
The Dead Justice

This world... Is nothing but hell...

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2 Chs

Key Luwigton

"Ah yes, the smell of blood," He muttered as he smelled the blood of his victim, killing without mercy.

2 years ago...

A teenager named Key Luwigton was a 17-year-old black-haired teenager who was a student in high school. His life wasn't very pleasurable, being bullied for being weak and not fighting back as they bullied him. Key didn't want to fight and stayed true to his dignity and morals. He thought fighting wasn't a very good way to handle one's problems; it would only end up adding them.

He lived in a toxic relationship with his parents, his father was a drunkard, and his mother was planning for a divorce after this. He loved his mother and loved his dad no matter who they were. Thankfully, he had a nice sister and brother.

"Hey, four-eyes! Cuih! " He called out his nickname and spat a paper ball in his face. He pushed up his glasses and ignored him.

He didn't mind because it didn't hurt him. If ever he was hit and it hurt, he would apologize immediately. Key gradually grew tired of their antics; their annoyances made him tired every time he returned home.

His girlfriend, Tiara, his gorgeous blonde-haired girlfriend was always there when he needed her. He always felt comfortable that she was the only one who was nice to him. He thought of it as he was lucky to have her.

Yet, how sad that his life would end this way...

The next day went by, and he saw his mother being brutally murdered. His heart rapidly beat as he saw his mom was decapitated. He went to his sister's room, and she was too, was killed. His dad, his brother, was killed as well. He was the only one left.

The murderer jumped out of the closet with a bloody knife in his hand. Key ran frantically, trying to escape. His vision was blurry from all the tears that were in his eyes. He grabbed the knife from the kitchen drawer, trembling to hold it.

The murderer tried to stab him, but Key dodged him by rolling over past him. Key grabbed his leg and stabbed him repeatedly, and he tried to break free, but his legs were numb and he groaned in pain. He tried to stab Key and he was stabbed in his right shoulder, He dropped the knife because of the pain.

As his second strike was about to hit him, Key dodged it and bite the murderer's hand. He dropped the knife and Key took his knife. He tackled him and struggled to knife him.

Eventually, he hit Key's face, trying to get him off of him. Key endured the pain and tried to stab him. However, he failed. The man kicked him away and escaped.

Key panted, and not long later, a sound of a loud siren was heard throughout his residence and the police arrived. He was happy, but unexpectedly, he was arrested. His pupils shrank as the police attached the cuffs to his wrist. He protested that he wasn't guilty, but the police didn't want to hear a single word from him.

It's not me! I swear, please! " He pointlessly argued that he didn't murder his family, it was the unknown murderer. 

"Tell it to the judge!" He then made him enter the police car.

Key frowned and hung his head low as tears dripped. His hands and his body were quivering like crazy, scared, and didn't know what to do next with his life in prison.

7 minutes later, they finally arrived at the prison.

"This is it... This is the end of my life..." He muttered as he was pushed by the police to enter.

He entered his cell and he leaned on the wall, crying.

"It wasn't me... It wasn't me!" His voice muffled as he shoved his face to his thighs.

His life was poor but fate gave him worse, he tightly clenched his shirt in aggression.

5 days later, he was asked to go into court. He was cuffed as he sat on his chair, waiting for the judge's announcement.

"Anything to say for yourself?" The judge hammered his sound block with his gavel.

"Your honor, I committed that I didn't do it, what more do you want me to commit?"

"Your commitment was dishonest, be that as it may, you killed your family. You broke the law, therefore you are sentenced to 8 years in jail."

"You don't get it, he was the one who did that! I held that knife because it was self-defense. What if I was killed? What would you do? Prisoned him? And act as things never happened? It's a matter of life and death that forced me! And I was saved from it and now you take away my freedom? Is that what you called justice?"

"Silence! Law is law, you can't change them. Think of this as an act of kindness because they are still trying to find the evidence, if I didn't care your sentence would be longer. But since they don't know who the killer was, you may pray and prepare yourself for the worse." The judge said that because there were faint fingerprints on the killer, the killer wore gloves, which made the investigation harder.

After the court ended, he went back to his cell and met his girlfriend a week later. He told her that he didn't do it and she believed him, while also telling him that she should break up with him. Key asked why, with an anguished face. She told him that she was blackmailed by a bastard and asked to leave Key. She didn't want to risk Key and her family too. Even if she reported it to the police, the falsehood would spread. She said sorry, and she left with tears running down her cheeks. 

He grew tired and started losing himself. He couldn't think straight but to smile and laugh maniacally. His feelings were starting to feel dead. He grew full of understanding of how the world treated him this way. 

Why? Just why? Why would the world give him this kind of hardship? He didn't understand and couldn't stand it anymore. He grew sick of being nice. What if he could just become wicked instead? Fuck dignity and morals... Justice is dead, and I want to bring it back!

And that was how it started, the story of an infamous villain, Key Luwigton.

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