
Broken Hearts And Shattered Bones

Hunter's POV

The day finally arrived when my engagement was going to be announced at my fiancee's pack our engagement was already announced at my pack a few days ago. I am a little disappointed that it is not my mate I am marrying but what choice did I have? Lycans don't have mates and I have spent a lot of time and effort trying to find her, time was running out so the colour mode for the ball was blue I picked a midnight blue suit which is suitable for the occasion. Arrived just in time with my parents for the occasion my wolf has been restless since our lovely encounter with my feisty lady, After so many minutes the MC finally announced my arrival and suddenly I could not control my wolf he suddenly came forward walked towards a lady and yelled "Mine" so loud that everyone in that room heard him.

Alicia's POV

I back away real slow from the man who just claimed me in front of my pack and I see the most handsome man I have ever seen, he was dressed in a midnight blue suit and it was slim fitted which was well suited for him but his muscles bulged whenever he moved his arms and his scent reminded me of cedar and lavender then my wolf starts howling in my head "Mate mate mate he is here to take care of us and love us" I snapped at her "Kelly shut it now" snapping out of my daze I realize who my mate was

"No it can't be you are a hunter but you are engaged to my sister how why," I say stuttering.

Alpha Howler then spoke up "Right now everyone in my office so we can solve this".

"What is there to discuss me and Blair are not in a relationship of any kind and it's not my fault or my mate's that they are related," hunter said while staring at me.

"No I am not your mate don't call me that ever again, you are with my sister I can't do this," I say trying to hold back tears, my sister finally speaks up

" wow good show so hunter we are not in a relationship of any kind oh my god tell me this is a joke right a funny show before the engagement right, Alicia must you destroy everything after what happened we forgave you despite you not being part of our family we accepted you and your faults and this is how you repay us"

"Wait what mom dad I am not your daughter," I say crying not strong enough to stop the tears anymore. They both look away and my mom breaks down "Alicia dear we didn't mean to tell you like this" my dad tells me. My sister starts smirking and yells at me saying" you would think by now they would have kicked you out by now because you are such a freak can't you see that you have ultramarine hair and emerald green eyes what type of werewolf looks like that I am sick of my family having to deal with the grudges of people who you harmed"

Not wanting to hear anymore I ran out of the room using my speed I ran and ran till my legs gave up on me, I look up and sight a familiar house walking towards it this house still looked the same after so many years, I found this house after my first shift I don't remember much of my first shift the memory is still foggy all I remember is being covered in blood lying by the Luna d'argento washed up in the lake and saw the house north of the lake and went to rest ever since it has been my home away from home. After crying my eyes out I finally succumbed to the darkness but I am awakened by the pungent smell of smoke I step outside to locate where it was coming from and I see dark clouds coming from my pack's direction oh no my family and pack are in danger. I run towards the smoke and see a huge black wolf tearing up Aspen's torso without thinking I shift into my wolf and bite down deep into the wolf's neck and I didn't let go till it went limp threw the wolf's limp body off Aspen body "Aspen can you hear me what is going on"

"Alicia we are under attack thank you for sav....saving me but I don't need it to go save everyone else and your Luna please go now I don't have much time" "Aspen I can't leave now you might die you are our Beta"

" As your Beta, I am commanding you to leave right now," he said using his Beta tone not blinking twice I run towards the ballroom in the pack house to check for any survivors once inside I see nothing but blood and body parts scattered on the floor my heart starts beating fast I sight a gown and quickly shift back into my human form I threw the gown over my naked body and scanned the area for anyone suddenly I am taken back as a voice echoes over in the hall saying

"Alicia davens adopted daughter of Accalia and Rudolfo davens, the biological daughter of Adolpha and king Ernouf hear me now for the crimes committed against my family, I am charging you to death come out now or else your adopted family will pay for your crimes" I am suddenly alarmed as this strange person knew I was adopted and also knew about my real parents wait what punished for my crimes did he know what happened that day oh no mom dad.

"Ummmm please I don't know who you are or what crimes I have committed against your family but please don't hurt mine I will come with you no questions asked," I said with tears rolling down my streaks light flooded the area and a huge muscular man with an evil aura surrounding him is standing on the podium with my parents badly wounded and passed out on the floor and his left hand gripping my sister's neck tightly.

"Don't look at me with that face you look less pretty?" the strange man said,

"what face are you referring to?" I say trying to suppress my anger towards the maniac

" The you want to rip me limb from limb and feed my insides to the wild animals in the forest face," he says with a sly grin, "I think that is still human of me to treat you like that you can't begin to comprehend the things I want to do to you as soon as I am out of this mess," I say smirking

"you have a lot of gut smirking in this situation" he was suddenly cut off as two wolves smashed through the window one rushed towards the strange man while the other rushes towards my parents seeing this I ran towards the wolf and punched it right in the jaw he used his claw to scrape my right cheek I don't avoid the attack as this gave me the chance to use my hands to put him in a neck hold when I notice he was limp I left him to check my family but I only see a huge black wolf sitting close to my sister who was rubbing her temple but I don't see my parents anywhere then wolf spoke up "Mate I am Lucas hunter's wolf what is your name"

"Alicia where are my parents and why am I talking to you and not hunter," I asked

"Alicia what a beautiful name for my beautiful mate I am sorry I took control but I wanted to speak to you but Hunter is fighting for control" he growled seeing his gold irises turn back to a normal Prussian blue I knew hunter had taken back control

" Alicia I am sorry they distracted us and they took your parents I could only save Blair," he said lowly I knew he was disappointed that he had failed me but I was more concerned with the maniac who had it out for me "This is all your fault mom and dad got kidnapped because of a psychopath who has it out for you I knew you were a danger to our family and the pack everyone right now is either dead or badly injured," Blair said while practically yelling " Blair I am sorry for all this but I don't know how all of this is my fault," I say still dazed she doesn't reply me just runs out of ballroom I try to go after her but hunter stops me saying "leave her alone for now she needs time to process all of this madness"