
The Day I Saw A God

This story is about a girl. Her name is Natsumi Furakawa. She is in a High School Girl. She lived in Tokyo Japan. She had A Normal Life. Though she was the Japan's most Richest Architecture's daughter. One Day She Meet With Someone Who Told Her That She Is Going Die Today. What Will Happen To The Girl? What Will she do? Read the story to know about what happened to her and all the other people that she will meet and she had meet will have there promised day. The day they die.

Fahim_ahmed · Adolescente
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78 Chs

Night's Unlucky Day

Chapter 55

"What do you mean by you don't know?! You are the god!" She asks

"Well, even if I am the god it doesn't mean I know everything." He replies

"Are you telling me that the greatest God doesn't know everything??" She asks

"Of course, I know everything. I am the greatest and the supreme God, Light after all." He replies proudly with fashion

"Then, tell me." She replies

"I won't." He replies

She was about to yell at him but she smacked her head. She realizes that it doesn't matter even if she asks it thousands of time. The entire time he as floating with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I shouldn't have even ask that in the first place?" She replies

"Yes, you shouldn't have asked me any questions from the beginning!" He replies with angry tune

She thought to herself [You didn't have to say that with an angry tune. I am the one who should be talking with angry tune]

"Who is this woman, pedophile?" That child asks

"She is called Natsumi- also I am telling you for the longest time that I am not a pedophile!!" He replies with angry tune again

"So she is called Natsumi, I guess you know some other things than being a pedophile" That child said

"Didn't you listen that I am not a pedophile?" He asks with angry tune

"That what all pedophile says. Pedophile" That child replies with a disgusted expression on her face

"What are you doing here?" That child looks at her and asks that

She thought to herself [I am standing and seeing you two people's boring conversation. Like I can say that.]

"She is the new owner of this palace." He replies

"Seriously?" That child replies

"Yes" He replies

"I thought she is an angel who is working here because... just which human in there right mind would call you Your Majesty?!." That child replies

"She is not an angel. But she will be my servant throughout her life in heaven." He replies with a huge smile on his face

Natsumi was a bit ticked off by what that child said.

"I think a person who has fear of getting into hell have a right mind to address him by that." She replies with smile hiding her anger

"Did you seriously think that would ever happen?" That child replies

"What do you mean?" She asks

"Look at me I am badmouthing him. Calling him trash, pervert etc. Once I even bad-mouthed him for a who day. Look at me calling him whatever I please. Yet I am not in hell. That's the biggest proof. Hell is just a place for him to show to new people like you to get fear and call him Your Majesty, My Lord. You know something, that's not enough. He should be called a pedophile trash by everyone in the entire heaven." That child replies

Natsumi was totally shocked by this kind of act from a child.

"That's way more disrespectful than called trash for an entire day." She replies

"How did you know that I was calling him trash the whole day?" That child replies with surprised expression. She really did call him trash that entire day.

"Just a hunch." She replies

"You are better than I thought." That child replies

"Thanks" She replies

"You can call him whatever you want trash, pervert, pedophile, useless, weak etc." That child replies

"But-" She replies. She still had the fear of hell.

"Don't worry about hell, he will never ever throw you in hell. If he ever tries to throw you into hell I will beat the shit out of him." That child replies

She thought to herself [Even though I am talking to a child it feels like I am talking to a my big sister, who is making my life easier and happier. Though I am an only child. So long my fear of hell.] Tears of joy comes out of her eyes

Light totally downcast his head. He wa getting more and more depressed and sad seeing his creation disrespect him and pay him no heed. And calling him by trash, pervert etc

"Can you guys just stop badmouthing me?" He asks gently

"Keep dreaming." That child replies

"Tell him that he is a piece of shit!" That child looks at her and said this

"I think I am fine just calling him, Light." She replies

That child was surprised. That child looked at her with the most surprised face she has ever saw from a person.

"What the heck? .....Don't you hate him?" That child replies

"I hate him too, but I think you are badmouthing him too much. Also the thing he did isn't something that just by me badmouthing him would make me feel any better about him." She replies

"You are right." That child replies

"Good grief. Everyone around here just can't respect their God normally like they should do." He replies

"Who's fault do you think it is?" That child replies

"Yes, yes I understand." He replies

"There you are Sis!" Harley replies

They saw Harley standing. Behind him was 2 huge stainless steel plate with 2 huge stainless steel lid put over both of the plate. The two huge plate was on a restaurant trolley of it's size. Natsumi wasn't ready for this. She just wanted a normal dish and food to taste if it is better than the living world.

"What is this?" She asks

"Why do you ask, Sis? Didn't you wanted to eat something?" He asks

"Yes, I wanted but isn't this too much?" She replies

"That's the perfect amount." Light said. He stops floating and comes down to floor while walking with his arms crossed.

He didn't know that Natsumi wanted something to eat.

"Do you want this?" He asks her with his finger pointing one of the plate.

"No, I am fine." She replies

"That's how my creation should be" He replies happily

"Takes the lid off the plate." He said

"Yes, My Lord!" He bows down to him and said this

Harley didn't take off the lid. The lid was on the plate. Harley didn't even move to lift the huge lid. All the excitement that Light had while looking forward to this feast fade away in a couple of second. This gives him a shock that he stops feeling any type of emotion

"Why are you not opening the lid?" Light asks

"I am sorry but it was supposed to be Mr.Night's work." He replies while bowing down to him

"Where is he?" Light asks with no feeling at all.

"I am here in the top." Night said

All of them looks at top of the first plate in the trolley. He was sitting on top of it. He was holding the handle.

"Open you huge lid!!!" He said

He then takes off the huge lid with his human strength. He throws the lid on to the floor's ceiling and it crashed on to it. luckily no rubble's falls down to the ground or the feast that was inside the huge plate because of Harley's shield that he created. Night crushes onto the ceiling

"This hurts more than slipping onto the ground." Night said after he crushes onto the ceiling