand in Jiho's hand, "That wand was made with Cypress wood and Thestral tail feather as its core, something fascinating about Thestral tail feathers is that it was also used in the making of the elder wand, the most powerful wand in the magic world. It's very interesting that this stubborn wand finally chose a master, so handle it with care."

"Of course, I will, it's my first and only wand,"

As he had finally gotten his wand Jiho quickly left the shop and continued admiring his wand.

'A wand that has the same core as the strongest wand in history, I can't wait to learn magic with this,' thought Jiho, mindlessly walking through the streets of Diagon Alley. Finally, after what seemed like a few minutes Jiho awakens from his stupor and found himself in a place that did not seem very much like Diagon Alley.

"Where am I?"

As Jiho looked around he found a sign and soon his question was answered.

"Knock turn alley, of course,"

He had been warned about this place by his mother before and now that he had arrived, he would surely be killed by his mother if she found out,

"Well I better get out of here before Mom comes looking for me,"

However, as Jiho starts walking back to what he assumed would be Diagon Alley something caught his eye,

"An egg, why is this here?"

Jiho picked up the egg and examined it finding it to be about the size of his middle finger, but as he picked it up a note slipped out from the egg covering.

[This egg was my one precious possession, whoever may find this please take good care of it]

"Hmmm, alright I needed a companion pet anyways, I'll take care of it,"

After quickly putting away he quickly ran once again towards Diagon Alley where he quickly found his mom in the bookstore.

"Explored enough?"

"Yeah let's go home," and just like that their journey in Diagon Alley came to an end.


It had been a few months since his journey into Diagon Alley and the egg he had found had not moved at all as it stayed in his pocket for most of the time. However, that was a concern for another time as it had finally been time to make his way to Hogwarts, a place where his journey as a wizard would start.

After making their way to station 9 and 3/4 Jiho made his final goodbyes with his parents.

"I'm going now mom, dad,"

*sniff* "Ok, Jiho, make sure you eat and sleep enough, also don't go around getting bullied, also make a lot of friends, also-"

"That's enough dear," said Jiho's dad interrupting his wife's worry, "I'm sure Jiho will do well, he's our son after all, isn't that right Jiho,"

"Of course, Dad," said Jiho silently thanking his dad, "I'll be fine and I'll make sure to make a lot of friends so don't worry." Going to his parents for one last hug the Han family finally separated, and Jiho got on the train, ready for his journey to become one of the greatest wizards known to the wizarding world.

—————————————————————————————The End———————————————————————————————

I know this chapter was much shorter, but this chapter was really just about Jiho preparing for his journey to Hogwarts.

Like always, thanks for reading.