
try not to go mad

'The anti-quirk riots are a reminder of the limitations of heroes, and in this particular case, the negative effect their presence has. Quirks are a form of power and this is an indisputable fact. Even without being a hero, having a powerful quirk means you will enjoy a life of privilege above the masses with weaker quirks. But to have no quirk places you at the bottom of social classes, regardless of wealth. This casual disregard of such a large percentage of our population led to what it always inevitably does: revolt and unrest.'

—Excerpt from 'Questioning the Modern Age of Heroics' by Andile Sithole.

Izuku opens his eyes to a white ceiling. A hospital, or rather, the nurse's office. He is surprised that he isn't covered in bandages. He sits up and reaches for the cup of water on the table, drinking deeply. He sets the cup aside and looks to his right hand which throbs with a dull sort of pain. There are splints taped to his index and middle fingers that he broke twice over against Todoroki.

A twinge of pain in his side makes him frown. He lifts his shirt and sees a starburst scar, undoubtedly where the shard of ice impaled him. He sighs. Another fight, another scar.

Your body breaks. Soon, they will see the monster beneath.

"Keep quiet," Izuku whispers.

The curtain separating him from the rest of the ward is pulled back abruptly, revealing his mentor. Izuku smiles, taking in the too big suit he wears.

"Toshinori-sensei," he greets, and waves the man who can do no wrong.

The tension Izuku hasn't noticed leaves his mentor's frame. "My boy, you're… I'm glad you're alright."

"Just a few broken bones. And a stab wound, I think. Nothing major." He poked the starburst scar. "Not as bad as being stabbed in the kidney that one time."

His mentor pales for some reason. "Those are major injuries." He takes the free chair. "I'm going to say something you won't like, but I want you to listen, and I want you to not argue."

Izuku is many things. Stupid is not one of them. Willfully ignorant of the things that may haunt him, perhaps, but not stupid.

"You don't want me to compete," he guesses with a sigh, and is pleased—or perhaps disappointed—with the way Toshinori leans back in shock. "I can still fight. It's a broken arm. I've fought under worse situations."

"You don't have to fight every battle. That's not a hero's job. We fight the battles we can and try to lead by example."

"My mother wanted me to try my hardest. You're asking me to give up right at the end. If I lose the next fight, then that's fine because I'll have done my best to win."

"The way you win is important." Toshinori ruffles his hair. "You could have won right at the beginning. Why were you trying to save you Todoroki?"

Izuku swallows. "Because he's someone I can understand. And he needed to be saved from himself. Did you see how bright he was?"

"I did. But that's not the only reason you went so far as to break your fingers twice over."

Izuku tests his bandaged fingers and finds them still stiff. "There was a girl a few days before USJ. Couldn't have been more than eight. She wore a sunflower dress. I failed to save her. You know what the article said? 'Young villain apprehended before fourth murder by police'. She didn't even want to hurt anyone. It was an accident and she didn't have a chance…"

The silence between them builds, an oppressive and cold thing like a stormfront of negative potential.

"Do you think the police did the wrong thing?"

He feels betrayed for a moment. "Of course. She was a scared little girl who had a powerful quirk. Now we'll never know the why behind what happened. That was a quirk activation, and people died. And that's a tragedy but locking her up doesn't solve anything. It just… perpetuates a cycle of violence and hatred. And if we do that then we're no better than villains."

Izuku forces down the pain. "I know what happened. I'm just as responsible as that officer. And don't tell me I'm not. I was scared. I could have helped, and I chose not to. There's no excuse for that. A true hero doesn't support injustice."

"I am truly sorry you had to experience that, my boy." Toshinori closes his eyes and sighs. "I wish I had the power to change everything and stop incidents like that from happening. But if I did, would I not be forced to compromise my morals and become a dictator?"

"If I had a choice for a dictator it would be you. If one person must lead, then I can't think of anyone better than you."

"Your faith in me truly bring me joy. But no. I can lead by example and battle great villains in the hopes that people will follow my ideal. I can campaign for better mental health wards in Hokkaido and demilitarisation in Shikoku, but until the people learn to trust the neighbours, then they will not aid someone so far removed from them. Someone they see as lesser."

"That's cruel."

"It is. People are not bad, my boy. But not everyone is willing to take the same risks that we do. And they do as much as they can. Much of the money from this festival will go to charity. Endeavour's agency donates a significant chunk of its revenue towards mental health institutions in the Tokyo region. And things are becoming better. The military presence in Shikoku has decreased. The last seventeen years have been peaceful in comparison to what they were when I was your age. This is, I believe, the final ode to villainy before it collapses."

"How can you be so certain?"

"Do you remember when I told you there are secrets I have yet to share?" Izuku nods. "When this festival is over, I will tell you some of them. But until then, rest. Take joy in your accomplishments. There aren't many who can boast the raw power you showed today. Besides, Kamui Woods will get annoyed if I ditch guard duty any longer."

Izuku laughs. "You're a terrible example."

Strength fills Toshinori as he becomes All Might. He grins and gives Izuku a thumbs up. "Then I will strive to be better. For your sake. If we take life one step at a time, then we'll always meet the rising sun."

Still laughing, he cocks his head. "I don't recognise that one."

All Might grins his electric smile, the same one that reassures Izuku that life is worth living. No matter its injustices or cruelties, that smile renews his faith.

"No, I would hope not. I was told very recently I was not my mentor and that I should not emulate her by a man I… I admit I did not see him as an equal. And yet, only he remembers Nana and sees things no one else does."

"I'm glad?"

"As am I. There are things I still have to learn." He ruffles Izuku's hair. "That lesson I learnt from watching you."

He bats the hands away, not caring that his fingers throb painfully. "What?"

"Your resilience is a thing of beauty, young Midoriya. You keep on moving forward, no matter your setbacks. Stay out of trouble."

All Might leaves him but there is a warm afterglow to their conversation, one that permeates every iota of his being. There is no man who can compare to his hero, and he is very specific to say 'man' for even All Might cannot compare to his mother's unbridled love. And yet, that he can teach the greatest hero a lesson is the greatest reassurance he has ever received.

Recovery Girl appears and checks him over quickly. It is routine at this point, which he supposes isn't a good thing. She pronounces him to be healing if he doesn't do anything exceptionally stupid.

"How is he?" he asks, nodding to where Todoroki still sleeps.

Recovery Girl huffs. "Always worrying about everyone but yourself." Izuku ducks his head. "He will be fine. Bruising, mostly, and a few cracked ribs. Nothing that won't heal soon."

"That's… good."

"Yes. I don't agree much with children fighting each other, but I suppose you will do as you please. That's why I'm here."

"Did you finish with my scans?" When she raises an inquisitive brow, he adds, "Analysing them, I mean."

"Hm, that. Not yet. You saw how outside standardised biology your body is operating. I'll need a bit more time. And we'll schedule another test in the coming week."

Izuku feels a shadow approach the door, one that certainly doesn't conform to a standard human shadow, just as Recovery Girl's watch beeps.

"If you promise to behave yourself," she says, "I'll let you have a visitor."


Recover Girl nods and walks over to the door. He isn't shocked to see Ojiro enter, though he does scratch the back of his head at whatever Recovery Girl furiously whispers at him.

He meets Ojiro's gaze and before he knows it, his friend is right by his bed and has hands on his shoulders. He grips Izuku tightly as though if he doesn't use every ounce of strength in his body, then Izuku will fade away to smoke and shadow.

"Hey," Izuku says, gripping Ojiro's forearm with his bandaged arm.

Contact, sometimes, is more important than the words that accompany them. And in the few months he has known Ojiro, quiet words and a gentle smile are the best ways to soothe his hurts. Izuku smiles, and though it hurts his broken fingers, he squeezes.

"I'm right here," he promises, knowing the nameless fear Ojiro holds and loving him enough to alleviate it. "I'm fine."

Ojiro opens his mouth. Closes it. Takes a long breath as though he must re-evaluate everything he had planned on saying.

"No, you're not," Ojiro says quietly, frantically. "Why did you—can you please, just for once, not get hurt doing anything? Why didn't you win?"

Izuku purses his lips. "I thought I did." All Might would certainly tell him if he was disqualified or something.

"You know what I mean. You could have won that in the first minute, no broken anything."

"I couldn't." He adds hastily when Ojiro's face darkens, "It wasn't about winning. I just, I guess I was trying to help him."

"You shouldn't have to break your bones to help someone." Ojiro's tail brushes one of Izuku's bandaged fingers.

"I know. But it was the only option I had. It's not my story to tell but…" He looks to the bed where Todoroki rests fitfully. "I had the chance to help him. Even if it meant breaking every bone in my body, I wasn't going to abandon him."

Ojiro watches him, assessing him deeply. Then, he sighs, the weight of his gaze vanishing with that soft exhale.

"That's the kind of thing you say about us." Ojiro gestures to himself and Izuku realises he means everyone he considers a friend. "You know, Shinsou was right about you picking people and deciding to keep them. I don't even know him and now I have to be nice to him."

Izuku doesn't blush. It is a close thing. "Maybe not. He doesn't… seem like the type to sit at a table and play cards."

"I'm not the type." Izuku tilts his head at that. "You co-opted our lunches and made us play cards because you hate the idea of all of us not being together. And now I owe Uraraka a favour."

"I had forgotten about that." He winces, wondering if she will come collect soon. "Has she…"

"I think Kirishima has to come to school with his natural hair next week."

"That's not very nice."

"You realise she's got a mean streak a mile long beneath that smile, right? She can be as vicious as an internet comment section when she wants to be." Ojiro chuckles, a deep and soul full sound. "That's probably why Shinsou has a huge crush on her."

"You know?"

"Everyone except you and Uraraka knows. We've been taking bets on how long it'll take for him to ask her out. Because Shinsou is too terrified to try."

"You guys are terrible."

He laughs because why had he any expectation of perfectly civil behaviour from the group he has formed through his own sheer force of will. Perhaps a day will come when he doesn't pause and wondering why on earth he is so lucky to have them by his side when he is not worthy of their kindness and compassion, no matter their occasional petty fights. In the future, perhaps, when he is old and his hair white, he may stop. But that is a long time from the present.

"Hey," Ojiro says, poking him in the shoulder. "You still with me?"

His question is gentle, more a promise than a request for information. Unspoken is the knowledge that Ojiro will give him all the time he needs.

"Yeah. Just… thinking. Thank you."

Ojiro's smile is unsure but genuine. "You're welcome. I'm going to head out before Recovery Girl kicks me out. Don't go picking up anymore strays whilst I'm not looking, alright."

"No promises."

Ojiro leaves silently, waving with both his hand and tail though Izuku doubts his friend notices just how expressive his tail can be. There is an answer to his every thought in each swoosh of his tail, an emotion to each twitch and a quiet rebuke each time it is stiff.

Todoroki groans loud enough that Izuku frowns and gets out of bed. His legs are good, but he takes care not to rip open any of his chest injuries as he limps to the other bed. Todoroki's eyes are just clearing past the disorientation of waking when Izuku sits in the chair there.

"Hey," Izuku says, "you're just waking up."

Todoroki winces. "Too loud."

"Stop being a baby," Izuku says, voice softer now. "I didn't hit you that hard." That is a lie, a rather blatant one.

He hands Todoroki the bottle of water and watches him take a single sip, then a deeper gulp, chilling the water with his quirk. The boy grips the bottle tightly, and had it been thin plastic it would be crushed.

"Did you win the tournament?"

Izuku shrugs. "No. I racked up too many injuries to compete. Well, Recovery Girl's officially pulled me out of the tournament."

Todoroki nods and looks to the monitor on the wall. He says nothing for a long few minutes, and Izuku observes him consider his next words through each minor twitch and tiny tremble in his neck muscles. Despite all that, his face remains a blank slate.

"I think you would have won."

There is something so factual in Todoroki's monotone voice, as though he speaks of the sun rising in the morning.

"Maybe. But I'm glad I could help you."

Shouto raises his left hand and stares at it. "Did you really? I used it, but it… doesn't change the past."

"No," Izuku agrees. "But my therapist says the most important step you can take isn't the first or the last, but the next step."

"That sounds like something out of a cheap self-help book."

Izuku chuckles. "I told her the same." Todoroki hides his surprise perfectly. "It does sound stupid."

"Then why are you repeating words you find stupid?"

"Because the meaning behind them isn't stupid." Izuku runs a hand through his hair. "I guess maybe it just means accepting the past has happened, and it did make you who you are now, but that you can change the future with your choices now. You told me a lot about yourself when you didn't have to. Here is a truth about me: I tried to kill myself."

He says this with a smile. Todoroki only inclines his head as though he understands all too well what Izuku speaks of.

"You're supposed to react and get upset."

"Why? What will doing so change?"

"The point I was trying to make is that I'm not the same person as back then. You said I would forgive anyone who hurt me and that might have been true a few months ago. But I don't forgive Bakugou, and maybe I never will, but I can choose not to hate him. I can choose to be kind even if we'll never be friends again. And you can choose to use your hellfire without it being Endeavour's flames."

Todoroki closes his eyes. "A conversation can't change a decade of pain."

"No, of course not. But admitting the truth is the first step to fixing something. It's your flame, not his, and that's the objective truth." It is a risk, and perhaps he oversteps his boundaries, but Izuku raps his knuckles against Todoroki's chest. "One day you'll believe it right there."

"I'm not ready," he says slowly. "Not yet."

Izuku grins. "That's fine. Take all the time you need. I'll be right here to kick you in the face if you start acting stupid." He points at the monitor as the final match begins. "Let's watch this for now."


Ochaco Uraraka is kind and optimistic and gentle. She has a vicious streak a mile long that she hides behind cheerful smiles. And she may or may not have a crush on Shinsou, but that's not the point.

Right now she's annoyed and for good reason.

"Why not?" she demands of Midnight, her voice drawn tight and furious in the back of her throat.

She and the pro hero, alongside Tokoyami and Bakugou are in one of the contestant rooms being briefed on how the tournament is changing. She would prefer it were Bakugou not here for any reason.

Like getting hit by a train.

"Extenuating prior injuries." Midnight cracks her whip before Ochaco can ask another question. "And don't go asking me about them. He's entitled to his privacy."

"This is bullshit."

She cracks her whip again. Ochaco wishes, somewhere beneath her confused smile, that she would actually hit Bakugou.

"So you brats get to fight each other in a beautiful melee to make things fair." Midnight licks her lips. "I hope you… enjoy, this three way as much as I do."

Ochaco shudders and is gratified to see the expression—stance more than anything—of disgust that Tokoyami makes. Bakugou, surprisingly, simply scoffs.

Ochaco is annoyed not because Izuku isn't competing, but because she can't beat him down. Oh, she certainly is upset that he has hurt himself but at this point Ochaco is resigned to Izuku being an injury magnet. No, she just wants to prove herself against her favourite person. Not that she will ever let Izuku, or anyone, know.

She has a reputation to maintain.

And without Izuku, she's stuck fighting Tokoyami and Bakugou. She feels bad for thinking it, but Tokoyami is something of a beta male. He'll fold the moment Ochaco decides to win. At best he'll look dignified whilst losing. And all the random bullshit he has shown today won't make a difference. What is a burning reptilian arm compared to the force of gravity itself?

Nothing, that's what.

She will settle for breaking Bakugou tonight. She isn't cruel but Bakugou is someone she cannot abide by. Plainly, she hates him and only her love for Izuku stops her from antagonising Bakugou. Only her force of will has managed to stop Ojiro from strangling Bakugou multiple times, and only her persistence had gotten the rest of the squad—and yes, that was exactly what she calls them—from going after Bakugou in retribution. Not because she cares for the asshole, but because Izuku would cry and Izuku crying is the saddest thing in the world.

But hey, Izuku can't complain if she beats Bakugou down in a fair fight. Nope, that would be hypocritical after the nonsense that was his fight against Todoroki.

"I guess I'm stuck battling you fucks."

Tokoyami huffs, glaring out the corner of his eyes. "There will be no victory for you this day."

"I'll fucking break you in—"

"Boys," Ochaco says, threateningly, "how's about you leave the measuring contest until the fight."

Thankfully, they abide by her wish. She cracks her neck at her starting position, one point of the equilateral triangle Cementoss has highlighted with differently coloured cement. Bakugou and Tokoyami are paying her no attention as Present Mic screams some inane commentary that gets the crowd roaring.

She knows how both will fight. Tokoyami will stay at range and seek to eliminate her first with Dark Shadow whilst protecting himself with whatever those giant scaled arms are. And Bakugou will probably charge straight at Tokoyami to finish their dick measuring contest.

No plan, unfortunately, survives first contact with the enemy.

"I'll take you both on," Bakugou roars, throwing her for a loop. "Come at me fuckers."

Ochaco quirks her brow because she isn't stupid. She knows Bakugou is many things: arrogant, narcissistic, vain, rude, irreverent, and violent; but he is not stupid. He has a plan and it involves both of them fighting at once.

"Your arrogance will be your downfall." Tokoyami looks to her and nods once, as though he expects her to obey without question.

Big mistake, she thinks as Dark Shadow arcs towards Bakugou who simply bats it away with an explosion, not moving back a single step.

With the smoke rising in the air, Ochaco charges forward low to the ground. She tags pieces of rock as Tokoyami and Bakugou have what amounts to an intense staring match between explosions and Dark Shadow's attacks.

She is fully prepared for Bakugou's careless explosion in her direction. It doesn't prepare her for the force of it. She tags a few rocks as the force of the explosion makes her roll until she is behind Bakugou, and then she dashes forward.

Another explosion comes her way. As the smoke obscures them, she pulls off her jacket and makes it weightless, leaving it there. She gives it a nudge forward and circles silently around Bakugou as he fires of another blast at her jacket.

With such low visibility, and not being able to touch her, Bakugou won't be able to tell it wasn't her. She waits until the distinct sound of Dark Shadow's screech reaches her before launching forward.

As she thought, Bakugou is not expecting her. She watches the way his eyes widen as he tries to move his arm into position.

Too late.

Ochaco kicks him in the face but takes a light explosion to the torso for her troubles. It pushes her back towards Tokoyami.

She bares her teeth at Bakugou, taking joy in the blood leaking from his now broken nose. One drop isn't enough as penance for what he has done to Izuku, what he has gottent away with because Izuku is kinder than the life, but it is a start.

"Rush him together," Ochaco commands before Bakugou can fully regain his bearings.

Tokoyami doesn't argue with her and together the two of them rush Bakugou.

He fires off his largest explosion so far which forces the two back. But Ochaco sees the way his arms shake.

Everyone has a weakness. If even Todoroki who can freeze a stadium has a weakness, then Bakugou certainly does.

And apparently it is the recoil to his explosions.

She circles him like a predator and places herself just in front of Tokoayami, blocking him with her body. It looks like a defensive move.

Neither of them will realise she has already won this match.

"Hey, Kaachan," she taunts and is pleased with the wild rage that enters Bakugou's eyes. "Wanna see something cool?"

"I'm going to break you, bitch."

She presses her fingertips together. "Look up."

Bakugou does so. She is gratified by the pure fear on his face even as he lifts one hand high and braces it with his free hand. She sees him exhale in preparation as the rocks come crashing down.

The explosion he emits is the largest she has ever seen him produce, well in excess of even his gauntlets. The shockwave slams into her and sends her flying back into Tokoyami who catches her.

It is unfortunate, then, that this is all part of the plan.

She taps his body and makes him weightless. His red eyes widen in shock as Ochaco kicks off his chest like a springboard.

It sends him flying over the boundary—that scaly arm emerging too late to anchor him before he crosses the line—and Ochaco directly towards Bakugou who breathes heavily, not understanding his loss.

He doesn't have a moment to react before she is on him, her palms making him weightless, and her mass forcing him to the ground. She twists his arm back as she slams her knee in the small of his back. His grunt of pain is music to her ears.

"Surrender or I dislocate it," she snarls.

"Fuck off, bitch," he says just as heated as he tries to wiggle away.

Ochaco shrugs before twisting.

Bakugou roars in anger.

"Look, I don't really know how to do this properly," she admits, "and I'll probably break something first. So, how's about you respect women, stop calling me a bitch, and surrender or I keep on twisting?"

"Like hell." She isn't shocked to see him move his free hand in position to blast her away. So, she twists hard.

Bakugou doesn't lose his composure even as he roars in pain. This might not be a nice thing to do, but Ochaco wants to win. And she really wants to break Bakugou's arm.

She twists once more and hears something snap.

"Bakugou is unable to continue," Midnight says, cracking her whip for emphasis.

The crowd's roar is magnificent, and the one thing she wants to hear.

Ochaco rolls to the side and stands over Bakugou who cradles his arm. It is twisted at an odd angle and undoubtedly causing him a great deal of pain. Yet, he doesn't even make a grunt of pain. His teeth are gritted, and his face contorted, but he refuses to let her gain another victory over her.

She can respect that even as she wants to punch him in the face.

"You're a crazy bitch," he says steadily.

She glares full force at him. "Call any woman that again and I'll break your other arm."

"Fuck you."


Izuku can't take his eyes from the screen as Uraraka stands victorious over Bakugou, a grin as vicious as a bloody blade gracing her soft features. She is feral and savage and—


He can, for a moment, understand why Shinsou admires her.

Todoroki grunts, bringing him back to reality. "Terrifying."

"That too."

There is little more that can be said between them now. They watch in silence as the diversionary activities take place, cheerleaders and quirk showcases and even a quick running event to give the audience time to use the restroom and find food after the tournament arc.

It gives Izuku the time to meditate lightly and assess the condition of his body. He catalogues the various places where he is stiff and develops a recovery regiment for the coming few days.

Izuku looks behind him as the door opens, breaking him from his thoughts. It is the security guard with the unravelling quirk he has seen each time he has been lost in the bowels of the stadium. The man has a soft smile and his red eyes are warm.

"Is Recovery Girl here?" the guard asks, his voice gentle as a warm gust of air. "We just had a bit of a staff injury."

Izuku shakes his head as he stands, walking towards the man who he realises looks no older than eighteen, a far cry from the wrinkled face he remembers from the few times he saw the man before. Odd, but perhaps that is part of his quirk, and his badge looks official.


The security guard shrugs. "Sorry about this," the man says before throwing something. Izuku sees the way his body thins to nothing even as the object—a thick cylinder, green with dark ridges—travels in an arc towards him.

It happens quickly. Heat and concussive force emanate from the small device. Izuku watches the blast wave travel in slow motion, rushing through dozens of plans. He has just enough time to call on the shadows, and twist around with One For All enhancing his every movement.

And see Todoroki, eyes wide, and reacting too slow to make a difference.

Izuku decides right then and there, that he will not let this person he saved die. His efforts will not be for nothing.

Walls of shadow rise and are shattered immediately by the concussive force. It flings Izuku towards Todoroki, and he realises that there is absolutely no way they can survive in this room. Not with the shrapnel and fire and force.

But there are other places he can reach.

He does not need to think for the shadows to engulf both him and Todoroki in it's clammy embrace. And though his spine flares up suddenly in pain, Izuku feels himself sink through the darkness with Todoroki.


When the explosions go off, they hit strategic areas throughout the stadium. The gas lines, priority targets, increase the damage of the otherwise contained explosives, setting off a chain reaction of fire and destruction through the gas lines spread through the stadium like arteries carrying blood. Along with the emergency power sources and exits, this attack is designed to cripple any form of response possible.

Fumikage Tokoyami stands before a mix of people in white imperial garb and black suited government agents when the explosion happens. They present him with orders to submit to questioning for subversive activities. A blast of force tears through the wall behind the officials. Only Dark Shadow's decision to wrap around its master saves Fumikage.

Inko Midoriya is with the parents in the booth when the ceiling above them cracks first, then collapses as some of the parents scream. She raises her hands and holds back the avalanche of concrete. Cracks run through the ground beneath them and Inko is forced to divert her attention to hold the ground together. Her body feels like it is ripping apart from the strain of keeping everyone alive.

Shouta Aizawa does not know why he suddenly leaps to the side and pulls Hisashi below the table with him. He does this purely on instinct, and his instincts have rarely proven him wrong. Rock and stone fall on the table, a thunderous rain of possible death.

Enji Todorkoki is a man who has seen many ambushes and taken part in them as well. He senses the heatwave seconds before it comes and jumps forward, putting himself between the explosion and the students behind him. He slams his hands together and expels a deluge of flame until a wall stands between him and the explosion.

Katsuki Bakugou is stuck on the receiving end of the merciless teasing of Ashido and Kaminari when the walls around them collapse. He sees a cinderblock falling to crush Yaoyorozu and rockets towards her. He barely makes it in time to slam her out of the way. But he can not get far away enough to stop his already broken arm being crushed by the block. He stifles his roar of pain and raises his other hand in the direction of the arena. He knows there is only one wall between them and protection, but if he uses too much force then it may damage the superstructure even further. It takes all of his concentration to direct his palm's sweat to one spot, more to shape his perfectly, and even more to channel the explosion into a single thin beam of destruction. He meets Yaoyorozu's eyes as darkness takes him. "Save them."

Toshinori Yagi stands outside the stadium in preparation of the victory speech when the explosions occur. He shares a glance with Kamui Woods who stands guard with Mt. Lady before leaping over the stadium walls in one easy bound. He lands in the centre of the stadium and takes in the devastation: entire sections of the stadium burn; bodies are crushed beneath rock and stone; children and civilians shout and scream in terror. But he also takes in the response: Ochaco Uraraka coordinates a group of students to rescue the civilians in their area; Cementoss creates ramps and impromptu supports across the stadium; and in the distance he can see Young Mei holding up a wall with one of her inventions. All Might forces a grin and moves towards the nearest fire.

The man who was once Chizome Akaguro but is now known only as Stain stands over the fallen body of Ingenium when he sees the billboards light up with messages of the bombing at the Sports Festival. He grunts in annoyance. "Your heroes will find you," he says to the bleeding hero, "before you die. Tell them I will hunt all of you fake heroes. This society breaks because of you, and I will not permit it any longer. Tell All Might I am coming for him. He can't hide forever behind his position."


Izuku is in pain when they pass through the shadows, but not in so much pain he fails to realise they aren't in the distorted version of his room. No, they aren't anywhere near that place. He also has no idea where they are right now.

"What the hell?" Todoroki asks, looking around wildly, his eyes wide and frantic and taking on that creeping horror Izuku has long been accustomed to.

Izuku understands his shock. After all, they lie on a pool of solid quicksilver. In the sky a creature with long wings battles a dying god, the aftershocks of their blows birthing galaxies and ripping through time itself, each swipe of infinitely long claws leaving entropic cracks that splinter to fractal patterns of madness. He hears the howl of the hounds hiding in the corners of time. He tastes dreams of elder trees on the smoky breeze.

Stop wasting time, Mikumo snarls viciously in his mind. You must protect him from the madness.

"Todoroki," Izuku grunts, and pushes up with his arms. When his classmate doesn't respond, he says, "Shouto, look at me."

Todoroki turns slowly, his expression every version of horror and realisation. It is so odd to see them on someone else and makes him glad in a cruel way that he never brought his mother here.

"What is this?"

"A truth," Izuku says, "that you were never meant to know. This is the truth of my quirk. Come here."

Todoroki does so slowly, his gaze trapped by the sight of abominations battling in the sky that is a void that is infinity that is the end of all mortal things and the realm of gods. It is a kaleidoscope of godflame and true dark and life that does not abide by the rules of men.

"I need you to kneel," he commands.

Izuku takes a shuddering breath and shrouds his hand in the inky blackness of the abyss, tempered only by the sanity he wishes to enforce.

"I need you to trust me," he says before Todoroki can move back. He places the hand against Todoroki's eyes and lets his shadows filter the world with a hint of rationality.

"What did you do to me?"

"I'm protecting you. You'll go mad without it." Izuku closes his eyes as Todoroki turns, observing the abyss once more.

"This is madness."

He agrees even as he reaches for his back and pulls out whatever is stabbed through him. Izuku draws shadows and shoves them through his back to plug the bleeding. Todoroki hasn't noticed, and Izuku is glad, but he can't keep this a secret. Not if they wish to survive.

"Yes. And if we stay here too long, we'll get eaten by something." He takes another breath as his control over the shadows wavers. "I need you to carry me."

Todoroki whirls around. He looks odd with that veil of shadow over his eyes. "Why?"

"Because I can't feel my legs." Izuku forces a blood-stained grin. "I think my spine was severed."