Apathetic to the world around him, the Dark Lord Potter dominates the world around him. Overwhelming power and a ruined world leave him stuck reminiscing in the past, especially over 'that' incident. Having found a way to return to the past, albeit an alternate timeline, he decides to embrace his second chance... Dark Lord style. ALTERNATE TIMELINE. NO PARADOXES.
The 15th June 1993. Malfoy Manor.
Draco was confused. An admittedly common occurrence. His mother had disappeared almost entirely since Lord Peverell had come to visit. Even his father was incredibly distant. He seemed to spend all his time in his bedroom with strangers or in the floo talking to his allies, preparing for the upcoming wizengamoat meeting.
Draco knew his father cheated on his mother regularly. Still, he figured it was fine as his mother didn't even want to sleep in the same room as his father for some reason, but why was his father so obviously cheating now as opposed to his discreet cheating previously?
Pondering that thought, he walked right into the last person he was expecting.
Ares had dropped by in preparation for the coming Monday wizengamoat meeting and had been looking for his servant when he had bumped into Draco, looking confused.
Reading his mind had been on a whim, but looking through it, he realised he was staring at his biggest mistake. If the Greengrass family or, more likely, Dumbledore read Draco's mind, they would be able to tell in a minute something fishy was going on, and it had all started when Ares had shown up.
That wouldn't do! He would never live down the irony if his plans unravelled because he forgot about the brat of the Malfoy family.
Entering Draco's mind was in the top 10 things easiest to do for a wizard, but it was only selectively powerful wizards like Ares, Dumbledore and perhaps Voldemort who could rewrite parts of a human's mind to suit their needs.
Poor little Draco, his parents had decided to separate when he returned for the holidays. He was putting on a solid front, but he was so terribly sad. Narcissa had gone to live with her new lover, and Draco's father had begun bedding other women. His father, of course, had no lack of suitors as a powerful pureblood lord!
In an act that violates every agreement ever signed by wizarding governments, Ares manipulated the fabric that made up Draco Malfoy's character.
He felt he would enjoy the new and improved Draco more than he ever liked the old one.
Finished with his work, he continued his search for Lucius, who he was almost certain was bedding another poor girl.
The 15th June 1993. Ministry of Magic. Satan's nightmares.
Dolores Umbridge was the most remarkable object of hatred within the ministry, and that was saying something.
However, she could always be depended on to be a massively biased bigot about blood purity.
So when she got a letter from Lady Narcissa Malfoy, one of the most high-class pureblood ladies in Britain, she almost orgasmed, which was not a pretty thing to imagine.
Madame Umbridge,
The Minister may not be aware that a new Pureblood lord has arrived in England and intends to claim his seat.
He came to the Malfoys first, as we are a respected pureblood family. Lord Peverell expressed his wishes to support the Minister and his agendas, if and alas only if the Minister could seal his files in the archives and dispose of them. He fears lower class people, such as the 'muggle-borns', giving him trouble. His Name is Lord Ares Peverell. I, of course, told him it was entirely possible as we have a superb Undersecretary doing her utmost to help people like us. Hope you are in touch soon.
Lady Narcissa Malfoy.
Dolores realised this was a blatant bribe, but Lady Malfoy was obviously trying to show her support for their dear Minister. As a magnomious lady, she would let it slide and have the archives bring all files regarding Lord Ares Peverell to her so the Minister could classify them. Obviously, a meeting would need to be arranged between Cornelius and Lord Peverell, but there was plenty of time for that.
Smirking, she unruffled her favourite pink cardigan and went to Cornelius's office.
Greengrass Estate. 20th June 1993.
Lord Stefan was steeling himself for tomorrow's meeting; he needed to be on top form to get the bill endorsed and passed.
He had, of course, made a small donation to the ministry cause of around 5,000 Galleons and was sure that would make sure everything passed smoothly on Fudge's end.
However, the Lord's votes were another matter. He had a majority and was pretty confident, as plenty of bigots hated foreigners. Not to mention his vassals and servants.
He had 35 of the 30 needed votes and was optimistic that he had planned for every eventuality. With Dumbledore presiding over this meeting, he was sure he would win as the Headmaster may want more students, but the stubborn mule preferred to have them in the country first, where he had more influence; thank god for old bastards.
His spies had informed him of some interesting information.
Lord Ares Peverells immigration files were being sealed by the Minister after the meeting, so during the meeting, one of his spies was going to sneak into the Undersecretary's office and make a copy of the file.
He would find out why it was being sealed and be able to use it over the new Lord's head.
The Greengrass family was always prepared. Their neutral position meant both factions supported them, and there was no way they were going to lose.