
The Dao of Shamelessness

The earth suffered and earthquake due to a flaming saber that fell from heaven, resulting in almost half of the world's population being wiped out from the face of the earth. demonic beasts waged wars against humans, both on land and in the oceans. the sirens and mermaids governed the seas and attacked sailors at night. but everything change, when Charlie mistakenly opened a golden book that fell from the sky. [Ding! you have awakened the shameless system and you're on the first path of the Dao of Shamelessness!] Charlie fought with all kinds of creatures and saved humanity from the brinks of extinction with his shamelessness.

Aaanuoluwapo · Fantasía
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12 Chs

getting in

Charlie's gaze carried a fervent glint, his body trembling in agitation, tears almost spilled from his eyes. After all the suffering and enduring, he has finally reached his destination. What laid before him was a towering city, the walls stretching into the horizons, it was exuding an overwhelming majesty seeping from it's walls.

Charlie was dumbstruck when he finally realized what was before him, he had thought he would see an island but what laid before him was a gigantic city.

Charlie turned his head to Bing Xing, the latter's eyes reflected awe and reverence. The blinding mist wafted around the surroundings, wrapping it's environment in a hazy look but even still, piercing buildings stood out, the clouds parted as if heralding the age of prosperity.

"Bing Xing, why's there a city here? I thought this place is meant to be mysterious and untouchable" Charlie asked with a confused tone, a deep crease hung on his face.

Bing Xing shook it's head and recovered from its awing expression.

"It seems the teeming shark brothers have erected a city upon discovery, so the tournament can also be hosted here to determine who would get the fruit" Bing Xing had a contemplative expression, it's tentacles rested below it's chin like a man thinking.

Charlie nodded in approval.

"That seems to be the case then how do I get in then?" Charlie was indeed dumbfounded, at this moment, the only thing he could see was the towering walls of the city and it's piercing buildings, as for the actual entrance, he couldn't see any, it seems the bellowing mist has swallowed it.

Upon hearing those words, Bing Xing closed it's eyes, a faint rippling energy extended forth from it's body, passing through the mist as if a phantom, everything within it's reach was reflected in Bing Xing's mind as if it was using it's eyes to see it with clarity. After a short moment of silence, Bing Xing opened it's eyes and a bright gleam could be seen.

"I have found the entrance but there's three guards at the entrance and they're all teeming sharks from the aura they're exuding, they're slightly below me in cultivation if not, just now when I used an extended perception, they would have noticed. It could be said to be a gamble" Bing Xing quickly spoke, at this point, it's expression was slightly pale, it seems using the extended perception had taken a toll on it.

Charlie was surprised and then, his clutched his fingers tightly till his knuckles grew slightly whitish, a faint hint of determination surfaced on his face.

So this is what having a cultivation truly is? An extended perception? Wow..

Charlie took a deep breathe, recovering from the initial shock, he slightly tilted his head to the sky. Countless thoughts flooded his mind in frenzied, it was a known fact that savage beasts hates the guts of humans, they have always been like water and fire, never compatible, most times, they see each other, they won't hesitate to eliminate the other. The only reason why, he could pose as Bing Xing's teacher was that even though, savage beasts hates humans, it isn't uncommon to be subdued by humans and be enslaved to them, so he had to make the gamble that Bing Xing's mother had been subdued by an expert, posing to be that expert but nevertheless, those tricks might not come in handy in this situation, those sharks would most likely kill him without batting an eyelid.

Charlie seemingly came to a solution, he turned to Bing Xing again.

"How about you swallow me in your belly? Use your qi to wrap around my body, so your innards won't kill me. You know, those sharks would kill me if they see me" Charlie spoke with a hint of fear in his tone. It was obvious, Charlie was scared of this teeming sharks.

Bing Xing nodded in approval. Indeed , Savage beasts are hostile to humans so it understands it's master's plight.

"Leave it to me. Harrumph, they won't be able to do anything to me" Bing Xing puffed it's chest out, one of it's tentacle wrapped itself around Charlie and threw him inside Bing Xing's mouth, a congregation of qi surrounded his body, keeping Charlie safe from any harm in it's body, after taking every necessary precautions to keep it's master safe in it's stomach, it flashed into the mist. If one was to see this from afar, it would look like, the bellowing mist had swallowed Bing Xing into it's depth. The deeper Bing Xing moved into the mist, the bigger the city becomes in it's eyes, after some minutes, it's massive body stopped at an archaic opening, several figures was fleeting in and out of the opening, three gigantic sharks could be seen clearly, this sharks weren't normal sharks, they could stand upright, the overwhelming aura leaking from their being was pure savagery and bloodlust, it clearly indicated their ferocious and murderous bearing, their jagged razor sharp tooth seemed it could tear apart even rocks, dismantling bodies as if paper. An inconspicuous shiver ran across Bing Xing's body as it laid it's eyes on them, it forcefully gulped down, it knew that even though they possess a cultivation slightly below it, in a real actual fight, even though, it might win, it won't be far from death, so it had to tread carefully. Bing Xing's figure flashed into the opening, it seemed pairs of eyes was scanning it's body as it made it's way into the opening, a slight shudder ran through it's body, the sharks didn't notice any oddity from it so it let him pass freely. After passing the sharks, it heaved a sigh of relief. If those sharks had noticed anything,it might as well been torn to shreds. After taking a deep breathe again, Bing Xing noticed the streets was desolated, not a trace of life but the shimmering brightness of light pearls permeated every each of space, bringing an eerie feeling. Bing Xing quickly vomited a silhouette, the strands of qi wrapped around the silhouette's body had dulled, and it was flickering on and off existence.

"Tch. Who would have thought your gastric acid in your stomach would be so potent enough to almost melt your protection? I could have almost died there" Charlie was truly vexed, shortly after being swallowed, the bubbling gastric acid nearly melted the strands of qi and he would have almost lost his life.

Bing Xing scratched it's head in embarrassment that is if it could do so. Truthfully, it was conflicted, it didn't know just how powerful it's stomach acid was.

"I'm sorry master. If I'd known, I would have protected well enough"

Charlie waved his hand in understanding, he knew it truly wasn't the beast's fault. Charlie quickly turned his attention to the desolated sight welcoming his view and plaguing his mind.

Why is there no one in sight? Oh it seems the tournament is still ongoing, which also means, I'm not truly late after all. This means, the fruit hasn't been acquired yet. Charlie made a quick sweep and then suddenly, an overwhelming aura stretched from the distance assaulting his face. Charlie's face warped in shock and turned his head towards the direction.

It seems a battle is going on there, I'd best hurry. The Mana fruit must be nearby.