

Pokémon World, A fantasy land, Adventure, Fun, right? Mistaken! The Pokémon world is a ruthless and vengeful world that is a trap that many fall into. Our protagonist called Arth was a person who was reincarnated in this world as an orphan, accompany us on this dark adventure ------------------------------------------------ END

IamFan · Acción
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2 Chs

The Dark Adventure Cap #2

In the Kanto region, orphanage in the city of Viridian, we can see a boy of about 14 years old in the library. This boy was Arth. He was sitting in a chair near the window, with his head tilted to the side, in his hand was a book about 2 centimeters thick. His midnight black hair formed bangs and framed his always emotionless face.

His face was pale as snow giving it an ethereal beauty. His blood-red eyes shone as if they contained all the knowledge in the world. His face was so beautiful that even men questioned his sexuality.

One can't help but think that it is beyond his reach. If one looks at him he will feel chills running down his spine. He is disliked by his fellow orphans due to his beauty, he is also hated by the orphanage staff for his glowing blood red eyes which they call "demon eyes". But he didn't care, even though he was bored.

Since he had realized something.

In this world, 90% of people are blessed and treated like people because they have enough money to become trainers, while the remaining 10% are exactly the opposite: they are treated like trash, dust beneath the other 90% of people.

He realized that God had made him an orphan like him in his past life so he realized that he would have a very difficult time surviving and to do so he would have to become an apathetic and emotionless person. When he also discovered that he could not become a coach, a belief began to blossom in him.

"Survival of the fittest" he began to believe in this quote. So he vowed to become the top predator there is. Then he began to train the blessing of him that God gave him he became cunning and intelligent.

But after being reincarnated and living here for 14 years, he knew that was not true. They are going to kick him out of an orphanage because he is 14 years old.

In this world, the age of children is 14 years old and they can go on a journey. So he's officially an adult. He packed his things and left the orphanage. But he got something interesting in the library. He found some books that would help him be a great Pokémon trainer.

But now he needs to find a place where he can work to support himself.

[Time Skip]

You could see Arth was running. Because? Because some robbers are after him for money and the police do nothing. Let's see what happened. Yesterday Arth arrived at a place that he found and there was a sign where he said that he was looking for personnel. The place was an old house that appeared to be in habitable condition.

He knocked on the door and an old man came out "What do you want, brat?" he asked. "I'm here looking for work, since the director of the orphanage expelled me and I need to find a job, to be able to survive, so I found this poster looking for personnel." I responded to the old man. He looked at me and said, "Okay, brat, I'll give you a job."

"He took me to Pewter City and told me I would help a factory transport materials. The job paid me 200 Pokedollers a week. I did my job so well that he said he would give me another job. He was organizing materials for 200 Pokedollers a week .I had a source that would give me 400 Pokedollers a week. So where did it go wrong? You see, some jealous workers who were only paid 300 Pokedollers for a single job "accidentally" I told the muggers that I have 400 Pokedollers. 'How rotten is this world?' thought Arth."

Arth managed to hide so he could catch his breath. "Those bastards, how dare they try to steal my hard-earned money?" He thought. I took a box, put 400 Pokedollars inside and buried it. I ran towards the forest hoping they would stop chasing me. Thanks to Arceus they did it. 'It seems like they're afraid of the forest, more importantly, the forest Pokémon.'

He thought to himself.

Remember, I am a novice writer, I have no experience, and I also do not have the money to hire a professional.

I write for fun and to entertain you. If you like to donate, I will thank you. I hope you support this beautiful story and I say goodbye.

IamFancreators' thoughts