
The Dark Vampire's Queen

Vampires have always been real, lurking in the shadows, hunting and feeding on humans and even capturing some humans they use for their enjoyment and pleasure. Every few days, a bunch of people would go missing, only to turn up a few weeks later, dead, with hideous bite marks or even decapitated bodies. But then.....Why is the government always shutting out this kind of news, even going as far as decommissioning News Agencies that spread this type of information??. ********** Jane Harvey was your next door type of girl, down to earth, polite and sweet, and always cheerful, always bringing smiles to the face of people she meets. She was gradually approaching the dreaded and the most anticipated age of 18, the age where she could finally go out to parties, hang out with friends as late as she could and the most importantly, get a job at the hospital she always wanted to work at. The day of her birthday was also the day her school, Young Age Royal Academy, a third rated only girls school, organised a field trip for their class, something she had always been anticipating. Getting up early, her day started on a sour mood when her favourite dress got torn, due to her own carelessness and it only got worse when her single and depressed mother forgot it was her birthday. On getting to school though, she managed to cheer up, as her goofy friends always knew what to say to get her going again. The field trip was interesting for a while, until all hell broke loose. The driver seemed to lose control of bus, as it sped headfirst towards a ditch, slamming heavily into it. === Opening her eyes, she found herself in a dark room, the only source of light a flickering fire torch hanging on the wall, the strange heat from the fire bringing chills down her spine. Trying to stand up, she realised she couldn't, as she had being chained down to the floor, the heavy chains weighing her arms down. Looking around, she gasped in disbelief, as a wave of nausea hit her, only managing to quench it by swallowing hard. On the floor of the room she was, just right beside her, was a body, pale as paper, with bite marks all over it. The strange thing about the body was that, she recognised it!. It was her classmate, Hailey!. Managing to hold back the tears, she looked around the room for something to give her a clue about where she was, when she spotted a protruding piece of metal that looked like a spike, just a few inches from her. Shuffling, she approached the spike carefully, as she wondered where she was, and what happened to her classmate. The spike finally in reach, she grinded the chains bounding her on it, tiny sparks emanating from the reaction. An unknown amount of time later, Jane, covered in sweat finally managed to cut through the chain, the heavy thud of the chain on the ground a sound of freedom for her. Crouching on all fours, she wobbled around the dark room carefully, making sure to not make a sound and most importantly, hoping she doesn't encounter whatever had gotten her classmate. "A feisty one aren't you??", an amused voice sounded from a corner of the dark room, shocking her so bad, she bit her tongue in fear. The voice seemed to come straight from the depths of hell, and also from the highest of heavens. The echoing of footsteps gradually approached her, as she shuffled back, fear gripping her. She only managed to shuffle a few feet back though, as she was soon caught up to, the sense of death thickening around her. Looking up, she managed to catch a glimpse of a man in the dark , dark hair, long, chiseled face, sharp jaw, and the strangest thing she noticed, his eyes. His eyes seemed to be glowing dangerously, the danger in them sending alarm bells into her brain, but her body couldn't move. She shouldn't move, such beautiful red eyes were looking at her, it would only be blasphemous if she ignored the eyes, her mind told her. "How would you like to be my little blood bag??", the man spoke again, an entranced Jane nodding dumbly.

datdepressedguy · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Lucas Envilion

"You will not leave unless I tell you to, Lucas", an authoritative voice commanded, as the man in front of him scrunched up his brows in displeasure; he hated being ordered about.

"Your highness, surely you did not take offence in my words??", the man called Lucas asked, his tone not the least bit respectful. In contrary, it was a mocking tone.

"Heh, you are merely an abandoned prince, why would I take offense in your words", the man sitting on the throne replied with a mockery of his own.

Being called an abandoned prince did not seem to phase Lucas in the slightest, as he only shrugged and smirked cheekily; "Why don't you want me to go then, your highness??, this abandoned prince might be a stain on your reputation if I stay here too long"

"It's this insolent attitude of yours that made you lose your respect as the prince of the Great Envilion Empire!", the man sitting on the throne roared, his eyes glowing sinisterly.

"Ohh, my bad. Maybe I was wrong to condemn your killing of innocent humans just for your own sick and twisted pleasure!", Lucas roared back, his will unflinching, even in front of the king's might.

"You will not speak to me this way!. I am your Uncle and in case you've forgotten, you are in my Kingdom. Brother sent you here in order for you to learn, but it seems like you've far gone down this path of...useless compassion for humans.

Dusk tomorrow, you return to the Envilion Empire, I tried my best". Lucas's uncle sighed.

Shrugging, Lucas slightly bowed and left the King's court, heading to his room.

'What an idiot!. He's obviously on the side of my elder brother and wants him to be the next Emperor. (Sigh), who cares about the power tussle of the Envilion Empire anyway', Lucas thought, taking note of how the two guards that passed by him did not even bow in greeting, only ceasing their conversation when they saw him. This didn't phase Lucas though, he was used to this amount of disrespect, especially since he was seen as weak for only taking blood in blood bags and not directly from humans.

"Guards!", he yelled back at the two guards.

"Prince!. We didn't see you there", one of the two guards gasped in mock realisation, as they both bowed.

Rolling his eyes, Lucas ignored them as he asked; "Where are the dungeons??"

"Second hallway down the left, your highness. You'll see a flight of stairs going down. Follow it and you'll....", the guard describing the path was stunned as he only saw Lucas's figure become a blur. The next second, he felt weird, like his heart was enclosed in a cage, as he looked down. Gasping, he only saw Lucas pull out his heart as dark spots filled his vision. Coughing out blood, he tried to hold on to his fellow guard for support, only to see him shifting back from him, his eyes widening with fear. Swaying around for a while, the guard fell with a thud, a small pool of black blood spreading beneath him.

The second guard, looking at his dead friend and at Lucas, who was holding on to his friend's heart shuddered in fear. Wasn't it said that the second prince was a weakling??, how then had he moved so fast, none of them had the time to react?!. He suddenly felt like cursing whoever had given them that information to eternal damnation.

Lucas dropped the guard's heart as he wiped the blood off his hands with the second guard's clothes. Although he was used to being disrespected, he was still a prince, he would not take any direct insult to his name. How dare the guard describe something for him with his jaw??.

"I....I will take you to the dungeons P....Prince!", the second guard offered, bowing deeply this time.

Nodding, Jacob followed behind the guard as they headed towards the dungeons.



In the King's court, a guard knelt as he reported.

"Your Highness, the second prince just murdered a royal guard"

"What did the guard do??"

"Apparently, Your Highness, the prince wanted to explore the dungeons and asked the guard for directions. But the guard started describing the path with his jaw, disrespecting the prince", the guard said.

"Oh??, then the guard deserved more than death then", the King said, waving away the guard.

Reclining in his throne, the ghost of a smile flashed past the King's features; maybe Lucas was not a b*stard after all, he still had the blood of the Envilion running through his veins!.



In the dungeons, Lucas waved away the guard as he walked around, trying to clear his head. He was the second imperial prince of the Envilion Empire, an Empire built through the toil of his grandfather, the Duke of Erlinburgh. The empire managed to stay hidden, and out of sight of humans, till his grandfather decided it was time to quit, leaving his Imperial Seat and going into deep slumber. His father had inherited the Imperial Seat and had been the Emperor for 7 decades before he was born.

The day he was born was said to be cursed, as his mother, who was a hybrid, a mixture between a Dark Witch and a Vampire, died immediately he was born. He knew that the main reason why his father hated him to this day, was because of his mother's death.

Getting little attention when he was growing up, he used to sneak out whenever it was dark, wading into human territory and observing their cultures. He came to disprove of the belief the Empire had taught him, that humans are just nothing but food for them, the humans had their own lives too. He had then tried to tell his elder brother about his discovery, only to be snitched on. He could still remember that night, when his father looked him in the eye and called him a B*stard.

Lucas was lost in thought when he heard something, it sounded like two metals scraping against each other. Following the sound, he walked along the cells in the dungeon, as he noticed how humans were kept in the cells, some looking emaciated, some having a dumb look in their eyes, some whimpering in fear, and some even dead.

Shaking his head, he increased his speed as he sped down the dungeon.

Arriving at the cell the sound was coming from, he could see a girl, back towards him, as she grinded her chains against a spike in the cell, absolute concentration emanating from her posture.