
The Dawn of An Era

A young boy seeks to kill the Ancient evil that wiped out his village when he was young. Most think he's delusional, others think he's obsessed but he believes it's his destiny to put defeat him and bring on a new era.

That_Guy_5248 · Fantasía
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4 Chs


Long before the age of man, before the first glimpse of light, there was nothing. All but an infinite void bursting with potential, however it didn't have the ability to harness it, until *poof* it sprouted two beings to fill it's own eternal emptiness. At first these two beings were curious of one and other, often glaring at each other with a bright glimmer. Over time that curiosity turned into a kinship between the two as they were the only beings to exist. As eons passed that kinship turned to rivalry as they started to claim the nothing as their own. Not long after rivalry turned into jealousy as one would claim to own more of the nothing than the other. Soon enough jealousy turned to hatred and the two beings begun their battle for ownership over the nothing. Their battle echoed across the empty filling it with the light of their power. Millennia passed as the two beings drew to a stalemate, as both were preparing the finishing blow for one another they were alerted to a small glowing orb that was created by their fight. They were awestruck that their power was able to create such a beautiful light. It was at this moment they realized the nothing wasn't something they should fight over, it was something they could share and stive to better. Eventually both set off to start create what we know as the universe. Together they population the nothing with an array of stars and planets, most blooming with life. As they grew older and began to fade back into the nothing they split up their remaining power to created beings to look over their creations, these beings were know as the Gods. Eventually the time came for the beings to fade, as they disappeared they could help but smile at the existence they created. They embraced each other as they finally returned to the nothing.

The two beings eventually went on to be known as the Abyssal Lord and The Etherial Empress by the Gods as One radiated with a blissful light and the other was shrouded in an endless darkness. The Gods eventually discovered a place brimming with life as far as the eye could see. This place was brimming with left over energy from the two beings as was the first thing they created with their divine power. The Gods watched over this creation and its inhabitants as if it were there own, eventually naming it Terraprim. Centuries passed as the Gods noticed something peculiar, a dark husk had formed which drained all surrounding energy. The immense negative aura that surrounded it led the Gods to believe that it was the left over hatred that their predecessors had for each other before their fight. The Gods were perplexed as the husk became more of a threat to the world in which their predecessors created. In the end it took all their might but they banished the husk inside one of their own. At first he was fine as time passed he grew unstable. His heart eventually succumbed to hatred and he turned on his own kin. A massive fight broke out between the Gods and the Dark one which took a toll on both sides, which eventually led to the Dark one winning and sealing away his brethren. He forged an army from his own power and ruled over the world he was meant to protect. One faithful day the veil of darkness he shrouded the world with began to clear as the shackles he had put on the people faded, the dark one like his predecessors disappeared, only existing in memory.

A time of peace came and the world flourished once more, as the people begun to make advancements. Eventually the learned how to harness the power that was left over by the two beings, using for all sorts of things. However like the two original beings peace did not last between the people of Terraprim as they used this power to try gain an advantage over one and other by wages wars, killing many im the process. Through this bloodshed many nations were formed building upon their own ideals and strength. Then it happened.....another veil of darkness shrouded the land as ripples of dark energy lined the skies. Word spread fast of the Dark One's return, however the people were prepared. Nations put their differences aside to forge alliances to fight the common enemy

The Dark One's army was reduced to ashes but he was not out of the fight yet. He cursed the people as his sealed his fortress from the rest of the world, swearing to one day return. But not on my watch!!!!. Name's Tayami Solis and it's my dream take down the Dark One ever since the destruction of my village. I may not be a top notch fighter but hey, im the protagonist....what's the worst that could happen?