
Slytherin Pt. 2

2nd September 1993. Breakfast, The Great Hall.

Ares sat between Tracey and Felix, eating eagerly, although nothing like Weasley, and chatting amicably about last night.

Montague and Warrington were still in the Medical bay, the laughing and large teeth having worn off, but the boils refused to leave even after a Finite Incantem. So they had to wait for twenty-four hours while the applied poultice worked.

The two boys had been smart enough to keep quiet about who had done it, although it was apparent, given Ares had taken up residency of their room.

At 9 am, Ares was walking to Advanced Arithmancy along with Anastasia and Felix, only to be surprised when they entered the classroom and Dumbledore was sitting at the desk.

"Come in, come in. I hope you don't mind, but I will take these classes as Professor Vector wished to focus more on the third years." The old man explained.

Sitting at the front of the class with his new friends (servants), he watched as the old professor began the course.

"Please open your Numerology VI textbooks and begin to review the coursework for the year."

Ares did and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was not as dull and easy as he thought it would be, still manageable, but not as easy as he would have suspected.

Dumbledore set them several questions, and throughout the class, it became apparent that Ares was the most adept there, except maybe Dumbledore. The two began to banter as the rest of the course finished their work and soon started debating theories about the difference in Arithmancy between Dark and Light spells.

"There is no difference in how they are made as spells cannot be classified by use only intent and what the Ministry deems dangerous. I could just as easily kill someone with a laughing hex as a cutting curse. You simply have to overpower the laughing spell, and they suffocate." Ares put forward.

"Yes, but most dark spells are not just intent and power based; it entirely depends on whether emotions are needed to trigger the spell, the unforgivable 'Crucio' for example, you need to really hate someone to use it. So Arithmancy is required to channel that emotion." Dumbledore countered.

"But the Cruciatus curse was devised using the same Arithmancy as spells meant to rebuild nerve receptors; it was not the Arithmancy that was different, simply the intent and use. You said that intent defines a spell; the Cruciatus curse could be used in small amounts to restart the nervous system after it has shut down. Emotion is just a side effect that corrupted the spell." Ares declared.

Dumbledore was smiling wide, eyes twinkling as he had several verbal battles with the young man.

His views were interesting, if not dangerous, though the headmaster chalked that up to the naivety of being young.

The class was soon over, and Dumbledore set homework for everyone, except for Ares, who he told to research the disintegration spell and come up with the Arithmancy of it and how it could be used for good.

'uanescere' was its incantation, and Ares was a little stumped on how disintegrating people could be used in a light spell context.

He had charms next, which was rather dull as he knew all the syllabus by heart but couldn't convince the half-goblin to speed up his education, something about sticking as a team in their learning. Utter bullshit, but what could he do.

Ares had lunch with Daphne, Tracey, Pansy, Draco, Goyle and Crabbe.

Who told him about their days, and Tracey talked about how fake Trelawney was and how she regretted taking the subject. She even mentioned Hermione and Professor Trelawney's fight, which caused Daphne to say that it was impossible as Hermione had been in Arithmancy with her.

This was the start of a long argument about how this was possible, which Ares didn't bother to tell them as that would cause suspicion.

He had advanced potions next. He had yet to bother to sign up for regular potions as he would have fallen asleep and still been able to brew the potion better than anyone else in his class.

Snape seemed to come alive when he walked into the class, and after everyone had sat down launched the beginning of his tirade.

"All of you will believe that because you are in this class, you are blessed with amazing potion-brewing talent. You are wrong. You are merely not as inadequate as your fellow schoolmates. Therefore, I have decided to bestow my valuable time on you and teach you as much as your little brains can comprehend. Let us begin with a simple potion, the antidote to Veritaserum. You have forty minutes starting now."

The time limit was utterly unfair. No competent or even talented potion brewer would have been able to brew the complex potion. Only very gifted and master potion brewers would have been able to do it.

Snape was trying to destroy their egos before they even existed.

So, Ares helped all his classmates complete the potion before the time limit, just to spite Snape, although he didn't obviously help the others.

He added extra potion ingredients, speeding up the process and ensuring that the potion would be finished in time.

However, just as class finished, Snape rushed off without checking them, which Ares knew was because Draco had been injured in the care of magical creatures' course.

Satisfied that he would receive an outstanding for his work, he returned to the room and started researching the disintegration spell.

He went to supper but left rather quickly as he grew tired of Pansy's incessant whining about Draco.

Hours later, when he was finally satisfied with all his homework, he went to bed.


2nd September 1993

Ares had been having a ridiculously mundane day, the only exciting thing being Professor Lupin's Boggart class and the consequences of it.

He was having a lot of fun irritating Snape now that the man couldn't deduct points without punishing his favoured house, be it hair colour spells or musical farts.

So taking some initiative, he moved to the room of requirement for a few hours and began researching and practising the building of golems.

After all, building an army out of non-living material was quite appealing.

His first few goes were pretty pathetic, but he reckoned that he could make some epic soldiers with enough practice.


15th October 1993

Ares had managed to build a golem that worked at last.

It didn't work very well, but it moved.

It was like watching an overgrown snail, the runes and animation charms were not as effective as they should have been, but Ares put that down to his abysmal talent for Ancient runes and charms.

However, it was an exciting use of his time. Whenever he hit a dead end, he could practise the disintegration spell 'uanescere' on the golem's remains due to the magic dissolved in the material.

His golem consisted of clay infused with magic using runes. The disintegration spell worked off being fuelled by the magic in the target it was cast at.

The first Hogsmeade weekend had been announced for the end of the month, and Ares had a lot of planning to do to make the best use of the time afforded to him. After all, the wizarding world wouldn't change while he went to school.


16th October 1993

Ares wrote a letter to Lucius before breakfast, asking him to be at Hogsmeade with a change of clothes and another wand for him to use.

Next, he compiled a list of all the people he would need to meet.

Barty Crouch Jr. was a problem that needed to be dealt with, as was his father.

He had several plans ready to be implemented.