
The Day The World Turned Strange

What would happen if one day a man said, “ If you kill 50 people and prove that you did it without getting caught by the authorities and can prove the dead and I’ll make you my heir” what would happen would everyone kill, what would the casualties amount to, I want to know like really bad so I’m gonna make a book on it. Co-writers include Ghetsis, Rush, Crissy and Crawfricc Thicc

theOfficialJesus · Ciencia y ficción
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7 Chs

The beginning

———————-Begin Transmission——————


"My name is Troy and I survived the beginning of the, 'Reckoning' an event where Henry the creator of the entire world came down to deliver a single commandment, 'Thou shall kill 50 of thine brethren if thou Is to complete mine task thou shall recieveeth mine blessing to become mine heir or heiress' and from that point forward the world fell into chaos, OH SHIT NO NO NO PLEAS... the screen was dyed red after that exchanged then the screen went black.

———————end transmission————————

"Troy wake up" said a mysterious lady voice, "Troy you gonna sleep all day or what."

Troy decided to wake up at that and look around when he looked around he found his mom a middle aged woman with long brown hair named Karissa who had raised him after his dad left us, "I'm up, I'm up." Troy said to his mom, "what do you need anyway mom"

"It's time for school you big ol dope" she said.

So Troy woke up and went to the mirror to brush his teeth in the mirror he saw a man with black hair and spiky hair, the typical delinquent but Troy was one of the people with the biggest hearts out there he just wasn't the type to look it. So off Troy went to school and it was a day just like any other except for when the sky started to bleed red tears that fell everywhere.

This is fucking hard to write

theOfficialJesuscreators' thoughts