
The Dark Soul Of The Unknown

ParadoxNovels · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Training Part II

Ramport looked at Hunter smiling after he had completed his goal. When Hunter felt his body he knew he had gotten a lot stronger. His muscles had been larger and he felt as if his bones were also stronger. Hunter also had grown a couple of inches. Even Ramport was surprised because even the most talented people would take a month to be able to pick the cube up. He only had heard of nobles and royals being able to pick up the same cube. Ramport that to himself that he shouldn't be surprised as a black orbed user had never been seen or documented about. Ramport knew that this kid would go far. He then told Hunter "Boy, I will teach you how to harness the power that you saw in the stone."

Hunter was ecstatic at the thought of finally being able to learn something that could increase his tier. Ramport then explained to Hunter "All power that us humans get comes from our souls. Our souls all have different characteristics and just like that we have different powers. Depending on what soul you have shows us what kind of power you will have. Lets just say that you are a fire user then orb would start to glow red then turn into flames showing us that his soul is the color red. Showing us that the orb doesn't read our power but our souls."

This was a lot of info for Hunter to take in but he understood the broad concept of it. He then asked "What kind of power will i have?"

Ramport thought for a moment "Boy, i will be completely honest with you i have never meet or heard of anyone getting a black orb"

Hunter became anxious and asked "So what does that mean?"

Ramport replied "You don't need to be worried. We know that you have power but we don't have an idea as to how you can use it. I will show you an easy way of accessing your power from your soul and then we can try doing some basic moves that the majority of ability users can use to see if that works."

Ramport then got into a stance and said "Get into this stance and start to control your breathing. Breath in from your nose and breath out from your mouth. Feel the power through your soul and push to the edge of your fingertips. Once it comes to the edge of your fingertips, imagine sending it all in the center of your hand. This is called a soul ball. Any attacks like this is called a soul attack. Users that specialize in certain things such as fire or water are not able to get hurt by standing in them and they can live in an environment where a regular human can't. Such as a fire user can stay in fire to a certain degree and a water user can breathe in water to a certain degree as well. This applies to all users who have abilities."

As Ramport was speaking he was demonstrating it in his hands. A purple ball that was zapping was forming in his hands. Hunter looked on with fascination.

Then Ramport said "Then release that energy at your target"

The purple orb hit a tree and caused a large zapping noise and the tree started to burn. Ramport yelled "Shit, I didn't expect that. Good thing I came prepared."

Then Ramport pulled a large cloth out of his bag and ran over to the tree and patted it out. Ramport then looked at Hunter and said "Your Turn"

Hunter got into the same stance and he tried to access the power from his soul but he still didn't have an idea how to do so, so nothing happened.Ramport looked at Hunter and said "When you first access your soul power it isn't easy. Try thinking of an emotion that makes you very happy, sad, angry and more. Try to focus on an emotion."

Hunter thought for a moment then he remembered his friend being taken away from him. The amount of rage he felt when he remembered made his blood boil. Then he got back into his stance and he used his rage to send his power fingertips then make it form into a ball. Ramport was watching with awe as he saw a pure black orb start to form in Hunter's hand and then Hunter threw the orb at the tree and as soon as it touched the tree it went completely through it. The orb didn't stop there; it kept going and destroying everything in its path until it reached the barrier. As soon as it touched the barrier both the barrier and the orb got destroyed. Ramport had gone white and had his mouth gaping open. He had never expected this much power from a child. He had seen people do this who were at the level of a master in their soul control. But for a boy to do this at such an age and him just starting to learn soul control told Ramport that he would become a monster that could easily rival the royals. Ramport said "You need to control the amount of power. If you use too much then you will run out of energy and you might end up hurting someone. Try to pull the energy back and try to get the balance. Keep trying till you have it so that it will stop at the first tree and lessen the power to the point where it won't completely go through because you don't want to kill someone. Also, don't keep putting too much energy because I don't have too many of those barrier orbs."

Hunter tried again after another barrier was set up and he was able to make the orb weaker than before. He caught the power by one fourth and the soul ball still went through the tree but did not reach the barrier this time. After a few more tries he was able to get it perfect. His soul attack would no longer penetrate the tree.

Ramport then said " Let's... continue. I am going to show you other techniques."

Ramport continued to show Hunter other skills like soul swipe. This was where he would send power from his soul to his finger tips and swipe his hand down as he released his power. So each one of his fingers released a thin black line that was much faster than the orb. Looked like the bigger the soul attack would be slower. Hunter was able to do it fairly quickly and he kept his power low to the point where it only caused lines in the tree. This kind of training went on for two more weeks. Hunter learned more new skills and he got a much better control of his powers at the same time.

1 week left till the Town Tournament

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