
Chapter 1 part 1 Frozen for three hundred years

Rainy Season

In an instant, gloomy black cloud enveloped the sunny sky. The slums dwellers doing their daily activities immediately went back to their houses in fear as rain started pouring down heavily.

Rainwater began to accumulate and spread rapidly in the streets of the slums, immersing the poor houses to their limit. The drainage system that had been unrepaired for ages was not doing its job as the entire outer wall of the slums became a vast expanse of rainwater.

In the Meishan orphanage.

Near the door, a woman in her thirties led a dozen children ranging from seven to eleven years old to carry sandbags that had been prepared, stacking them on top of he threshold in hope of blocking the raging floods.

'Dean, come over to help! '

'It's useless to call him , he's a fool.'

' Really! '

A few sweating boys, exhausted from holding sandbags quietly not far from the window. Even though they were angry, they knew it was useless. They could only bite their tongues and continue handing sandbags to be sent to the door.

The little boy looked seven or eight years old. His thin, but tall frame made him look more similar to an eleven year old. The most conspicuous detail was his color. He was very white, maybe even a bit morbidly pale. His skin color caused the other children to envy him, everyone else was dark due to exposure to the bright sunlight.

Dudian sighed in his heart. Although he had left the cold storage for more than three months, his body had yet to recover enough to lift anything.

It was exceedingly difficult for him to stand, let alone carry sandbags to block the rain.

However, such a situation could be regarded as fortunate. After all, the institute had just made the first freezer when the disaster spread to China. As there was nowhere enough time for an experimental change, nobody knew about this type of failure. It was already a miracle that he was able to sleep in he freezer for three hundred years.

Nevertheless, he did not feel happy.

He survived, but his parents and sister stayed down and had to face the terrible disaster. Even if they would have long been buried in the dust after three hundred years.

In this vast, new world, he no longer had loved ones. He would have to face this new world alone.

Although he grieved, he did not despair because he knew how parents had given him a second chance at life. He would not allow himself to go down easily. He would not just live well and get by, but also do what it takes to make his decreased family proud.

Fortunately, God finally sheltered the human race. When Dudian had just climbed out from the cold storage, the first thought that came to mind was that he was the only person on earth. Only when he walked out of he garbage dump of he cold storage warehouse did he find that humans were not yet extinct. Only a few people survived the disaster , but the human population had grown to a decent size after three hundred years of development.

Unfortunately, technology and civilization had long been destroyed by he disaster. Dudian could not find a trace of any symbol of he old era of science and technology. The loss of knowledge about the electric power added difficulties to basic life.

The storm outside the window gradually came to a stop as Dudian was lost in his thoughts.

All the people in the house felt relief as they watched the water level behind the sandbags dropping. Exhaustion seeped into them as if they had just experienced an everlasting battle. The middle-aged woman raised her head to observe the dark clouds gradually scatter to reveal a sunny sky and said: ' Get ready to go to the cafeteria for dinner.'

The children eyes lit up as soon as they heard the word 'eat' . Their previous fatigue was instantly swept away as they scurried back to the room, put on their wax grass shoes, and lined up in an orderly manner.

' Dean, get ready to eat,' At this time, a voice came to him from a seven year old boy. He patted Dudian shoulder and pointed in the direction of the canteen.

Dudian remembered this boy named Barton . Barton was one of the few children I. the orphanage that was well intended. As the language had changed in the past three hundred years. Dudian did not understand it and stood silent from the time that he entered the orphanage, causing everyone to think he was retarded or had brain problems.

So naturally, he was placed into the group of the deformed children with Barton.

The children at he orphanage were divided into two fractions. The first were abandoned by their parents. The second were those who were abandoned by their parents due to physical deformities.

Dudian nodded and followed Barton to the lines by the column. Just as Barton was about to tell Dudian to first put on the grass sandals, he inadvertently looked down. Seeing that Dudian had long been wearing a light green pair of sandals, he could not help but feel stupid.

Plastic had yet to be invented in this world. Wax grass shoes and clothes became the most common form of rain gear. This natural variation of grass that could be found everywhere had a fine convex layer of wax that effectively blocked radiation rain and thus became an essential household item.

Everyone carefully walked alongside the threshold before the narrow half meter high stone paved trail. Although the rainwater only came up to their ankles, even the strongest of them would inevitably become I'll if they fell into the water.

Because of the seating available, the best seats in the cafeteria were immediately seized by those healthy children. Dudian, Bardon and the rest of the deformed kids had long ago become accustomed to their tables in the back corner made from several stacked stoner.

' I heard that a doctor and construction worker have come this time for the adoptions'

'Aunt Dai said to seize this opportunity and put on a good performance'

'It would be awesome if you could be adopted by a doctor. '

'I would rather be adopted by the construction worker. There might be a chance to climb the giant wall of Silvia and see the outside world. '

Barton and several other children whispered and chatted. None of these children looked normal. Some are missing an ear while others scarring half of their faces.

Dudian eyes flashed as he heard their words, but he kept silent. 'Unfortunately, Dean brain is no good. Otherwise he would definitely be selected by those people with that kind of appearance and body. ' Bardon sighed as he looked at Dudian with regret in his eyes.

The other children looked at the unresponsive Dudian, all shaking their heads.

Long ago they agreed that no matter who gets adopted, they would do their best to come back and help the rest of the children.