
Chapter 11: A Parent's Worrisome Life

Chapter 11: A Parent's Worrisome Life

[Cassandra Perspective]

'The ceremony is taking place in the underground part of the castle and most of the guests have arrived, some are standing in little groups while drinking, the younger generation is mingling amongst themselves and chatting, and the elders are sitting at their own tables but all I can think about is the safety of my children.' Cassandra thought to herself.

"Cassandra, do not worry nothing is going to happen." aunty Hufflepuff said.

"Aunty I cannot stop myself from worrying about them, they are my children, and especially Archeron he is just too young."

"Hehe, worrying for the little Mandrake is just wasted energy as he is the real wolf amongst your children." aunty Slytherin said.

"Sonia, stop being such an annoyance and Cassandra my dear don't worry little Archeron is an exceptional one." aunty Ravenclaw commented.

"I cannot help but worry, Archeron has always been well a bit different. He is antisocial, way too mature for his age and he seems to put up a guard against everyone as if afraid to be betrayed at any moment."

"See, just as I said he is a wolf in human form, he is a born predator hehe." aunty Slytherin was happy because ever since she first laid her eyes on Archeron she liked him and she always hoped he would not lose his edge and from Cassandra's recounting it sounded as if he kept his sharp edge.

Sure Archeron was just a ten-year-old smurf but some people have an inborn character, some show early on that they're born for greatness some awake to it and slowly change their fate and some others just wait to rot and grieve the wasted opportunity and live a life full of hate self-loathing and misery.

"Sonia, we know each other for over 50 years and you are still as dense as always don't you see the girl is worried at least show some common sense for once." aunty Gryffindor chided.

"Cassandra my dear, one thing I understood by living so long is that worrying for her children is a mother's nature but children find their own way through life, just look at yourself, Cassius, and your other sons. I still remember the time when I first met you, you were a little girl of just 15 years wanting to become my student even though your family would not accept it and look at yourself now." granny Hufflepuff said.

'I know she is right but I can't help myself.'

"Well, who do you think will become the next [Successor] of the Peverell family?" aunty Slytherin suddenly asked.

"I would say my student Antioch is going to succeed, amongst all of Cassandra's sons he has the strongest fighting power, the most experience in fighting and I have seen him in action on quite a few battlefields, the boy is a bit impulsive, hot-headed, and has a temper but he is brave and just and I like his character the way it is." granny Gryffindor said after some contemplation.

"Haha sure Antioch is somewhat talented but he has no chance against my student Cadmus. Antioch will get his ass handed to himself someday if he keeps on going head-on against everyone. Cadmus on the other hand is cunning, insidious, and loves using his intellect to plot against his enemies." aunty Ravenclaw taunted.

(A/N: I forgot to save and lost over 700 Words... -.-' remember always save your files.)

"Okay, ladies you know the rules, so what are the stakes?" aunty Hufflepuff said while smiling.

"I say as we are all old now it makes little sense to be greedy so how about we each place on our candidate and the winner takes it all as a gift. I take the lead, I place Hogwarts and all the land surrounding it." aunty Slytherin said.

"Oh, that old castle of yours has quite the scenery if you want to play a high stake game then we play one. Okay, I give the winner a [Matagot] that has accompanied me for a long time." aunty Gryffindor said.

'What is wrong with these old ladies why do they have so much spunk in their old days?' Cassandra thought to herself.

"I will give the winner a [Golem] that is exactly what I gave my granddaughter for her birthday as they are quite handy." aunty Ravenclaw said.

"Cassandra my dear who should I bet on? They're after all your children." aunty Hufflepuff asked.

"Hey, that's cheating asking their mother." aunty Ravenclaw, aunty Gryffindor, and aunty Slytherin all cried out at the same time.

"I love all my children but Antioch is too impulsive, Cadmus nature is a bit too insidious, and finally Archeron is just too young and that [Prophecy] just doesn't stop worrying me. I wish for Ignoutus to win he is mature and loyal."

"Forget about that [Prophecy] we have not found anything related to its content even after years of searching for clues. It is decided we bet on Ignotus and the wager is this [Alad's Ring]." aunty Hufflepuff said.

"So I will be betting on the little Wolf." aunty Slytherin said.

While the ladies were enjoying their betting at some other place inside a hall in the castle Cassius, Antioch, Cadmus, and a few other people were gathered and were now in a heated argument.

[Cassius Perspective]

"Cassius you cannot be serious." an old man with a bald head in black robes cried out.

"Cassius, the old man is right you cannot be serious about letting those two participate in the ceremony."

"And why can I not Arwel? Are the both of them not of my blood? Or have you suddenly become the head of the family brother?" Cassius replied while sitting in his chair.

"Cassius, Archeron is too young to take part even when he wins who amongst our enemies will fear him and don't get me started on Ignotus that boy is afraid of even his own shadow." the old baldy said.

"We need a worthy leader and you know as good as the next person that our family has grown weaker, we've lost too much blood in the last War." the old man said.

"And what do you expect me to do uncle?"

"Cancel the ceremony and appoint the next leader directly."

"Haha and whose glorious idea is this do you even understand how significant the ceremony is for the winner?" Cassius asked.

"..." no one replied.

"Father then let just the two of us take part in the ceremony," Antioch said.

"Oh, and what about your brothers don't they deserve a fair chance too?" Cassius asked looking disappointed.

Ignotus was too young and had no party backing him while Antioch had the backing of the bald old man and Cadmus had the backing of Arwel.

'There are three groups inside the family one is Cassius's group which is the ruling group they're those who were chosen through the ceremony, the other two groups consisted of those losers one part being those who were sore losers and just wanted the seat for themselves the other accepting reality and wanting what is best for the family.

The group of sore losers is being led by uncle Arwel and the group of loyalists whose leader is Great-uncle Brac but even these two people knew about Archerons birth and aunty Hufflepuffs [Prophecy] and as such it was just dangerous to let him take part, fate would choose him.

[The Prophecy]

[A son and a brother lost, forgotten, and not raised,]

[A fallen god never mentioned never praised,]

[A king born anew inside a cage,]

[A king condemned to unjust rage,]

[A beastly being, a lord of demons with seeing eyes,]

[This child will be death sent by the failed God.]

"Father, what my brother tries to say in the most ineloquent way is that should our brother take part they might die and for their own safety we should not allow them to take part in the ceremony." Cadmus said with a dirty smirk.

"That is right."

"This is also our concern."

Many more people voiced their support and in this way, their discussion kept going on and on but no one noticed that someone in the room kept smiling while leaning against the wall.

"Seems like there is gathering going on and brother talking about my fate without me." a man standing behind Arwel suddenly said.

"What are you talking about Rodwin?"

Suddenly the person they all assumed to be Rodwin smiled and his facial features started changing morphing into Archerons face.

"Boy, who are you?" the old baldie said.

"Haha, father do you see this? Here we have some people talking about my fate and safety. Cadmus, I'd have expected a more interesting plot from you but this is quite lacking if I did not know any better I'd assume this is Antioch's plot."

"Why are you here Archeron." Antioch said.

"And why should I not be here brother, should I just wait and watch as you try and steal my chance for even being a contender, and should I, later on, bend my knee and kiss your hand and watch on as you or Cadmus lead this family to ruin?"

"Archeron shut up this is just how it has to be." Antioch said.

"Sure sure Antioch for once I will listen and do what my dear older brother wants. I greet all of you who plot behind my back, I great you uncle Arwel, and I greet you old man."

"Archeron, please show some respect to your elders.", Cassius said sternly.

"Sure father, I greet you great uncle Brac."


"Back to the topic, the stupid suggestion of canceling the ceremony or just letting two of my older brothers take part, I assume it is some sore losers ego speaking. Great uncle, you lost to your older brother, uncle lost to my father and those two idiots will lose against me."

"Who is going to lose against you?" Cadmus said

"If you are not afraid of losing then why try to play unfairly by going to our father and crying like a baby? Are you a daddy's boy now? I say we postpone this talk for after the ceremony because I will take part in it and so will my three brothers. Let's go."

'Seems like at least one of my sons is not en extremum by nature, Antioch is too aggressive always going for the engage, Cadmus too passive in his approaches waiting for his enemies to make mistakes and Ignotus is just too neutral never taking any extreme measures.' Cassius thought to himself.

"Okay, I never intended to stop you from taking part. I just felt like letting them put up a show for me. Let's go Archeron, Antioch, Cadmus." Cassius said.

Hello, my dear Muggles, Squibs, and Wizards,

finally, we have left the starting point and this chapter marks the start of some real action.

The next chapters are about the ceremony, the meeting with Lady Death, some information about his Soul's background story, and finally what Archeron will get as his own Hallow.

I have also decided to switch to regular daily chapters...I will divide each chapter into 500-600 words and post them separately on my Patronus you will get the complete chapter once I am done writing them.

If you like the story or have ideas just comment ^^

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I'd really appreciate it if you would help me and become my supporter.

And before I forget after the next two chapters I've finally written 15K words and as such my story can show up in the list of power stone stories so pls help me get into the top 100 XD

have a nice day everyone ^^

Ikaru5creators' thoughts
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