
The Daily Life of Spirit Hall Prince

harukazuchi · Cómic
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14 Chs

3. Princess Xue Li

Yue Guan started to teach Xue Li about the Nine-tailed Fox Queen ethic and 'technique'. Xue Li who was raised as a 'princess' by Bibi Dong in these half years doesn't feel anything wrong or hard about Yue Guan's lesson.

Yue Guan took out a white board and started to write while speaking. Xue Li sitting on a throne-like chair in front of Yue Guan while listening to his lesson. Beside him, Ye Lan feeds Xue Li fruit while the other maid takes a lesson copy for Xue Li. It really looks like a real royal princess who takes a lesson.

Unfortunately, after around 1 hour since the lesson's start, Yue Guan felt Bibi Dong's presence come closer quickly. Yue Guan doesn't want Bibi Dong to know his secret plan so he stores the black board and asks the maids to hide Xue Li's notes quickly.

Bibi Dong: "Xue-er, teacher is back. Are you okay?"

Xue Li: "Un, Guan-ye read a book for me. He also-"

Yue Guan: "Little princess, looks! Grandpa peels an orange for you!"

Bibi Dong: "*suspicious*"

Yue Guan: "*sweat* (It's bad! My princess, please say something else! *look at Xue Li*)"

Xue Li: "*eat orange* (Hmm.. Does Guan-ye want me to practice again? Ah! How about practice it with teacher!)"

Bibi Dong: "*angry* Yue Guan, tell-"

Xue Li: "Teacher, are you tired? *smile*"

Bibi Dong: "!!"

Maids, Yue Guan: "(No! Please don't do that!)"

Xue Li misunderstood Yue Guan stare as a sign to practice again. Xue Li used Ye Lan as practice before finding that Ye Lan showed a 'happy' face, and wanted to make his teacher happy too. Xue Li grabs Bibi Dong's hand and starts to ask about Bibi Dong's condition like a passionate lover.

Meanwhile, Bibi Dong's anger and fatigue disappear instantly when Xue Li grabs her hand. Her heart started beating fast and everything became white in her mind. She can only answer or do anything as Xue Li wants. Bibi Dong felt that her 'world' changed. Her 'world' which started to become colorful since she met Xue Li, has become bright like a heaven.

Yue Guan and the maids were surprised when they saw the Bibi Dong expression. It seems that even their supreme pontiff couldn't stand in front of their little princess. Yue Guan also became very delighted and fearful at the same time. His little princess who just learned how to 'seduce' someone can successfully take down his cold supreme pontiff. How about if his little princess becomes an adult? 'She' can take down a kingdom in one word!

Actually, Xue Li just grabs Bibi Dong and asks a few 'light' questions before taking her teacher to the dining room to have dinner. He also just gives a small smile while tilting his head a little bit. But unfortunately, Bibi Dong is far 'weaker' than the book protagonist.

3 months later at Elders meeting

Spirit Hall is at the most high tension these years because their Supreme Pontiff wants to unify this continent under her banner. Spirit Hall already started to place their spy at Heaven Dou empire and Star Luo empire. They even plan to swap their princes or assassinate some of their elders.

But in these half years, a big change happened in Spirit Hall. The 'dark' image becomes 'bright' slowly. The tension has also become softer these days. Their Pope also doesn't show her face in weekly meetings, daily ceremonies or parties. Only on some occasion where the Spirit Hall Elders make a 'ruckus' about the Pope's second disciple, the Pope will come out.

The most strange thing is the Pope's appearance. The cold, dark and 'hard' Pope became brighter and softer. Although the Pope is still cold, the elders can see a very small smile on the Pope's face when the Pope talks about her second disciple. It looks like even their Pope couldn't completely hide her happy feeling.

3rd Worship: "Your Majesty, please introduce your second disciple to us!"

Bibi Dong: "No."

Qian Daoliu: "(*sigh* Why does everyone insist on meeting this new disciple?)"

4th Worship: "Your Majes-"

Bibi Dong: "No. Is there anything else? If not, I will leave."

Elders: "..."

Yue Guan: "*sweat* Your Majesty, please excuse me! I have a report that Princess Xue Li is waiting to enter the hall! (Why are you here, my little princess?!)"

Bibi Dong: "*stand up* What?!"

Back to 1 hour ago at palace garden

Xue Li is sitting leisurely while hearing Ye Lan's story. Today, Yue Guan and BIbi Dong were not here because they needed to attend the meeting.

Xue Li: "Ye Lan, I am bored."

Ye Lan: "*stop reading* Princess, how about eating this sweet apple?"

Xue Li: "No, it's enough."

Ye Lan: "(What can I do now?! Is there anything else to-)"

Xiao Ke: "Princess, how about taking a stroll around Spirit Temple?"

Ye Lan, Xiao Yi: "!! (This bird brain girl!)"

Xue Li: "Good, let's go!"

Ye Lan: "Please wait a minute, princess! How about-"

Xue Li: "Ye Lan, I want to take a stroll now. Guide me now. *smile*"

Ye Lan: "Yes, my princess!"

Xue Li goes outside the palace and takes a walk around Spirit Temple. Ye Lan walked beside Xue Li while giving an explanation about Spirit Temple. Meanwhile Xiao Ke and Xiao Yi are walking behind Xue Li while holding an umbrella and a food basket.

Everyone who sees Xue Li stop their activity and kneel down. Finally they can confirm the goddess rumor is not just a rumor anymore. Xue Li becomes delighted when he sees everyone kneel down and open a way for him. It's really like a Nine-tailed Fox Queen when she takes a stroll.

Xue Li gives a light smile to everyone who kneels down. But unfortunately, it's too 'strong' from them. Many people can feel that their heartbeat becomes faster and finally passes out.

After walking around half an hour, Xue Li arrived in front of the building where Bibi Dong and the elders were holding a meeting. The building guards become trouble and want to stop them but when Xue Li asks them to open the door, no one can reject him.

Xue Li: "Open the door and lead the way. This princess wants to meet teacher."

Guards: "Yes, Your Highness!"

Lead Guard: "You go quickly and tell them that Her Highness is coming!"

Guard 1: "Yes, sir!"

Lead Guard: "Your Highness, please this way."

Bibi Dong and the elders were surprised when they heard Yue Guan's report. Actually the reason why Bibi Dong didn't want to introduce Xue Li was because she was afraid that the elders will use Xue Li as their 'tool'. Bibi Dong knew that with Xue Li's beauty, they could easily take down the Heaven Dou and the Star Luo empire.

Meanwhile, the elders became very curious after they heard Yue Guan's story about the little princess beauty. They also heard many rumors from market street. If those rumors were true, they finally can find a good method to speed up their plan.

Qian Daoliu: "(Hmm.. What an interesting girl! Bold and brave but I hope she is not 'fool'..)"

Golden Crocodile: "(How bold! Let's see the small girl who could stole the Pope's heart!)"

*door sound*

Lead guard: "Your Highness, Princess Xue Li is coming!"

Elders: "*surprised* (How audacious!)"

Everyone except for Bibi Dong, Yue Guan and Gui Mei doesn't think anything wrong about the lead guard declaration. Only the elders who never meet Xue Li become enraged with Xue Li 'arrogance' and want to slap this 'girl'.

Xue Li walks slowly while the maids follow him. In these 3 months, Yue Guan already taught Xue Li how to walk and speak like a fox queen. Thanks to his lesson, everyone can see that Xue Li really has a princess 'quality' from the way he walks.

But the elders are still holding their anger and want to rebuke Xue Li. Fortunately, when Xue Li walks closer and everyone can see Xue Li's beauty, the elders' anger is blown away by the spring breeze.

Elders: "... (How beautiful!! Is she really a human?! No, she must be an angel! Bless our Spirit Hall!)"

Qian Daoliu: "... (Impossible! I have lived for more than a century but have never seen someone as beautiful as her! She is even more beautiful than Bibi Dong! I feel like want to hold her- *gasp* Blasphemy! How could I have such a dirty mind! *sigh* Finally, I could understand my 'trash' son's heart.. *sad*)"

Golden Crocodile: "... (Son of banshee! Who is she?!)"

The guard leader bowed down and left but suddenly Xue Li called him.

Xue Li: "Good work. This princess appreciates your work."

Lead Guard: "*tears* It is such an honor, Your Highness! We live only to serve Your Highness! *bow down*"

Xue Li: "*smile* You can leave."

Lead Guard: "Yes, Your Highness!"

Elders: "... (Did my ears hear something wrong? Huang Yu is Spirit Temple guard leader and the most loyal retainer just switch his loyalty easily in front of us!!)"

Xue Li: "Teacher, I miss you. *elegant bow*"

Bibi Dong: "Xue-er!"

At first Bibi Dong wants to reprimand Xue Li lightly because he came outside the palace without her permission. But after seeing Xue Li smile while saying that he misses her, Bibi Dong forgave him and asked her to stand beside her.

Xue Li came closer to Bibi Dong and found that there was no chair around her teacher.

Xue Li: "Guan-ye, go to the garden and bring my chair here quickly. I want to sit beside teacher."

Yue Guan: "*happy* Yes, my little princess! *disappear*"

Gui Mei: "... (How shameful.. You really have fallen, my brother.. Please don't let anyone know that I am your brother..)"

Elders: "..."