
The Day I Saw A God

This story is about a girl. Her name is Natsumi Furakawa. She is in a High School Girl. She lived in Tokyo Japan. She had A Normal Life. Though she was the Japan's most Richest Architecture's daughter. One Day She Meet With Someone Who Told Her That She Is Going Die Today. What Will Happen To The Girl? What Will she do? Read the story to know about what happened to her and all the other people that she will meet and she had meet will have there promised day. The day they die.

Fahim_ahmed · Adolescente
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78 Chs

The Fateful Meeting Part 2

Chapter 3

The next day she was sleeping peacefully in her bed in her bedroom like she usually do. Her mother came to her room and opens curtain of the windows in her room.

Her mother yells at her by saying this to her like this :"Wake up!" She continues her reply to her (Natsumi) by asking and saying this later on like this :"How much do you think you are gonna sleep?! You have exams tomorrow!!!"

Her mother takes the blanket on top of her that she was using. Natsumi wakes up from sleep because of her mother yelling and also because of the sunlight that came through the windows.

Natsumi replies to her mother with sleepy voice like this :"I am waking up!!"

She wakes up from her bed and sit on one corner of her bed. She looks at her mother.

Natsumi's mother replies to her after she sits on one corner of her bed like this :"First take your breakfast." She takes her (Natsumi) blanket and fold it and put it in another corner of the bed. After her mother continues her reply to her (Natsumi) like this :"I need to go to work. Take care of the house in my absence"

Natsumi replies to her mother while nodding her head like this :"Ok .Ok" her eyes was closed while she was saying that because she was sleepy yet.

Her mother went to the down floor after she heard that from her (Natsumi). Right after her mother left she (Natsumi) stands up from her bed. She goes to the down floor walking slowly. While she was walking towards there she was also rubbing her eyes. When she goes down floor she saw that her mother is already dressed up in her mother's workplace suit to go to her work and is currently sitting down and wearing her shoes belt.

Natsumi's mother heard her footsteps so she knew that she (Natsumi) was coming here. Her mother was sitting down and tying her shoes then said this to her before she (Her mother) leaves the house :"I am going to my work. Don't forget to lock the door"

Natsumi replies to her mother with sleepy voice like this :"Take Care"

Her mother finish wearing her shoes. Her mother stands up. Natsumi's mother said this to her with a evil look In her mother eyes :"Don't forget to study for exam"

Natsumi replies to her mother like this :"Don't worry. I won't forget about studying" She also thought to herself after saying that to her mother [Scary. If I don't study then she is gonna kill me when she came back home]

Her mother opens the door and her mother leaves the house afterwards. Natsumi locks the door after her mother left.

Natsumi thought to herself all alone at the house after locking the door [What I am gonna do now?]

Natsumi thought for a while about what will she will do while standing there.

Natsumi replies to herself like this :"Okay first I am going to clean up my room."

She goes to the upper floor. She opens the door of her bedroom and goes in her bedroom to clean her room. She cleans her room. After cleaning her room she gets refreshed. She also throws out the trash in the nearby trashcan. She came back to her home after throwing it in the trash can.

Natsumi stretches both of her arm upwards. She then replies to herself like this :"I might as well eat some foods."

Right as she said that she goes to the kitchen. She opens the kitchen's refrigerator to see what kind food her mother left her with. She only found some herbs, vegetable and orange juice.

Natsumi replies to herself like this :"Only some orange juice and veggies! What's in the kitchen?"

She opens the shelves in the kitchen. She finds some steak, chicken breast and jams. She finds some cooked curry and cooked rice in the table of the kitchen.

Natsumi replies to herself like this :"Curry. I guess it will work for both lunch and dinner. But not for breakfast"

She opens the other shelves. She starts to searches in the other shelves to find any other thing. She finds some bread after searching there. Natsumi tries to find the expiration date on the bread packet. She found the expiration date. She found out that it is still good to eat.

She then said this to herself :"Bread. Let's eat a sandwich then"

Afterwards she makes a sandwich for herself by putting the jams on the bread. She then ate it. After she ate her sandwich she thought to herself [I should study now then]

As she thought that she starts studying. She studies for the exam for about an hour. After studying for a hour. Natsumi leans on the chair and stretches both of her hands behind. She then said this :"I am tired!. I can't study anymore! I should take a bath to get refreshed"

As she said that she takes a bath. After getting out of the bath while wearing bathrobe. She looks at the clock. It was 1pm in the afternoon

Natsumi shouts :"It's already 1 Pm! I promised her that I will be there at 1 and 25 pm! I must go now or I will be late"

She wears black shirt and a pink skirt firstly after getting out from the bath as fast as possible. She takes her bag and put her money bag with some money and takes a bottle of water. She goes to the down floor to get out from the house. She opens door after she takes her sneakers. She wears her sneakers. Her sneakers was white colored. After she goes to the other side of the she looks back at the house to see and remember if she lost or forget to take something

Natsumi thought to herself while standing in the other side of the door [It's looks like I didn't left anything behind.]

Natsumi said this :"I'm off"

Natsumi thought to herself [I guess there is no one home to say that.]

She felt stupid for saying that. She locks the house. And as she leaves her house she start dashing toward the station. After arriving at the station she starts to look around all around the station to find her friend. She didn't find her friend yet but her friend found her (Natsumi)

Kona yells at her saying this :"Oi!!! Natsumi! I am here!!"

Natsumi founds her friend. She looks at the direction where the sounds came from and she finds her friend I'm there. She rushes forward to her friend. But also everyone at the station was looking at them because of her friend's shouting. Natsumi gets embarrassed and feels awkward because of that.

Natsumi replies to her friend like this :"I am sorry for being late"

Kona replies to her while waving her right hand in front of her (Natsumi) with a smile on her face like this :"No, no, no it's nothing to apologize about. You are only five minutes left. I also just came here right now."

Everyone was still looking at them.

Natsumi replies to her like this :"Then why did you shout? Everyone is looking at us now because of you"

Kona apologizes to her like this :"I am sorry." She continues her reply to her (Natsumi) like this :"It's because it's seems to me that you wasn't able to find me"

Natsumi replies to her with angry voice but by whispering to her (Kona) ears so nobody could hear it like this :"It doesn't mean you have to yell for that"

Kona apologize to her like this :"Sorry. It's all my fault" and she also continues her reply to her (Natsumi) by asking her (Natsumi) like this :"Are you happy now?"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"Yes. I am happy. Let's Hurry"

Kona gets curious and asks her like this :"To where?"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"Anywhere is fine. Everyone here is looking at us" though some of them stops looking at them.

Kona see around her and saw that some of them is looking at them. She feels awkward. She also replies to her (Natsumi) like this :"Oh, I understand it kind of feels awkward"

Natsumi starts walking without replying to her friend. Her friend also starts to follow her. They leaved the place and goes to one of the nearby arcades. They both plays some game s in that arcade. They played some shooting games, pac man, bomber-man and a gacha games in that arcade. After playing for sometime they leaved the arcade. Kona stretches her hands above her head while leaving the arcade. After they leaved the arcade they went to a nearby Cafe. The enters the Cafe. They sits down and ordered one coffee and vanilla shortcake for each of them

Kona asks her while eating the shortcake like this :"How is your study going, Natsumi?"

Natsumi stops eating and she replies to her like this :"It's alright. I will somehow pass." she continues her reply to her (Kona) by asking this to her like this :"What's about your, Kona?"

Kona replies to her like this :"It's the same as you."

Natsumi replies to her like this :"As I thought"

Afterwards they finish eating there dessert and drinking coffee at the Cafe. Natsumi gave the bill at the reception and they went out of the cafe. Kona got put first since she didn't have to pay for it since Natsumi is paying.

While standing outside of the Cafe Kona asks her like this :"What are we gonna do now?" She continues her reply to her (Natsumi) by proposing this to her like this :"What about Karaoke?"

Natsumi apologize by replying to her like this :"Sorry. I can't"

Kona gets curious about that. She asks her like this :"Why?"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"I have my part time job next"

Kona was annoyed. She wanted to have more fun with Natsumi. She asks her like this :"Didn't you cancelled it because of the exam?" Since both of them had exams and also because Natsumi once told her weeks ago that she will take a break from her part-time job for a week because of the exam"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"My manager insisted on doing the part time for this week. After this week I am gonna have a break from my part-time job. I promise"

Kona replies to her like this :"I understand. Then I am going home" she waves her hand as she walked away from her (Natsumi).

Natsumi giving her a farewell while waving her hand towards the direction she (Kona) is leaving like this :"Ok Goodbye!!"

Kona leaves from there. One guy was standing outside of the cafe at a corner wearing blue shirt and jeans. That guy had yellow hair. That guy looks at his diary that he was holding in his head. He was holding a pen in his other hand. He writes something on that diary. He puts his diary on his chest pockets after writing something on that diary of his. He looks at her.

That guy said this to her :"Oi! You little girl over there!"

Natsumi turns her face at his direction of his calling. She looks at him. He is fairly handsome than the average people of this country and he didn't look like a person from this country. He looked like a foreigner.

Natsumi thought to herself while looking at him [Is he calling me? It can't be. After all I don't even know who he is. Also I am not a little girl. I am at the tall size. Since I am more taller than the average height of the Japanese women] after she thought that she moved her towards the other direction and starts moving at the other direction. The direction to get into her part time job's place.

That guy saw that she (Natsumi) looked at him and starts to walk away. That guy said this to her :"Yes, You miss. The one wearing pink skirt with red hair"

Natsumi thought to herself after hearing that from him [Pink skirt with red hair? Is he talking about me? Wait a minute]

Natsumi gets angry at that stranger for calling her a little girl. Nobody told her that she is little girl after middle school. Since she is really sensitive about that. Natsumi yells at him with a very angry voice like this :"Who are you calling a little girl? And by the way who are you? I don't even know who you are.!"

That strange guy was stunned for a moment. He then replies to her like this :"I think before we talk I think we should go to a different place"

Natsumi looks around to find out why that stranger told her that. She looked around and saw that everyone around them was looking at them. Everyone was looking at them like that moment sometimes ago. She feels awkward like she felt sometimes ago.

That strange guy replies to her like this :"Follow me" and as soon as he said that to her he starts walking.

Natsumi replies to him like this :"Wait"

She starts following him. They walked and walked. Natsumi was getting bored of walking and walking.

She thought to herself while walking behind that strange guy [Who is this guy? I don't remember looking like that. He just could stop walking and tell me what he want to tell. I just could hear whatever he wanted to say. Where is he trying to take me to?]

Her curiosity over that strange guy increase. As her curiosity increase She gets more and more suspicious of him for not talking rather walking and walking. After walking for sometime with him that strange guy stops walking at the gate of her school she also stops at her with him. She never knew that she could come to her school by this way. She didn't even feel or see that she was getting close to her school.

Natsumi thought to herself while standing there [This is my school. I didn't know that I could come to my school by this way. Maybe I should take this road when I am late on school. Since this road would be make it more easier to come to school.]

That strange guy asks her while standing like her in front of her school gate in that place like this :"It is your school. Am I right?"

Natsumi replies to him affirmatively like this :"Yes"

Natsumi thought to herself after replying that to him [Why are we at my school? Does he know about me? Or does he works for my father in his other jobs?] She waves her heads around and continue her thoughts to herself like this [I should ask him rather than thinking about it]

Natsumi gets curious about the real identity of that strange guy. She asks that strange guy like this :"Who are you?"

That strange guy replies to her like this :"It doesn't matter who am I, But I have both bad news and good news for you"

Natsumi gets curious about what could be this bad and good news could be. So she asks that strange guy like this :"Bad news? What is the good news?"

That strange guy replies to her questions like this :"The good news is that any wish that you want I will fulfilled for you"

Natsumi asks that strange guy like this :"It's that a joke?" She looks at him and see in his eyes. Those eyes weren't the eyes of someone lying to her. She continues her reply to that strange guy like this :"Did my father told you that?" She continues her reply to him by replying to him like this :"Tell him not to worry. I am doing the part time job for fun. It won't affect my study"

That strange guy wasn't a bodyguard of her father neither a co-worker of her father. That strange guy replies to her negatively like this :"No"

Natsumi was kind of disappointed that he wasn't the person she thought he would be. Natsumi asks that strange guy like this :"Then did someone told you to do this?"

That strange guy realizes that she have the wrong idea about who he is. That strange replies to her like this :"It is not like that. Nobody told me anything about you. I came here on my on accord. I am not a person your father knows. The bad news is that you are going to die today in the next 6 hours and 30 minute"

Natsumi gets surprised by that reply of him. She shouts at that strange guy by saying this :"WHAT?!?"

6 hours and 30 minutes left before she will die