
CHAPTER Eight-Night

  Juliana's POV

  I could hear some noises outside, opening my eyes, I noticed that I was back in my old slave room.

  I quickly sat upright on the cold floor where I was lying, confusion clouded my vision.

  How did I get here? The last time that I remembered, I was in Ryan's room.

  "Ryan!" I said in a hurry.

  I wonder how he is doing by now, I stood up and hurried down the hallway toward his room.

  On reaching his room, I noticed that his door was locked. I glanced around thoughtfully before rushing to his office but still, it was locked.

  I decided to go ask Queen Rebecca if she might have seen Ryan.

  I could feel a nagging pain in my heart, the pain was much but I paid no attention to it.

  My mind was screaming for me to go back and not to go near Queen Rebecca's chamber but I ignored the feelings and shook off the restlessness.

  Almost to her chamber, I could hear her laugh and that of Ryan.

  Joy sneaked into my face as I heard his voice, so he is fine.