
The Day I Saw A God

This story is about a girl. Her name is Natsumi Furakawa. She is in a High School Girl. She lived in Tokyo Japan. She had A Normal Life. Though she was the Japan's most Richest Architecture's daughter. One Day She Meet With Someone Who Told Her That She Is Going Die Today. What Will Happen To The Girl? What Will she do? Read the story to know about what happened to her and all the other people that she will meet and she had meet will have there promised day. The day they die.

Fahim_ahmed · Adolescente
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78 Chs

Her Past-self's Wish

Chapter 27

Shortly after she thought that she look at Light and she replies to Light like this :"I guess, I will not ask that question to Ban anymore."

Natsumi look at Ban to see if he is still feeling down. She while looking at him she thought to herself after replying to Light [Even if he is looking down, I am still curious. Also why is looking like that? Did something happen on that he created or Did I say something wrong?] While midst her stream of thought she remembers that she told Light to not to talk to her or in front of her. That made her angry and she continues to thought to herself like this [Even though I told him to not to talk in front of me he talked to me]

Natsumi says this to Light with angry voice like this :"I have told you to not to talk in front of me yet you still talks!!!!"

Light gets a tiny bit angry after he heard that and he yell at her like this :"If I didn't have told you, you would have asked him again and again. Can't you see that by your eyes?!?!!"

Natsumi couldn't argue with his fair arguments rather she replies to him like this :"I am sorry for that and I take back what I said to you. But still just why he won't reply to me? Did I said something wrong? Or is something bad happened on that world? I am curious."

Light's anger calms down. He asks her like this :"Do you remember that I told you that human's once were immortal and why that they are not immortal anymore?"

Natsumi replies to his question like this :"Yes, I remember. You told me that after I died and enters the place where there was all kinds of gate to another world."

Light sits down on the table rather than the chair with one knee on top of the other leg and he puts both of his hands behind him and clings on to the table. He replies to her like this :"That place is called Dead's Choice because they make the choice of ascending to heaven or reincarnated in another world. You can also call it gateway.... Also the thing I wanted to told you is because you are still remembering the past memory that you forgot, your current memory will be kinda hazy like you will be forgetful about what you will say or think now for sometime. That's kinda like the after effects of remembering the memory of the void."

Natsumi gets surprised after hearing that from Light. She thought to herself like this [So that's why I am forgetting something I said or something I thought the very next moment. Wait a minute, what was I thinking about again?]

Light continues his reply to her like this :"Don't worry, after a few minutes this side effects will be gone."

Natsumi had no clue about what he is talking about because of the side effects and she replies to him (Light) like this :"I see" Natsumi thought to herself after replying that to him [What was we talking about again?]

Ban stands up from the chair beside the table. Though he still had that downcast eyes looks. Light stands up and tries to hold him up on his feet.

Ban says this to him :"It's ok. I am fine now."

He backs down and lean on a wall.

Natsumi was still worried about how he is feeling. So she asks him (Ban) like this :"Are you feeling good?"

Ban felt a bit if guilt because he didn't reply to her and rather goes slient. He replies to her like this :"It's ok. I am fine. Also I am sorry that I have gone slient and didn't answer to your question from before."

Natsumi feels guilty as she thought that it's her fault that he made his eyes downcast. Natsumi replies to him (Ban) like this :"No, no it's ok. It's my fault just asking you all the questions. There must be somethings you don't want people to know or answer them."

Light was surprised by this change of characteristics from Natsumi. He thought to himself after hearing that reply from Natsumi to Ban [Oi!! Oi! Did you forget your characteristics? You are the person who asked me all of these questions. And when I don't give you an answer you get angry. And when my answer is not like the answer you wanted you gets depressed and gets more angry at me.]

Ban stretches both of his hands above his heads. After stretching he puts down both of his hands from above his head and his eyes get normal from the downcast eyes from before. He than seeks permission from her like this :"So should I answer your questions then?"

Natsumi replies to him (Ban) like this :"If you want to answer then you can answer. And If you don't want to answer then you didn't have to answer."

Ban replies to her like this :"Then I don't want to answer that question."

Natsumi replies to him (Ban) like this :"There was something else that I wanted to ask you."

Ban asks her like this :"What is it you wanna ask?"

Natsumi asks him (Ban) the question she wanted to ask like this :"Did you rebel or argue with Light about death after coming here?"

Ban replies to her questions like this :"Yes. I did rebel against him for making the mortal system at the beginning. That's why I created a world full of immortal humans."

Natsumi says to herself quietly like this :"As I thought."

Ban couldn't hear what she said but he saw that she was mumbling something. Out of curiosity Ban asks her about that like this though he wasn't that curious :"What did you said? I couldn't hear it."

Natsumi startles and replies to him (Ban) like this :"It's nothing important."

Ban replies to her like this :"Then it's okay." Since he wasn't that much curious and that she might don't wanna talk about that.

Light clap his hands twice to gain the attention of both of them. They both looks at him. But Natsumi looked at him with a angry stare. Natsumi even after remembering her lost memory was still a bit angry at him for making all the people died to have the pain of death and for the people who felt pain after losing their loved over because of the death promised by the God called Light.

Natsumi asks him (Light) with not interested voice. While also staring at him with a angry looks at her eyes like this :"What do you wanna ask?"

Light felt disrespectful from that kind of attitude of asking from her. He asks her like this :"Is that how you talk to your creator?"

Natsumi replies to him (Light) like this :"I have told you that before." She ask him with evil look in he eyes like this :"Or do you want me to tell that again?"

Light realize what she will say and that it will hurt us feelings. So he replies to her like this :"You don't have to tell me. I remember what will be your reply."

Natsumi didn't thought that he would said that and gets a surprised. She then reply to him (Light) with disappointed voice like this :"That's a shame."

Ban gets bored and replies to him (Light) with serious voice like this :"Light!" Light looked at him and Ban continuing his reply to him like this :"You are not someone who would clap his hands twice just to get attention. You are that kind of person that jumps into there people's conversation to get attention."

Natsumi also agree with Ban's statement. Natsumi says it like this :"You are completely right. He is the kind of person who would done that."

Light didn't get angry or annoyed after hearing that from them rather arose with curiosity and thought to himself like this [Just what kind of personality do you think I have?]

Ban asks him with a serious look on his eyes like this :"What is it you wanted to talk about?"

Light replies to him and ask her like this :"You don't have to be so serious. I am telling you.. Natsumi do you remember what you wished for when you were in void?"

Natsumi by now remembered everything perfectly and her memory became more clear and not hazy anymore. She replies to him (Light) like this :"Yes, that wish is concerned about my past-self's last wish that she or he couldn't do before she or he died."

Light remember what he was trying to say and replies to them like this :"That's what I wanted to talk about. The past-self version of you was a woman. Her last wish that she couldn't complete before her death was.... To help the people... To make there's long awaited dream to come true. To make them happy before they died."

Natsumi was stunned by how great and kind heart her past-self had. She thought to herself [I was a woman with a great heart in my past life. While I was trying to be as normal as people get though I was richer than most of normal peoples. I must have been a great person in past life.] A curiousty of what kind of person she was in her past life arose in her. Natsumi asks him (Light) like this :"Just what kind of person I am? I mean what kind of person I was in my past lifetime?"