
The Boss

The doors open and the boy leads Luck out and down a hallway. Strung up on the walls are pictures of people with various types of weapons underneath them. Finally they reach the end of the hall and are facing a huge set of wooden double doors.

"After you"

The boy says with a smile gesturing towards the door. Luck looks the boy right in the eye with a look of shock and a hint of fear.

"This is the door? This a exactly the thing I would expect a a super villain to have dude!"

The boy grins amused but continues gesturing.

"Just open the door"

Luck sighs seeing no way out of this he grits his teeth, closes his eyes and opens the door.

"Welcome, what business do you have with me?"

The voice is that of a woman who sounds to be in her early twenties. Cautiously Luck opens an eye to see that it is infancy a woman. She has long red hair that reaches her waist and skin paper white. She appeared to be sitting up throne that was about ten feet away from Luck with her legs crossed wearing turquoise top and and white leggings. Her whole esthetic was much more bougie than one Luck had ever meet.

"Uh um ... I was sent by my boss from the grocery store to well bring you this package"

Luck fumbles around with the package before beginning to walk it up to her, only to be stopped by yet another huge bodyguard guy.

"It's okay let him up"

Shouts the boss lady in the back and the guard warily steps to side eyeing Luck down as he walks by. Fear has intrenched it's self in Luck he really doesn't wanna be here, but he manages to calm himself down thinking that once he hands of this package he can split. Finally he arrives in front of her and hand the package to her. She opens it to find a letter, she takes a moment to read it over before laughing.

"What was your name again boy"

"It's L-luck ma'am"

"Well it's nice to meet you Luck it looks like from this day forward you will be temporarily training under me"