
This is a Sirius situation! No, Siriusly! Pt. 4

11th December 1993. Peverell Manor. Early Morning.

Sirius stumbled back into the manor with a beautiful witch in his arms, incredibly drunk and happy.

He walked through the sitting room, ignoring the man in the chair and stumbling back to his room with the giggling Witch.

Dobby shook his head in disappointment as he watched Sirius close the door behind him.

He then popped his master into his bed and watched happily as Narcissa snuggled up to him.

Knowing his work was done, Dobby disappeared.


11th December 1993. Late Morning.

Ares sat at the table reading his paper while waiting for Dobby to finish preparing his breakfast.

The latest article of the Daily prophet was merely thoughts on who was behind the attacks and the Ministry's response to Sirius Black by removing the dementors and sending in Aurors.

Minister Fudge was praised for his idea to remove the disgusting creatures and replace them with witches and wizards.

Dumbledore himself had thanked the minister for his wise decision.

Apparently, Harry being attacked had been left out, no matter whether he was fine now, and that was what mattered.

Folding the paper, he set it down as he watched his godfather practically fall down the stairs.

"You deserve that hangover if anything Dobby says is true. I get that you are happy with your newfound freedom but trying to kill yourself via alcohol consumption is a rather disappointing attempt at the celebration," Ares said with a smile.

Sirius scowled at him before Ares cast a sobriety charm on him.

"Thank you, I assume you are my illustrious host. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Sirius Black." Sirius declared, looking a lot better already as the charm did its work.

"I know; how is your mind? The healer says you have been progressing well; that or you are so insane you can attempt a semblance of sanity to fool her. For now, we will assume you are sane and begin getting you a trial." Ares mused as he looked the man up and down.

"Perhaps a wand too."

Sirius looked rather cheerful after hearing that.

"Why are you even helping me? I know you want to help Harry, but why not adopt him yourself?" Sirius said, suddenly suspicious.

Ares sighed before he conjured a chair for the other man.

After he had sat down, Ares explained.

"I have a one-word answer for that; his name is Dumbledore. He won't let me adopt Harry because he doesn't trust me enough; I'm not even sure he knows I am related to him beyond pureblood ancestry. But, on the other hand, once cleared, you will be a returning light hero, and you can adopt Harry and keep him safe from the abusive muggles the lord of light has placed him with. I want Harry to have a good life, away from his friends who constantly try to overshadow him. If I had my way, he would not even be attending Hogwarts; after all, every year so far, people have tried to kill him."

Sirius looked ready to object several times until he eventually gave in as he heard the last part.

"Dumbledore is trying his best; it's just all those bloody death eaters!"

Sirius complained as if he was a child.

"Sirius, I understand you don't want to believe me but think of it like this, why didn't Albus even get you a trial? With all his influence, it would have been easy." Ares said, seeing the look on his face finished with, "I'll give you some time to think about it."

Sirius nodded slowly.

Breakfast soon appeared, and they both tucked in, enjoying the food.

Ares told Sirius he would be pretty busy over Christmas, but he was welcome to join the family as they attended the Malfoy Yule ball.

"You're kidding me, right! Me! Go to Lucius Bloody Malfoys house! Narcissa would recognise me instantly." Sirius exclaimed.

"About that..." Ares said, a little embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head.

"What's so wrong about that, Mr Black!" Narcissa declared, standing behind Sirius and the Witch he hooked up with last night.

Sirius jumped out of his chair and whipped his head around, going for the wand he didn't have.

"Lord Peverell! What is SHE doing here?" Sirius said suspiciously.

For the first time in decades, Ares flushed from embarrassment and started drumming his fingers on the table.

"Well, that's a long story. Narcissa is my lover, shall we say. I am not married." Ares said sheepishly.

Sirius looked at him incredulously.

"You mean my prim and proper cousin, Cissy, is actually having an affair! The world really did go to shit while I was in jail. I thought it would be Andromeda or even Bellatrix! never Cissy."

Narcissa growled at him, eyes narrowing dangerously.

"I'm going to leave now... you guys seem to have your own problems to deal with." Sirius's hook-up said as she made a bolt for the door.

Narcissa moved towards Sirius with the intent of hurting him, highlighted on her face.

He quickly held up his hands in defeat before asking the question that still perplexed him.

"What about Lucius? How did he feel about this? He doesn't seem like the type to willingly give up anything of his."

Narcissa shrugged and answered with a smile on her face,

"Lucius is now a vassal of Ares, and we never got on well. He would rather bed his whores since I refused him. He was only too happy to allow me to begin my relationship with Lord Peverell."

Sirius nodded, shocked that Lucius had allowed himself to end up with a vassal lord that could give orders.

"Still, I would rather not attend the Malfoy ball; perhaps another event or time?" Sirius said, not truly comfortable with being in his long-time enemy's house.

"You know he is a Death Eater, right?"

"Not anymore; as his overlord, I have absolved him of that responsibility; he no longer bears the mark."

"So, he's a good guy now?"

"No, but he is on my side."

"Oh, that makes sense. So, Narcissa, how are you?"

Narcissa looked surprised at the sudden question.

"I am doing better than you; I live in the lap of luxury, no mental illness, a nice warm bed and lover, not sure what more I could have."

Sirius nodded, happy that at least someone in the Black family had found happiness.

"You are right about Dumbledore; I realise that now."

Ares nodded, knowing it had taken a lot for Sirius to admit that.

"Don't worry, we will save Harry."

"I know."