
The Cursed Invasion: Return of Destruction

Primary World: Dxd I have travelled the Multiverse slaughtering everything that stood In my way, the time has come to find a Hub world, one to establish my Pantheon of Gods on, I have settled for a world with Gods, Demons and Devils, it is time they learned how small they really are.

The_Redeemer · Cómic
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Initial Invasion: The portals of Lucifaad

Three months ago, three strange portals opened up around the capital of the Devil council, they were sealed and researched, and the magic used was unseen and unknown to those who looked at it. It was simple but complex, enough to drive even the smartest of Devils mad, in truth these portals were created by a divine God from another world, his one desire was to create a home for his Pantheon, one where he could set up his continued conquest of the Multiverse.

Another three months passed and interest in the portals began to fade to all but the most driven of scientists, one of the new four Satan's vowed to find out where the portals went and against the better judgement of his peers, he walked through the portal and as he did all three slammed shut, having achieved their goal.

<Ajuka Beelzebub's Pov>

As I walk to the other side of the portal, my nose is assaulted by the smell of death, I can see why, the town around me is filled with corpses. As I approach the centre of the town, a small child is sitting there waiting for me, blood is dripping from the corner of her mouth, a human arm in her hand.

The Girl tilts her head cutely as she drops the arm, looking up at me she smiles, "We have been waiting for you Devil, you made my Father wait, that wasn't a good idea, he has made stronger armies in the time you took to walk through the portal, this world has been fully conquered and its people assimilated or destroyed."

Assimilated? Her Father, I need to get back, need to warn the Devils.


As I turn with my back to the girl, I find myself face down in the dirt, "You can't escape now mister Devil, Daddy has questions for you, he doesn't like it when you make him wait. The portal is closed, they will not be coming to help you. Luckily the time difference between the two-dimension means you will be gone for a day at most, aren't you lucky?"

My demonic power surges as I go to force myself away from the Girl, her pink pigtails sway slightly as she tilts her head at me, "Are you this weak? Father will take the underworld easily then, I don't know why he raised the horde to a higher level, he even got a new dragon for this, is he ok? Caution is good but I can kill you, devils, if you are among the top 4."

She sighs before saying "Oh well, night, night mister Devil"

The last thing I feel is pain running rampant through my head as the world fades to black.

<3rd person Pov>

The young girl skipped towards the castle in the distance, the aura of death grew stronger as she approached, the aura washing over her, causing her to smile. She made sure the body she was dragging back it as many bumps in the road as possible, the Girl understood that this man was going to be her enemy soon, an agent against her in her grand scheme, she wanted to go to school!

She wanted to have friends her own age, her dad had promised her siblings soon but she couldn't wait, she wanted to play so badly.

Dragging the devil into the throne room, she shouts" Daddy I'm home!"

A figure covered in shadows stands up from his skeleton throne, he smiles at the woman to his side, his queen before walking down the stairs, kneeling down, he gently kisses the girl on her forehead, "Welcome home sweetie, have you brought the devil back for daddy to play with?"

The girl nods her head before slamming the devil on the floor, his bones creak under the pressure causing her father to laugh before he pull a small bag off of his belt, "Here's your payment little miss, sweets of the highest standard, now go and play with Auntie Morrigan, your Mother and I need to work for a little while, afterwards we will have a tea party if that's ok with you princess?"

The young girl eagerly nods her head before grabbing the sweets and running towards a tower filled with magic...

<30 Minutes later>

The being covered in shadows sighed, "What's wrong my love?"

His Queen asked, "We are a lot further back in the timeline than I originally thought, the Devil civil war has just ended, they are extremely weak right now which will make the conquest boring. However the war will end quicker and we can set everything up quicker."

The being looks up at the roof beofre shouting "Talion, Leliana, report."

The woman named Leliana, appeared from the being's shadows, walking from behind the throne, she knelt beofre her king, Talion pushed open the doors to the throne room, two swords hanging from his back, covered in blood, he knelt too.

"Leliana I want your agents to infiltrate the Devil underworld, we invade in two days, I want a basic spy network set up before troops entire the area, is that understood?"

Leliana nodded her head, "It will be done my lord."

"Talion, take this list, every name on it needs to die before we invade, take their heads and return them here, they are all influential and their deaths will create power vacuums we can use to destroy the enemy."

The ranger turned Death Knight nodded his head as he went to leave the being spoke once more "Talion complete this task and I will return to what you desire most, your family will be waiting for your return."

For a second the neutral smile on the knights face faded, a small smirk appeared, replaced as quickly as it came with a neutral smile once more.

"Now Satan, we need to have a talk."


With a click of the Being's fingers, Two shadow monstrosities grabbed the passed out Satan, dragging him as they followed their master...