
The Daig'digaia Saga: Fifty Adventurers Come Together!

Experience a classic JRPG-style adventure like no other, 20 years in the making! Benoit Valmonte, a young Seattleite hoping to make it big in the game industry, purchases a game he has never seen nor heard of before. And once he plays “The Legend of Daig'digaia”, the game in question, he is sucked into another world – specifically, the world of the game itself. His mission is simple: Find fifty adventurers who are coincidentally his classmates, and fight the ultimate threat alongside them. And thus, he can go home safely. But there's more to this mission that he must find out for himself... [Note] If you want to support the author, please buy him a Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/moonlightbomber

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240 Chs

S2E6: Test of Worthiness

"Otsodev ngarokua tatlbituisk futaekl leajoowiuy leninoba!"

This is the weird-sounding chant that Rosalind intones to temporarily remove the spookiness from the Ishi-shiro HQ and restore two VIPs, whom I quickly recall as Edilbert Porcarelli and Angelino Melard, from their unconsciousness.

"Was that an archaic chant?" I ask.

"Of course it is," the wise woman responds.

Seconds later, the two finally wake up.

"Portocarrero!" they shout with joy.

"Sir, I revived you two from your unconsciousness, sir," Rosalind firmly states with an equally firm salute.

"We are heavily indebted to you because of your act," Edilbert, the taller one, expresses his gratitude.

"You see, when we came back from patrolling Sant-Diegol, someone in our ranks betrayed us..." Angelino, the shorter one, follows up.

"Sir, I know what you are saying, sir," the wise woman cuts in. "Sir, a conspiracy plot has come true. We, as a paramilitary organization, must not be alone in this fight against the terrorists in our midst. Let the inclusion of those six civilians, who are actually our classmates from our real world, be a great start, sir," she digresses while pointing her finger at us six.


Edilbert Porcarelli. Age: 18.

Angelino Melard. Age: 17.

These two are the highest-ranked officers in Dillington High School's exclusive Citizens Army Training program, which is authorized by the US Army.

Students in the junior and senior years of high school, by the way, are eligible to become reserve soldiers, as long as they are of good physical and mental standing.

And those in the senior year are eligible to become reserve officers, provided they have received training in the junior year beforehand.

One huge rule mandated by the US Army to the CAT officers is that there shall be no hazing or any other form of power-tripping, since those run against the principles of military professionalism.

One time, during junior year, I attempted to join the reserve officers training program myself, since I'm the son of a soldier myself.

I even boasted during the program that I inherited my father's genes, and thus I should be tough enough.

But that boast... was the cause of my downfall.

A literal one, that is.

Because when I attempted to go through a rigorous obstacle course under the hot sun, I could feel my head floating out of nowhere, and my body felt like it overheated and ran out of fuel.

And thus, my body gave in to fatigue.

When I opened my eyes, I suddenly found myself in a hospital room.

Fortunately, there were no needles that poked through the back of my hand.

"Your body succumbed to extreme exhaustion."

Those were the first words of Edilbert, who, alongside Angelino, accompanied me to the nearby hospital after I lost all consciousness.

Angelino continued, "Sadly, since you collapsed during that obstacle course, you are automatically disqualified from further training."

Even when my body could still feel the effects of that exhaustion (but fortunately, it was recovering, albeit slowly), I aired my frustration.

"Crap. Now my dreams of becoming an officer have been shattered. I bet dad would be ashamed at me and my freaking frail body."

"Why would you be ashamed?" Edilbert asked me. "Yes, you are a son of a soldier, but that doesn't mean you should force yourself to follow his path, even here in CAT."

Angelino supplemented, "To be honest, our fathers are also friends with yours. They all know of your dream of becoming a game developer, so they're all fine and dandy with it. You're lucky you're still holding onto it."

I enunciated, "Yeah. I think... I shouldn't overwhelm myself with multiple dreams all at once. Just focus on the one that will give the most happiness and contentment to the soul."

The two smiled at my words.

"That's the Benoit we all know."


Looking back, yeah, I admit my body's kinda frail due to some genetic shenanigans; but that doesn't mean I'm going down without a fight, whether physically, mentally, or spiritually!

Especially in this fantasy world where keeping one's HP up is what matters most for survival!

The head honcho of this fantasy PMO, whose decorations on his shirt demonstrate his rank, ponders for a second.

He then instructs Angelino, Rosalind, Christian, and CJ to step aside before he gives a monologue brimming with bravery.

"Mr. Valmonte and others, you have made it this far since we parted ways at graduation. Now, if you really deserve to help us in our fight against The Movement, I shall give you this test of worthiness I implemented since our Citizens Army Training days!"

He points his rapier at us six, then strongly trumpets... "Are you all ready?"


Christian, CJ, and Rosalind are excluded from the upcoming boss battle.


[Boss Battle: Edilbert Porcarelli]

The commanding officer of the paramilitary organization Ishi-shiro. As indicated by his position, his combat and managerial abilities are second to none.

Level 31 | HP: 2500 | MP: 192

Party: Benoit, Gershwin, Nolan, Jurina, Juniper, Bearwin

Benoit chooses to use a Blink Stone on all allies.

Gershwin chooses to use a Resistance Stone on all allies.

Nolan chooses to use a Sharp Stone on all allies.

Jurina chooses to cast her Innate Skill spell, Kidlatwa, on Edilbert Porcarelli.

Juniper chooses to use a Barrier Stone on all allies.

Bearwin chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Steal Money, on Edilbert Porcarelli.

Edilbert Porcarelli performs Legionnaire's Charge on Benoit, dealing him 3 hits for a total of 179 damage.

Benoit uses a Blink Stone on all allies.

All allies' speed and evasion increased.

Gershwin uses a Resistance Stone on all allies.

All allies' magic and magic defense increased.

Nolan uses a Sharp Stone on all allies.

All allies' attack increased.

Jurina casts her Innate Skill spell, Kidlatwa, on Edilbert Porcarelli, dealing him 670 damage.

Juniper uses a Barrier Stone on all allies.

All allies' physical defense increased.

Bearwin attempts to Steal Money from Edilbert Porcarelli.

"Drat! I failed to steal!"

Benoit chooses to use a Hi-Potion on himself.

Gershwin chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Mariah Interference, on Edilbert Porcarelli.

Nolan chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Diamond Light, on Edilbert Porcarelli.

Jurina chooses to cast her Innate Skill spell, Kidlatwa, on Edilbert Porcarelli.

Juniper chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Steal Money, on Edilbert Porcarelli.

Bearwin chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Steal Money, on Edilbert Porcarelli.

Edilbert Porcarelli performs Legionnaire's Charge on Gershwin, dealing him 3 hits for a total of 187 damage.

Benoit uses a Hi-Potion on himself.

Benoit's HP is fully restored.

Gershwin performs his Innate Skill, Mariah Interference, on Edilbert Porcarelli, dealing him 893 damage.

Nolan performs his Innate Skill, Diamond Light, on Edilbert Porcarelli, dealing him 684 damage.

Jurina casts her Innate Skill spell, Kidlatwa, on Edilbert Porcarelli, dealing him 967 damage.

Seeing as he has sustained enough damage, Edilbert calls off the battle.

"Enough! You have proven your worth!"

The counter-terrorists win! That's us.

3839 EXP and 2063 Double Pesos acquired.

Benoit leveled up, from Level 27 to Level 28!

Gershwin leveled up, from Level 27 to Level 28!

Nolan leveled up, from Level 27 to Level 28!

Jurina leveled up, from Level 27 to Level 28!

Juniper leveled up, from Level 27 to Level 28!

Bearwin leveled up, from Level 27 to Level 28!


Edilbert declares, "With this, the entirety of Ishi-shiro will have a strategic alliance with you six. However, some members of our force are still on duty in a nearby continent named Sarbacutta. But before anything else, we must brief first. We cannot do it inside HQ because it is still under a curse."

"Wha! That building's as spooky as it looks!" Jurina exclaims as she sees the current nefarious structure of the HQ.

"Guess it is time for me to do this," Nolan calmly states as he slowly walks towards the moat.

"Mr. Iverson, what will you do?" Christian interrogates in vain.

The arch-paladin remains silent for a while, then raises his sword and chants the following.

"God Almighty, lend me Your strength to remove this wicked curse made by the forces of darkness! Diamond Light!"

A shining column of light appears and envelops the HQ.

It then begins to erase the cursed parts of the building and eventually restores it to its former simple yet pristine off-white beauty.

"Wow. An incredible restoration indeed," I marvel. "As great as those furniture restoration videos I always watch during my downtime."

"Well then. Let us not delay ourselves. We must go inside and find our buddies," Edilbert acknowledges.

Inside the HQ, we all find six Ishi-shiro officers who, of course, look familiar to us.

However, they are still in an unconscious state.

I guess... whoever put a curse on this entire building must have a seething grudge against them.


CJ casts her usual healing spell on the six.

Seconds later, they awaken.


Edilbert commands with a booming voice, then tones it down seconds later.

Everyone involved, including us six civilians, follow his verbal command as he continues.

"Ladies and gentlemen, civilians who were with us back at Dillington High School, get ready to meet some of our officers in the Ishi-shiro! Now, my loyal subjects, introduce yourselves!"

The other officers then present themselves front and center.

"This is Wilbur Beauchamp, the Ishi-shiro's chief financial officer. I am a promoter of philanthropy, because this is my own way for Daig'digaia to heal!"

"I am Jamieson Lagenstrom, the Ishi-shiro's chief weapons, armor, and ordnance supervisor. You may compare me to a certain mercenary in a high school, but don't compare my assistant, Zoe Knightley, to the student the mercenary protects!"

"This is your beloved Priscilla Lucewicz. I am the Ishi-shiro's chief morale officer and flag-bearer. Battles do not only involve the body, but also involve the mind and soul. God bless you all."

"I'm Kaylee Aquitania, the Ishi-shiro's officer-in-charge of female soldiers. Women empowerment is the current revolution, because true gender equality is my aspiration."

"Darby Abadilla is my name. The Ishi-shiro's chief training officer is my job. Mess with me and you'll get more than just a beating."

"I'm Aisha Kincaid, and I'm the Ishi-shiro's chief entertainment officer. I do have a side job aside from this... and it's being a pop star... or an idol, if you prefer the Japanese terminology!"


Wilbur Beauchamp. Age: 17.

Jamieson Lagenstrom. Age: 17.

Priscilla Lucewicz. Age: 17.

Kaylee Aquitania. Age: 18.

Darby Abadilla. Age: 16.

Aisha Kincaid. Age: 17.

These six are some of Edilbert and Angelo's subordinate officers back in Dillington High's CAT program.

And despite being reserve officers, they are all afforded to spend quality time doing what they do best, whether engaging themselves in hobbies or in other worthwhile activities. Hence, they have their own quirks.

Those quirks, plus their good standings in school as well as their status as reserve officers, define them as living, breathing humans with dreams and aspirations like the rest of us.

One time, during one of those CAT sessions after class, us cadet privates were at ease after a drill session.

We were told to rest at a classroom located in the old school building, which is commonly used for sessions like these.

And my eyes popped when I saw awesome anime artwork being scribbled on the classroom's chalkboard.

I wondered to myself, "Who could've done this?"

To the best of my knowledge, no one in our class excels at anime-styled artwork, to the point where they could exhibit their wares at one of Seattle's many anime conventions.

And then, the six officers arrived in the classroom we were in, prompting us all to stand at attention and salute them all.

Wilbur declared, as he was tinkering with something I could perceive as a single-board computer or a system-on-a-chip.

"At ease, everyone. You are all still on break."

Following his implicit instructions, we all sat at ease.

The next minutes were filled with the officers doing their own little things in their own little downtime.

Jamieson and Kaylee were doing some harmless practice sparring.

Yup, I knew the former to be a beast with the mock-up rifle we sometimes all wielded during drill practices, and I knew the latter to be ferocious in unarmed combat.

Darby just scribbled on some notes, which I could perceive to be training-related ones, as he glanced at some pages of a book titled Best Team Building Practices.

Aisha just hummed on some tunes, and her singing voice was strikingly similar to a character from a popular action RPG who is both a deaconess of the church she serves and a pop idol.

And speaking of Priscilla...

She just put on some finishing touches to the chalkboard illustration, which revealed every officer we knew enjoying their own little hobbies.

As the rest period ended and we cadet privates were commanded to return to the usual drills, I couldn't help but wonder how the officers' futures would turn out after graduation.

I knew for sure that Edilbert and Priscilla were starting to date each other, and they just didn't talk about it during CAT sessions due to the inherent inappropriateness of the subject.

No matter what, I could clearly see bright futures in them, in the battlefield and out.


And just like clockwork, we six civilians introduce ourselves.

"Everyone, we have new assets in our fight against the dreaded Movement. Now that our force is stronger," Edilbert then explains at length, "we will launch a multi-faceted assault on the areas affected by the organization. Two groups will be deployed for this mission. One group will go to the town of Sant-Diegol, and the other to Jaxton School. Save both of these places from the dancespores and we will deal a strategic blow. We will also hunt down Lt. Antoninus Treillane, the traitor, to hold off his reported bomb threat. After this mission, we will save next the Theresentien House of Politics, and raid Maryam Quintana's Castle afterwards. The salvation of Shurilesia is then complete, comrades. Do your best, everyone, for the life of Daig'digaia is in danger every minute. Dismissed!"

"Impressive show," Nolan remarks.

"And an impressive batch of nobodies I can play pranks on! Hee hee hee!" Bearwin follows.

"Stop your nonsense!" Jasper shouts while smacking his partner. "Don't you know who you're allied with, punk?"

"Off we go, dudes and dudettes!" Gershwin exclaims. "And, by the way, fellows, we won't perform those CAT formalities anymore among us, right?"

Angelo replies, "I think so. But it does not mean you always goof around. Focus on the mission at hand, and we can breathe easily afterwards."