
The Day I Saw A God

This story is about a girl. Her name is Natsumi Furakawa. She is in a High School Girl. She lived in Tokyo Japan. She had A Normal Life. Though she was the Japan's most Richest Architecture's daughter. One Day She Meet With Someone Who Told Her That She Is Going Die Today. What Will Happen To The Girl? What Will she do? Read the story to know about what happened to her and all the other people that she will meet and she had meet will have there promised day. The day they die.

Fahim_ahmed · Adolescente
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78 Chs

Her and Her Last Wish Relation

Chapter 29

Natsumi was surprised by his reply. She couldn't understand how does her past-self's last wish is made into fulfilling all the other human's wishes that will die in the future.

Natsumi asks him(Light) like this :"What does fulfilling other people's wishes do with my past self's wish? And why should I fulfill other people's wishes?"

Light was surprised cause he thought that the after effects of remembering the memories of void has went away. Light asks her like this :"Don't you remember that you wished to us for fulfilling your past self's wish?"

Natsumi did still have the after effects of remembering the memory of void. So she was clueless about what he said. She replies to him(Light) like this :"I never wished for something like..." While saying she remembers that memory of her wishing that her past self's wish to get fulfilled. And she continues her reply to him(Light) with surprised voice like this :"Oh!! I did wished for this at the void."

Light says that :"Chair" just by saying that a wooden chair appears from thin air besides him without doing anything or any type of magic. He sits on the chair dramatically.

After seeing this Natsumi thought to herself like this [You just could have come here and take a seat besides the table. It's not like you are sitting in a grand chair or throne or anything like that. It's just a normal chair. The distance between the table chairs and you is only just two feet. Also you might have thought that the way you say on the chair is cool but let me tell you were not cool at all]

Light actually thought that it will be cool to sit on the chair dramatically. Light read's her thoughts while she was thinking that and he reply to her like this :"Don't care about such small details. That's just a chair. I guess it's normal for normal people like you to not find this cool cause you don't un-der-sta-nd it."

Natsumi thought to herself after hearing the last line of his(Light) reply to her like this [If I was a God, I really would have killed you the very second you was born. And then change your personality for the greater good] she then replies to him(Light) with like this :"That's more the reason you should have sit here besides table even walking only two feet."

Light replies to her with a straight face like this :"I don't wanna walk."

Natsumi gets angry by his words and reaction as if he is little baby. She slams the table with both of her and stands up. She then replies to him(Light) with angry voice like this :"Don't talk like a spoiled baby."

Light after hearing that from her points his head above and closes his eyes. He then start waving his hand around like a baby. He while waving his hand around like a baby he starts to shout to her like a spoiled baby by saying this :"I don't wanna walk! I don't wanna walk! I don't wanna walk! I don't wanna walk! I don't wanna walk!"

Natsumi gets angry by his reaction and action. She also doesn't like spoiled child. She yells at him(Light) while he was still shouting like a spoiled baby by saying this :"Stop acting like a spoiled baby!! Aren't you the greatest being and re supreme being in the world?!!! In which world... Which world there God act like a baby?!!!"

Light listens to her yelling even though he was shouting. He finds that what she said to him by yelling has some fair point on it. He stops waving his hand around like a baby. He looks at her and points one of his right hand's finger towards her while replying to her like this :"You have a fair point in there." He then holds his chin and continues his reply to her like this :"Maybe I should turn myself into a baby. That's will be more natural and beautiful to do."

Natsumi gets more angrier and burst out another yelling to him by saying this :"THATS NOT THE POINT IN HERE!!!!!!"

Ban comes close to her right shoulder and holds her right shoulder. He tries to calm her down by replies to her like this :"Don't get more angry. Me and you, both of us know that his personality is very complex and is annoying like that."

Light a bit angry and replies to him(Ban) like this :"Oi! That's mean. I am not annoying more like my personality soothes human's pain. Also my personality isn't complex. My personality is the most normal personality ever."

Ban and Natsumi both thought the exact same thing after that reply from him. They both thought this at the same time [How come the world didn't get destroyed yet? Also I am amazed how he think of himself even though how other people behave with him. Doesn't he see how other people treat him or behave with him because of his personality??]

They remains silent because they were both thinking the same think. Light didn't read there mind this time so he didn't know what they were thinking and why they weren't replying to him. He got annoyed by this silence.

Light asks them with like this :"Why are you guys not replying??"

Ban doesn't reply to him rather he continues his reply to her like this :"If you get annoyed by something like this, you will be the same thing as he is. Maybe he wanted to get annoyed and angry because of him cause he likes to make fun of people."

Natsumi found herself a bit ashamed of those action of her after hearing that from him(Ban). It also possible that he(Light) did it all for purpose to make her angry and annoyed. She replies to him(Ban) like this :"I'm sorry for doing this kind of behavior. I will remember this and try my best to learn from this experience."

Ban replies to her like this after hearing her reply :"You didn't had to apologize." He stops holding her right shoulder and moved and take a cup full of coffee from the table. But the cup was empty before. He used his power to create coffee from an empty cup. He then continues her reply to her like this :"But I guess you learned some valuable listen to control your anger from now on."

Light actually didn't wanted to make her angry or make fun of her this time. Light thought that it was rude for him to speculate something like that. Light replies to him with annoyed voice :"First you ignore me then you speculate something that I would never done." He then point his right hand's index finger towards Natsumi and asks him like this :"And also why are you taking the side of someone you saw for the first time in your life?!!!!?!?!"

Ban replies to him like this :"I am really sorry for the wrong speculation that I made. I know you for a great amount of time. But forgive me for this time. For taking her side" After replying this to him, He also thought to himself like this [I would've taken your side because I know you for a great amount of time. But this time I take the side of Natsumi. I take the side of justice!!!]

Light read what he was thinking. But this time around Light didn't get angry or annoyed. Rather he stay the same from the before. It seemed like as if that he didn't read his mind.

Natsumi says this to him(Ban) :"You didn't have to ask for forgiveness from him. You choose the right side. Even I would have done the same thing, to take the side of mine."

Ban replies to her like this :"I am sorry. I will try to not ask forgiveness from him."

Light doesn't reply to him and he keep silent. He thought himself like this [Justice? You have been born at that time and saw what happened to both the people who take the side of the true Justice and the side of people who made there own justice. And you are still thinking about justice. But I guess you are taking the side of the true Justice this time. So I guess I will let it be around this time.]

Natsumi kinda find it rather weird to see him sitting silently. Though she was not that much interested in why he was silent. She asks him(Light) like this:"I understand the part of time fulfilling my past self's wish cause she wanted to help people and I can help to complete there wishes. It's way better than just doing some normal helping. But still why I did have to die to complete her wish?"

Light looks at her and replies to her like this :"Cause if I let you complete that wish of her when you are still alive it will take one to infinite amount of time cause she didn't say how many she wanted to help with."