

Leo_Kaystar · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
1 Chs

Chapter 1

The story begins with a 16-year-old African American boy named Silvrygor Tho'Rhavir, his hair style was dreadlocks tied and braided forming a crest, enclosed in a ponytail, and the sides were shaved with a slight shading. He watched the moon from his apartment in Tokyo thinking back to his past, when he saw a shooting star in the starry sky, smiled and closed his eyes focusing his will on his desire that he had with him since childhood.

Silvrygor closed his eyes and thought about the thing he yearned for more than anything else in the world, "How I wish I could find myself in another world and start over, this life has annoyed me."

When he opened his eyelids, his world changed dramatically: the towering buildings were no longer made of the same material, now they were composed of bone, muscle fibers and sinew; a completely black fog almost totally covered the moonlight; moreover, strong winds of scorching sand and pyroclastic ash deflowered the buildings and screams could be heard on the streets and in the buildings.

When his mind became aware of the change he lost his balance and fell backward in fright, panic pervaded him, out of the corner of his eye he noticed shards of glass that were around there. Even though he was in total darkness he saw his appearance totally transformed, thanks to a light source behind him that gradually increased in intensity.

He was in shock when he realized that it became a being halfway between a dragon and a demon with very long horns, a body definitely more defined than usual and facial features quite similar to those of a human face, it was covered with scales except in the central part of the face the abdomen, chest and private parts, its eyes were a shimmering draconic yellow and the sclera was black as perennial darkness, it also had a fairly thick medium-length dragon-like tail and obsidian wings with purplish flames and dark blue and black highlights.

Silvrygor was in shock and thought, "How on earth did I transform like that?"

Suddenly the earth trembled intensely, the boy noticed that a dimensional portal consisting of black flames with blood-red burning embers radiating throughout the room began to manifest in front of him causing the walls to writhe in pain.

As soon as he sensed an energy so powerful and dense beyond the portal it came toward him. The boy was reminded of when he was six years old, his grandmother told him that each spirit has its own specific energy signature, the stronger ones if you don't have enough willpower and spiritual strength you are overwhelmed by their power in a variety of ways.

A woman with skin tending to white with draconic scales that wrapped her entire body except on her breasts and intimate part. Her hair was as red as rubies, it was long and fell over her shoulders in waves. Her body was agile, seductive, provocative and sexy. Her dress was provocative because they revealed her most intimate areas quite a lot, her eyes were flaming red with silvery sclera. In addition, she had wings made of silica onyx completely wrapped in a silvery fire mixed with gold.The deity slowly approached the boy and with a gesture of her hand, The teenager saw manifesting before his eyes a blood-red sword with black runes on the blade, the hilt was very elaborate and made of an unknown material as was the handle.

The lady said handing him the weapon, "This is a gift from me, make good use of it in your new life that you have desired."

Silvrygor after standing up and carefully gripping the katana , felt his own body explode with power, so much so that his knee succumbed for a moment to the pressure and the scorching winds that enveloped him, in addition pyroclastic ash embers caused pain to the boy in an area starting from the bottom to the top.

Silvrygor in the meantime thought : "It's no good I have to find a way to...there are I can absorb it, I just hope my soul can withstand it."

The teenager concentrated by increasing his temper and concentration and through his willpower absorbed the power concealed in the weapon. He raised it in victory smiling, the onyx-winged entity came slightly closer to him, looking into his eyes as she analyzed him in the depths of her soul and laughed lightly.

She said to him sunnily, "You are an interesting fellow you know, by the way my name is Vekralia Makra-Jorzag keeper of the infernal flame."Silvrygor answered him slightly embarrassed : "My name is Sylvrygor Tho'Rhavyr, it is not my real name, but it is the nickname I gave myself in the role-playing games I used to play."

Doubts came to the boy and he looked at the woman with extreme seriousness, although he hid his emotions. For usually a gift from a deity implied a sacrifice of something.

Vekralia told him, "the only sacrifice I ask of you is the modification of memories, the knowledge of that world will be different. So I will insert all the knowledge of that world and allow you to choose three powers in addition."

Silvrygor tried to answer him, but the lady silenced him by looking at him seriously.

The entity continued the speech with a reluctance, "in addition, your emotions will be able to affect your events, for better or worse because they will be amplified to extreme levels, becoming very complex in some cases to manage so much that you may lose control."

Silvrygor looked at her confused, Vekralia went on to tell him what little she knew to clear his doubts, "it's another multi to the one you're going to, it's not part of this one and so the knowledge, the technologies and everything is quite different, as well as the deities."

Vekralia: "they assured me that they will help you in case I requested their intervention."

The woman looked back and saw that the buildings on the horizon were vanishing as if they had never existed. She turned to the boy and said to him.

Vekralia: "This world is about to be erased, you can choose three powers of your choice, but do it quickly."

The teenager did not think too much about it since he already knew which powers to choose since he was twelve years old.

Silvrygor informed him of his abilities, "Omni Learning, Continuous Primordial Evolution, and Continuous Chaos Progression."A dark light enveloped him, killing him slowly causing him extreme pain until he opened his eyes and noticed that he was in a completely different place.

The teenager's head was aching and his strength was almost zero; he looked around to get his bearings. He was in a kind of cell that combined the medieval style with surreal elements of a magical nature mixed with high technology. the walls were enveloped in an unknown luminescent red energy and the ground was made of a magical nano-technology that seemed to absorb the inmate's life force. When he turned to the mirror he saw that he had kept the same appearance as when he was in the old world.

Silvrygor thought to himself: "At least I am back in my old body, but the question is how do I get out of here."

He turned to the cell across the way and two girls his age looked at him awkwardly as they turned away, they had small to medium sized horns, their bodies were slender but athletic, they had tribal tattoos covering their arms, backs and sides of their abdomens made of pure topaz-colored energy , most of their bodies and cheeks were covered with short pink hair very similar to cotton candy alternating with black locks, with the exception of the abdomen, breasts, face and undergarments, the eyes were both blue like crystal clear ocean water, the hair was the same color as the long, curly hair with cherry-colored streaks, the ears were a mix of elf and cat ears, the one furthest to the right had a small gold hoop earring with a bull motif, both had fawn tails, and the legs were a fusion of those of a human and a moose.

One of their kind was very large and defined, the antlers were huge but it was full of wounds and almost devoid of strength, moreover it looked at him seriously causing the boy a slight terror.

The creature asked him calmly, "What is your name, boy?"

The teenager was surprised by the first approach from the creature, deep down he felt enormous anxiety and fear, however, he did not want to be rude given the upbringing he had received in the old world.

The boy tried to control his emotions, but he felt a pressure that made the nerves in his head contract, causing him to fall on his knee, when he realized this he took a deep breath and replied, "Silvrygor Tho'Rhavyr, my fucking head hurts."The adult laughed outright, so much so that the boy got a little nervous and glared at him.

"My name is Jyxel Enkan Kaliga which in my homeland means Eternal King of the Dark Sands, anyway you know you are naked right?"

The teenager blinked and looked at himself in the mirror and when he realized that he was indeed without clothes, he turned around almost instantly ashamed of himself.

Silvrygor thought in his head, "How come I didn't notice this before, what a shit figure."

The boy felt something hit the ground and roll something until it stopped near his back, he saw some kind of ultra technologically advanced orb enveloped in pitch black mystical energy. The orb activated as soon as Silvrygor touched it and enveloped him in a black light with purplish highlights all over the teenager's body through a magic related to atoms and matter, when he was finished he noticed that he was wearing a unique suit made of a soft and warm material, it had artistic elements combining graffiti and Japanese art, also from the garment leaked black colored aura with purple and red highlights.

Silvrygor said, "I don't mind it as a suit, it has its own style and detail."

A small smile showed in his face, jyxel laughed softly realizing that he appreciated the gift.

Jyxel told him with a bit of nostalgia, "That is a suit containing a very powerful spirit of our lands that I wanted to give to my son, since he had gotten the highest at the academy where I also placed my daughters."

Silvrygor turned his gaze toward the girls, but they were frightened and huddled around their father, Jyxel however dropped a tear and tried not to cry too much.

Jyxel took a half breath and looked at Silvrygor with a sad look telling him, "but unfortunately he died in the war, I wanted to save him too, but I was not up to the task."

The sisters looked at their father worried by his state of mind, Jyxel looked at Silvrygor with such seriousness that the boy was worried about the answer.

Jyxel asked him, "Silvrygor grant this wish of mine."

He looked at his daughters, smiling, causing them confusion about his gesture. He then crossed his gaze again with the boy.

Jyxel continued his speech from before, telling him, "Protect my daughters, Be their pillar when they feel lonely, afraid, sad. Be like a brother to them, They have their whole life ahead of them. This is my will."The girls felt increasingly tired and sleepy, but before they fell to the ground exhausted from the effects of the floor the daughter with the earring said to him.

"Daddy please I don't want to lose even you."

Jyxel asked the boy : " You are from another world right?" .

The African-American boy laughed embarrassedly and the king smiled with relish, pointed to collars in his daughters' necks and told him through telepathy to destroy them.

Silvrygor concentrated his spiritual energy and directed it toward the collars, turning them to dust and astounding the girls' father.

Jyxel told him an anecdote, "They killed all my people except me and my daughters, also if they were saved they were no longer considered slaves, it was written in the contract but I don't trust it much. You could also destroy these seals on the low abdomen belong to the accounts of Zodaekoz."

He had a very serious look on his face and after taking a breath he continued his speech, "But that kingdom is ruled by a tyrant who is very powerful at the fighting level and I would not want my daughters to have anything to do with it."

The boy became slightly tense and thought to himself, "what am I doing why am I hesitating I don't want to be like in the old world from the Silvrygor wake up."

He gave himself blows on his face and tried to destroy the seals but failed.

Jyxel was in shock and thought about what he feared most of all, "shit these are impossible seals to destroy, if you want you can change them, but it's fucking complex I don't want to."

Silvrygor intruded into the discourse and channeled his power into the seal fragmenting and reinventing them with completely different symbols, ideograms, features, and characters to form a seal of his own.

Jyxel was amazed by the boy's learning and magical ability so much so that serenity enveloped him, freeing him from all worries.

The boy looked at him initiated the teleportation technique and told him, "You are an honest father who has sacrificed much for them, protecting will be an honor sire, good luck during your passage."

Jyxel looked at the ceiling with a smile, "by now what I had to do I have done I have no regrets, now my lady we will finally meet again I regret only one thing and that is not being able to be near my daughters."

The collar activated its timer and a lethal radioactive liquid began to create itself inside the collar, Jyxel looked at the boy and sensed that it was time and slowly vanished along with his daughters, the creature thought back to the life spent with his daughters and smiled with joy even though he knew the one he was going to meet.

Jyxel thought to himself directing his will and part of his spirit into the unconscious of his daughters, "Kysala, Yrilian I know it will be hard since I will be gone, but try to be strong and believe in that boy, one day we will see each other again my daughters for a last goodbye."

the collar activated and he died within seconds from the toxic radiation injected inside his own body, falling with a smile. Now dead he took one last look at the earthly world before gradually fading away.

At that moment Silvrygor felt a gust of wind behind him as he was almost at the border and a luminescent petal landed on his right shoulder, the shape was similar to that of cherry blossoms in his world. A familiar voice came out of it.

Jyxel: "boy I entrust you with my daughters do not disappoint me, head for the Independent Kingdom of Neoxi-Askaliz it is 20 miles west of here."

Silvrygor asked him something that had been troubling him for a while, "do you have connections I can rely on."

Jyxel pondered for a moment trying to come up with a solution, after a while something occurred to him and he told the boy.

"Actually the school principal owes me a favor, we had made a secret contract that if anything ever happened to me, my daughters would come under their care. That's another problem, though."

Silvrygor looked at the puzzled flower, trying to figure out where he was going with this.

Jyxel told him how to proceed, "There would be an entrance test, it is very difficult and you would enter the kingdom's militia, but at least you would have special access to the academy."

Silvrygor sighed and looked at him seriously, "There is a negative part true."

The flower began to disappear, but managed to communicate the last bit to him.

"For those who are not royalty the criteria are very hard, it is not certain that you will be able to pass it, however, you must try, I know you will make it boy, I have faith in you good luck."

He stood next to the girls who were still asleep. However, he noticed that a group of soldiers in the distance were heading toward him.

Leo created a barrier around the girls with a non-speech spell, structuring it in such a way that it had hundreds of layers of defense, with a very high capacity to resist physical and magical attacks.

In an instant he found himself surrounded with swords pointed at his neck, his look, however, was amused and he laughed. This, however, irritated the commander to no small degree as he found himself behind the militia.

He was very physically mighty and was roughly around seven feet tall, his armor contained details that were useful for hand-to-hand combat such as retractable magic blades on his forearms, knuckle throws charged with static electro energy, shoulder straps and anklet were decorated with a ram-like pattern with horned spikes, while the rest of the armor emanated constant streams of energy that leaked out of the slits creating a mini barrier.

Silvrygor suddenly got a blow to his stomach from the enemy commander that sent him flying backward seven meters, causing him to spit blood from his mouth.

The boy looked at him and felt that he ordered his troops something and then turned on the barrier and realized that the target was the girls.