
Chapter 4

The woman faced towards dummy who was trying to dig into the wall. She traced his face with a finger, from his forehead, over his nose, to the top of his t-shirt, touching his chest.

"Call me miss. And yes, we'll be sleeping together, but let me just give you a warning, you move even an inch and I'll snap your neck in an instant. Now let's sleep."

"Y-yes miss."

Dummy gulped.

True to his master's orders, Dummy didn't move an inch. But the woman had hugged him like an anaconda. Unknown to Dummy, the woman too, slept like a log, with a smile on her face.

But for our poor Dummy, the skin contact and the sensation was too much. It was a long time before he closed his eyes again, and slowly but surely he fell into the silent embrace of sleep.

The woman opened her eyes, Dummy was muttering in his sleep. She wanted to hit him so hard. But then she heard what he was saying.

"Mommy, don't go, please, don't leave me."

His eyes were glistening with tears. She looked at him in the darkness of the night. He had smooth skin and long straight hair. After taking a shower, he certainly smelt better.

She was touched, the boy was young and soft, but the world was cruel. He was lucky to have met her. Nobody would be so nice to him. The boy had struck her heart. His face and innocence reminded her of her past. What had already been gone, but forever remembered.

She tightened her grip around the boy and brought his head on her chest. He would cry it all out tonight, she thought.

Unconsciously, Dummy also brought his skinny hands and legs around the woman, hugging her as if she would disappear the next second.

The woman shuddered, her heart felt warm. The boy needed comfort, although that wasn't the only reason. She felt nice too. Hell, who was she kidding. She felt wonderful.

The duo slept together, intertwined in each other's arms and legs.

She would punish him a lot, she had decided, tomorrow that is. For now, she enjoyed the warm embrace of the body, the tightness of their legs, and her fuzzy feeling as she too fell asleep.

Dummy was having a nightmare, he used to have them a lot these days. His mother was leaving him, just like every night. But this time, it was different, he saw the woman.

'Miss', he would call her that from tomorrow. In his dreams she opened her arms to embrace him, and he ran towards her.

As the night slowly ended and the crack of dawn emerged, Dummy woke up to the sound of a door banging.

Dhum! Dhum! Dhum!

He opened his eyes, only to be shocked. The woman was beside him and was hugging him, just like yesterday. But he had also intertwined himself around her.

Don't move an inch she had said. But damn, she looked even prettier up close, her skin was fair, almost pinkish and her lips were pink, coupled with her purplish-red hair, only one word suited her, stunning!

"Dummy, it's not good to stare at people while they're sleeping."

"S-sorry miss."

The banging continued.

"Go to the kitchen, get a bottle of water and leave it in front of the locked room."

Both eager and reluctant to leave her side, Dummy did as asked.

"Knock on the door now."

He knocked.

The door opened, a hand took the bottle and vanished in a second.

"Now come here."

He went to her room and stood by the bed.

"I told you to stay still yesterday, right?"

Dummy hung his head down and bit his lips.

"Please forgive me miss. I-I swear I'll never do it again. Please don't throw me out."

He knelt down immediately.

The woman looked at him for a while before laughing.

"You're so fucking adorable. Come here."

She swung her hand around his neck and pulled him into bed again before falling asleep again.

Dummy on the other hand was still as a statue, he refused to move. His heart was beating so fast; he could hear it. It almost felt like it would explode.

The miss slept for an hour more before waking up, as soon as she woke up she sat up straight, and stretched her hands back while yawning and scratching her hair with her hands.

"That was definitely a good sleep. Isn't it so my Dummy?", she asked while tracing her finger on my nose.

He finally got a good look of her face, she was stunning. Her purplish red hair, her brown deep eyes, her pink luscious lips and her perfectly aligned face. There was a sense of maturity about her, but Dummy was quite sure that she wasn't so old.

A night with a lady does teach one may things.

"C'mon, the day's getting started, wear whatever the fuck you got yesterday and I'll be teaching you business. Oh, and close the door."

Dummy rushed out of the room and closed the door.

The woman was finally alone. She put her hand beneath a pillow and took out a gun.

Well at least he's trustworthy enough. Now I just need to make him fall in line behind me.

This was a test the woman had prepared for him. And he had passed.......barely though.

Last night was a bit unexpected, but it worked out quite well. The boy had to be tested again, but in another manner this time.

The woman taught Dummy many things as the days went on. She owned the Oasis, or more correctly she owned all the water and supplies and hence, she owned the place. She had a group of trusty followers who were excellent fighters all around her. The large muscled man, Wilde seemed to be her second in command. The Oasis was bustling not due to the people, but due to its position. It was right on the edge of the desert and the forestland. All people would have to pass through there for food, water and ammo. The place had a lot of dangerous men coming and going but, Killer Shot wasn't just an empty name. It was the title given to the woman because of her accuracy. Each of her bullets would hit the head of the enemy, without any mistake, a bullet for a life.

Dummy was put up in whatever kind of odd jobs the Hades group had for him. Lifting crates full of supplies, delivering food and water out in the desert and so so. In the days that he spent under Killer Shot, he learned how to drive, shoot and some basic hand to hand stuff. He sparred against the members being beaten black and blue almost every day. His healing ability was perfect for this. He would be back in original shape in no time at all. But he still felt pain. The pain kept him going. Each day was not easy and the food he was given was a meal a day only. Not that he was complaining, but he remained hungry all the time. And at night, the miss would sleep with him, while he couldn't even move. He had gotten more and more used to sleeping with her. Over time, he had also discovered that there was actually a 3rd person living with them, just a room away. It was a mysterious person, the miss would never talk about the person ever, but she would still have food and water delivered there every day.