

The supernatural world is at the brink of war. Packs are divided due to power angry Alphas and Betas. Determined to be the sole rulers, most alphas are defying the rules set by the Moon Goddess. Raging wars in every packs that fail to support them. Believing that there's nothing or no one powerful enough to stop them, they turn a blind eye on their weak pack members and even torture them not knowing what fate awaits them in the near future. If only they knew that the Eagle wolf was already born, they would have reconsidered their evil plans. In Sanctum state, Cyclone city, resides Alpine Pearl Nightshade who is 13 years old. She lives with her parents, two brothers and a twin sister.Despite being the last born, Alpine has suffered from every form of abuse from both her parents, siblings, pack members and also outsiders. This was due to the fact that she had not shifted to her wolf (or so she made them believe)and so she was considered a curse, human and an abomination to all werewolf community. How was she a human yet she came from a strong line of Beta family? After enduring every form of abuse for 2 years, her parents mostly her mother couldn't tolerate her presence, so she offered her to the rogue alpha as payment for the job he will help them do. At thirteen, she was kidnapped from the Luna's conference that she had attended. Locked away in the Rogue pack by Alpha Henigan. She was tortured, starved and experimented on for 8 years until one fateful day, three days to her 21st birthday. She got an open opportunity and took a run into the woods never to be found. She ends up trespassing on one of the most dangerous pack lands. Loosing conscious only to wake up days later in the hospital. Confused on where she was, only to learn later that she was in deed in the Hybrid Royal pack hospital. Could her fate be any more cruel?

Priscar_Arielle · Fantasía
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9 Chs



Alpha Brenna POV

Something wasn't right, these rogues seem way too organized for it to be a random attack. They seem to be looking for something or maybe someone. Was it just a coincidence that no sooner had the high priestess arrived than we were attacked?

The way they were fighting had my brain in whirlwind of thoughts. We have not had any attacks in a long time.

This couldn't possibly be a coincidence right?. According to the reports I had recently received from other packs, there seem to have been numerous attacks going on in packs around Sanctum state not just in Cyclone city.

Several hours have passed since the battle began and it seems that the rogues are increasing instead of decreasing. Securing this part of the Western border seem to be harder than I thought. Where on earth are they all coming from? It feels like they are being herded this way.

The number of dead rogues kept increasing and yet they seem not to give up. It was like they were being controlled by someone.

I was fighting in human form, my body was getting tired but I wasn't going to give up easily. On my far left side of the battle field, I could see my Beta Chase being cornered by five wolves. On the right side, Jordan was down surrounded by a couple of wolves.

Six wolves were approaching me from the front while four were trying to sneak on my back. Since I was in human form, it was easy for them to corner me. Do they have no idea who I am?

I knew I needed to do something really fast before things get out of hand for me and several of my remaining pack mates. But what was I to do?

Turning to Onyx was the only option I had but not the best option. I couldn't partially shift to Milo, she was way worse than Onyx.

My wolf Onyx isn't known to hold back in a fight or take prisoners for questioning. She was known as the Demon wolf, with fur as black as midnight and ruby red eyes, she was brutal and merciless killer.

I couldn't fully turn to Milo, its not because I didn't want to but simply because I couldn't. This is because I am yet to fully shift to her true self. The only option I have is Onyx and as they say, desperate times call for desperate measure.

I was so lost in thoughts and my indecisiveness that I was startled by Onyx's shouting at me.

"Stop wasting time and let me take over." Onyx shouted impatiently.

'You want to take over? I don't trust you not to go on a rampage, have you forgotten what happened two years ago?' I asked her although I was considering letting her take control.

"Am not that evil you know, I too want to know what reason this rogues have for attacking my pack. I promise not to over do it this time." She answered.

The kind of voice she used made me believe her. Even though she can be a ruthless killer, she had a good head on her shoulder able to distinguish right from wrong and always kept her word.

Amidst our discussion, I failed to notice a huge figure flying in the sky. It wasn't just one figure but close to a dozen. Looking around me, I saw bodies scattered all around. What just happened?

On closer inspection, I saw Chase standing alone surrounded by dead rogue wolves looking surprised. Jordan was being supported by a huge female who could easily be confused as a man. The rogues were no where to be seen except for one pinned down by a short beautiful lady.

There was at least fifty new faces and some old familiar ones all around. What the fuck just happened? Where had they came from?

With so many questions running through my head, I failed to notice three tall figures approaching me until one female voice snapped me from my daze like state to reality.

"Alpha Brenna it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Tori Warren, first commander of the Silver Spear Army squad. On my right is my mate Pisces Knight, the first commander of the White Claw squad and finally Ashley Brown a dragon from the Guardians guild. We arrived as fast as we could."

I was surprised and more so shocked, the silver spear, White Claw and guardians guild? Aren't they like a myth or something, do they exist?

For the first time since the beginning of the battle I felt Milo stir, her interest was piqued when she heard and sensed the dragon.

She was on alert as if sensing something but I didn't pay her any mind. I needed to come out of my stupor and respond to Tori but before I could, my Delta Felix interrupted me. What was with me and spacing out today?

"Alpha Brenna, there's something you might want to see," He said frantically.

"What is it Delta Felix? I am in the middle of something here," I said to him.

By the look on his face, this must be serious concern, he had sweat trickling down his face mostly from running. Come to think of it, he was supposed to be on the other side of the border. What was he doing all the way here?

"You look shaken Delta Felix, are you okay? Is everyone alright?" I asked concerned. From the expression on his face, it seem he had seen something shocking.

"Yes Alpha, everyone is okay but we have a little bit of a situation at the southern border that needs your attention," he answered.

Hearing this, I knew it must be a serious matter, why else would he run all the way here. But then again, why didn't he mind link me. It would have saved a lot of time.

"Felix, you could have just mind linked me. Why did you decide to run all the way here?" I asked him.

"Alpha it seems the mind link is not working, we have been trying to link you but there's no response."

This is weird, mind link not working can only mean one thing.

As if remembering something, Ashley Brown answered, "It seem that a spell was cast here, probably after the war began. The only reason would be to prevent you from calling in more reinforcements."

I nodded in affirmative and then after leaving some instructions to Jordan, I took off towards the southern border. I could hear footsteps following me from behind but I didn't pay it any mind.

Arriving at the scene within ten minutes of the actual time, I wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted me.

"Oh my goodness, how did that happen? Who is she?" I exclaimed loudly.

Narrator's POV

Few hours earlier at the Guardians compound.

Ashley Brown can be seen sulking in the office alone bored doing paperwork. The rest of her squad mates were in the field training. Looking at them, you would think that they are a bunch of teens preparing for war. No, they were just perfecting their fighting skills just in case.

Having been in Capcom city ever since she was a baby, all Ashley knew was training and nothing more. The place itself was isolated and unknown to anyone not appointed to be a guardian.

At twenty eight in human years, she's actually older than she looks, due to her being a dragon. They are known to have a long lifespan compared to other species. She was in charge of the Guardian guild having taken over from her mother who had earlier on retired and became a member of the guardians council.

Growing up, they were taught that when the time was right, they were going to be needed for an important purpose, protecting the Chosen child. Although much time had passed, they trained and waited patiently for that day to come.

Today In particular found Ashley in office doing her work like usual. So lost in the paperwork, she was suddenly blinded by a bright light and a beautiful woman appeared before her, rendering her speechless.

"My child, its time. Gather your brothers and sisters, you are all required at the Royal Pack," said the melodious voice.

Coming out of her daze, she got her bearings and she realized that the woman in white gown before her was none other than the Moon goddess, she quickly bowed in respect.

"Arise my child, you don't have to bow before me. We are running out of time. I came to inform you that the chosen child is in danger and she needs your help to ensure her safety. You and your team have my blessings" she said sweetly.

Suddenly, a warmth engulfed Ashley before the bright light disappeared. She had no idea what had happened or that the same message had been passed on to the rest of her squad.

She hurriedly gathered them around and after a few minutes of discussion, they all boarded their vehicles while the dragons flew to the Hybrid pack.

Arriving just in time, they dove in to help the Silver spear and White claw armies in disposing off the attacking rogue wolves. They prevented the abduction of Alpine who was the main target of the attack.

After introducing themselves, they are interrupted with the Pack Delta, Felix who came earing bad news.

They followed Alpha Brenna all the way to the southern border where Felix said there was a problem. They were confronted by a sight of a dead body of a silver haired girl. It seem she was experimented on, tortured before being murdered.

The only thing left behind was a sketchy note that sent chills to all of them.

'There's more where that came from. We are watching and we will be back.' P

Who was this P and what do they want they all wondered?