
The Cursed Melody

The Cursed Melody is a oneshot story where in the heart of a forgotten forest lies the ominous Harmony House, haunted by an ancient curse.

Ctev03 · Ciudad
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1 Chs

1 The Unearthly Composition

Once nestled deep within the heart of a forgotten forest stood an ancient, dilapidated mansion known as "Harmony House." This eerie edifice had long been shrouded in local legends and ghostly tales. The reason for its sinister reputation lay hidden within the very walls of the mansion—a cursed melody.

Generations ago, a gifted musician named Seraphina resided in Harmony House. Her fingers could coax the most hauntingly beautiful music from her violin. The melodies she played were said to stir the deepest emotions in anyone who listened. But Seraphina had a dark secret; she had made a pact with an otherworldly entity for her musical prowess.

As her fame grew, so did her obsession with the eerie, haunting melodies that flowed from her violin. She began composing a piece of music so sinister, so otherworldly, that it could control the minds of those who heard it. She called it the "Curse Melody." Once played, it could bend the will of anyone within earshot, forcing them to carry out Seraphina's darkest desires.

One fateful evening, during a grand masquerade ball she hosted at Harmony House, Seraphina unveiled her masterpiece. The guests, entranced by the haunting tune, were compelled to obey her every command. They danced with lifeless eyes, their bodies moving in unnatural rhythms, as the curse melody took hold.

As the night wore on, the curse grew stronger, driving the guests to madness. Seraphina reveled in the chaos, but her joy turned to horror as she realized she was losing control of the curse. The melody had taken on a life of its own, and its power consumed her, driving her to madness.

In a desperate bid to save herself, Seraphina played a counter-melody, hoping to break the curse. But the two melodies clashed in a cacophony of discordant notes, tearing the very fabric of reality. The mansion itself seemed to come alive, its walls twisting and groaning as if in agony.

In the end, Seraphina and her cursed melody were consumed by the very darkness they had summoned. The mansion, tainted by the malevolent music, became a place of eternal suffering. Those who ventured into Harmony House would hear the faint, haunting strains of the curse melody, beckoning them deeper into the abyss.

To this day, Harmony House stands as a testament to the curse of Seraphina's melody, a place where the line between the living and the dead is blurred, and the haunting strains of the curse melody echo through the ages, luring unsuspecting souls into its grasp, forever bound by its sinister tune.