
The Cursed Princess of Oberon

Alysia was a princess born after much difficulty, she was destined to be great but was prophesied to be the end of her loved ones. She was going to kill her father by herself and end her mother's life too, she would also not be able to get a lover for the rest of her life How would Alysia's life be? Will all this prophecy of a curse come to pass?? Will Diana, the beauty goddess, let her life be? Will she be able to avert the curse or let the god of death win? Sit back nd enjoy the play.

Uwa_Igbafe · Fantasía
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45 Chs

Chapter 14

Power training and control with Postinur

Alysia already started her training in a secluded room at the far end of the castle.

It's better to train there to avoid people's suspicions and realization.

It's been two weeks now, Little by little she has learnt how to activate her powers but is still in the phase of controlling it and creating lightning and Thunderstorms. Postinur teaches her about controlling her emotions in terms of her powers and it seems difficult

Postinur: Now, be happy

Alysia: Uh?

Postinur: Be happy. think of something that will bring happiness to you

Alysia: (daydreaming) Duren! (Light starts surfacing from her palms, she lifted her hand up and the light was bleak)

Postinur: Did you really think of your inner happiness? Because, well, if it's your inner happiness, it's too little to be one

Alysia: Hmm

Postinur: I'm just saying

Alysia: What will I think about then?

Postinur: (smirks) Think about the Young and handsome, youthful and strong Postinur!

Alysia: Postinur, we're in a class! This isn't a time for jokes. But, it's not bad to try. Lemme think of all your teasings and everything. (Alysia started thinking of Postinur and herself spending time together right from childhood and started laughing, suddenly a big ball of light appeared in her right palm and as she opened her palm widely, the whole shone with great light)

Postinur: Close your palm. (She closed it) you wanted to blind me just now!

Alysia: You are a ghost. You can't get blind

Postinur: (rolls his eyes) whatever

Now we have seen that with happiness, a ball of white light surfaced in your hands and radiated the room.

Alysia: (writes in a book with a feather and an ink) Noted

Postinur: Now, let's try, sadness

Alysia: Sadness?

Postinur: Yes, think of something that will make you deep sad

Alysia: (Her mind suddenly went to the misunderstanding that happened two weeks ago, between Postinur and herself, and she felt sad, she even went as far as thinking of Postinur leaving and abandoning her. Tears trickled down her checks but these tears weren't ordinary tears, they were tears of little lasers that when the tears came in contact with Postinur's palms who tried to wipe her eyes because he couldn't bear it, burnt him immediately)

Postinur: Ouch! Lasers!!

Alysia: Oh I'm so sorry! But you are a ghost, how come you feel the pain?

Postinur: I don't know, that's shocking.

Alysia: So My tears can hurt ghosts too? That's great!

Meaning, I can just weep tremendously and then slash! They are burnt! (Claps happily)

Postinur: (Shooks his head) No. There aren't two reasons why that isn't possible.

First of all, you can't weep tremendously in a battle, like what will make you cry?!!

Alysia: Oh that's true

Postinur: Yes. And secondly, it can't hurt other spirits or demons because they aren't connected with you, emotionally. I felt the pain because I am emotionally connected with you

Alysia: Oh! (Whispers) You mean because you love me?

Postinur: (Pretends not to hear her) Let's try another emotion (Alysia wanted to say something but kept quiet and concluded that Postinur didn't hear her)

Alysia: What emotion

Postinur: Anger!

Alysia: No, Postinur, I can't

Postinur, Why not?

Alysia:It's because I don't want to hurt you. I don't want what happened with Dad to repeat itself. No!

Postinur: Common Aly, I'm a ghost, I won't feel anything, besides I'm not the one you are angry with. Just feel the emotion of anger

Alysia: What should I think of? I hardly get angry!

Postinur: Think of me being beaten

Alysia: Hahaha. That won't make me angry, it will make me laugh. Imagine your mom beating you when you were little for running around the castle with diapers! (Laughs heartily and light ball shone from her hand and radiated the room)

Postinur: Hey, the light chandeliers here are enough. I don't need more lights!

Alysia: Hahahaha

Postinur: Common, Aly!

Alysia: Fine! (Stops laughing)

Postinur: Now, what will make you angry! Hmm? (Thinks) Yes!

Aly, imagine this. Thanatos came here and slaughtered everyone in this Castle. Took your mom and Dad captive and sucked my soul!

Alysia: (Gets angry) He won't dare!! (Thunderstorms in the company of Lightning struck the chandeliers and they scattered on the floor)

Postinur: Calm down, Aly.(walks up to her and hold her hands) It's just an imagination

Alysia: (calms down) I'm sorry

Postinur: No, it's fine! Apart from breaking these chandeliers to pieces and making everywhere dark. Nothing went wrong. If not for the daylight, we wouldn't be seeing each other now(Smirks)

Hold out your pinkie finger (she responded) Now imagine lights in your fingers (Alysia imagined and a little glow of light appears in her littlest finger) great! Now wave your hands at that wall touch (points to a fire touch hanging in the wall) (Alysia responded and the touch lit like a bulb)

Alysia: It didn't light it up with fire!

Postinur: Fire is my thing. Not yours. But with time, you will be able to use fire like me. Practice makes perfect (ruffles her hair)

Alysia: Alright!

Postinur: So, we have learnt to activate your power with these following emotions, anger, happiness and sadness. And it all went well. Apart from striking me to death, blinding me, lasering me and turning this place to perpetual darkness

Alysia: Postinur! You know none of this happened! Well, except the lasering. But I never turned here to darkness, it's daytime. I can't possibly blind you, you are a ghost. And I definitely didn't strike you

Postinur: You didn't but wanted to. It's just that you failed at aiming by hitting the chandeliers instead.

Alysia: Hahaha. Stop saying rubbish Postinur. (A knock from outside) Come in

King klein: Aly my dear

Alysia: Dad!

King Klein: What's the progress

Alysia: I'm doing great, Daddy. I have learnt three emotions today

Postinur: you didn't tell him the part where you nearly burnt the place

Alysia: Postinur!

Postinur: Ahahahah. Your highness (bows) she's trying, at least she can attach her powers with emotions and imagine things

King Klein: That's great. Keep improving, Dearest

Alysia: Of Course Dad

King Klein: Good girl. (kisses her hair)

Well princess, I came to call you because your mom said it's time for dance practice

Alysia: Seriously, Dad! You would have asked Lydia to come call me!

Kind Klein: What's bad with seeing my princess myself? (Alysia rolls her eyes) Let's get going, your mom will be happy with your progress! (Alysia holds him in his arm and they both left)

Postinur: Seriously? They both forgot me. Such a father and daughter's love. Hmm!! (Disappears)