
The Dawn of An Era

A young boy seeks to kill the Ancient evil that wiped out his village when he was young. Most think he's delusional, others think he's obsessed but he believes it's his destiny to put defeat him and bring on a new era.

That_Guy_5248 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The Trouble Old Man And The Determined Youth

A young boy born of man lay in the ashes of his past, with tears in his eye his burning hatred of the one who layed his home to a sizzling pile of ash was forged.

(14 years later)

???: Yami mi'boy wake up!!! The damn pigmies are at it again!!!

Tayami slowly opened his eyes and glared at his grandpa with a look of "im really getting tired of you shit old man" on his face. He dragged himself out of bed and embraced the new day from his window, before quickly turning around to face his grandfather.

Tayami: "How many time do I have to tell you not to call them that, they prefer the term condensed humans."

Grandpa: "Callin dem blasted things condensed humans wont make em any taller now will it lad."

Tayami let out a big sigh as he knew trying to change his grandpa's mind about anything would be as hard as trying to remove the stench from a pile of dragon shit. After he collected his thoughts he quickly got to work on the "pigmy" situation. Upon existing his home he assessed the situation and went back inside to confront his grandpa.

Grandpa: "Did you get rid of em mi'boy?"

Tayami: "I don't see any real problem old man."

Grandpa: "Horse Shit mi'boy. Those dirty pigmies are plotting to take over!!!"

Tayami: "Look outside and see for yourself."

The old man hesitantly looked out his window towards the gathering of "pigmies" to see a male and female walking each down the aisle. As the hill there home was nestled on a mountain which had a great view of the great kingdom, this made it popular with tourists and couples who wanted to tie the knot.


Tayami quickly pulled him back inside and locked the window.

Tayami: "Damn it old man you need to stop this unhealthy obsession with condensed humans. Why do you hate them anyway?"

Grandpa: "I've told you the story before, haven't I mi'boy.?"

Tayami: "You're senile so I rather not listen to your mad ravings."

Grandpa: "Back in the war....."

Tayami: "Ah crap, not again."

Grandpa: "I was in the frontlines with my platoon, best damn men I've ever known. We were deployed in a refugee camp a layer of defense against the Dark One's forces. Me and da boys were doing our usual rounds when a blasted pigmy lopped off mi'leg and evaded into the shadows. We searched the whole night for tha rat bastard but there was no trace. Ta this day i cant take a step without remembering what them hoodlums took from me.

Tayami: "But to hate all for the actions of one? Isn't that a bit ignorant old man."

Grandpa: "Atleast my goal ta eradicate them bastards is realistic."

Tayami: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Grandpa: "Just sayin I'm not raving about wanting to kill one of tha most powerful beings to ever exist on this world."

Tayami: "I'll put an end to him, I swear."

Grandpa: "And I'll screw a pigmy. Pssh

...be realistic boy."

Tayami furiously got up and headed to his secret spot it the middle of the woods where he began to train for his "fated" showdown with the Dark One.

Tayami: "Damn old man, he'll never understand."

He got down and laid in a patch of grass where he stared at the clouds in the sky, watching them float by as he slowly drifted to sleep. In his sleep Tayami had flash backs to the day his village burned and the moment his parents were killed by the Dark One's army. He reached out his hands try to save them but it was too late, they had already been engulfed by the flames. Tayami quickly rose from his sleep due to familiar scent.

Tayami: "SMOKE?!?!?!!"

He jumped up and turned to the direction of his grandfather's cabin, only for him to realize that it was the source of the smoke. Tayami got on his feet and dashed back to the cabin as fast as he could, but by time he had arrived it was too late, the cabin was reduced to ash and there was no trace of his grandfather was left. Tayami dropped to his knees as tears filled his eyes, for the second time in his life he had lost someone he cared about. In his heart he knew it was Dark One mocking him. His sadness quickly turned to anger as he got on his feet and with a determination in his soul he started his trek down the mountain to start his journey to finally put an end to the Dark One once and for all.