
The Test

The world is a cruel place. People lie, cheat and steal their way to the top. While honest and hardworking people struggle to get by. It's not fair, but we've all been so desensitized to this level of injustice that we always say things like "life isn't fair". It's just disgusting.

"Hey Luck what are you doing? Get ready it's almost your turn!"

My exam number is 333, but people just call me Luck. Ever since I was young I have suffered under hand of those with more power and influence then me ... that's all about to change.

"Remember all of our training Luck, we have spent months preparing for this. Remember why you have to win!"

That guy trying to hype me up is named Chase, for the past few months he has been helping me prepare for today's event. I get up and begin walking out to my assigned location. I end up in a vast room standing on some kind of circular platform, I look out across the area and see dozens of people standing on similar platforms. Suddenly a loud speaker flicks on.

"Ladies and gentleman I will be your test administrator this evening, you may simply call me Admin. The rules have already been explained to you all so I will simply start the test in 10...9..."

Here we go, I can't believe I really made it. These past months have been crazy.


Finally the day has arrived where I get to take the ...

"...1! Good luck to you all on this years assassin qualification test!"

And so it begins...